The Canadian Champion, Frday, Auguxi 23, 2002-31 510 slê 51o Wnted Help Wanttpd Klp W0bted F Lnklii ora spacr l'n rmdl (Fas6iit 1=0091 ~iEx-r6 urd fi tr . ,rrà.fg. . i. OPPFOR:TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT 05 6 1 084 1 We are currently hirng for al positions in ail clubs. Membership Sales Associates Personal Trainers Service Associates L Group Exercise Instructors ChiId Minding Associates Begin your new, promnising career with us! E-mail resumes to careers@goodlifefitness.conl or fax to (519) 434-6701 t (Please quote the position you are applying for in the subject line) Tlank you to ail applivants. however only ihose required foiran interview wili be contacted î e trus n-grty p kati-d 7FULL IME POSITON AVAI ABLE. Reqgirrîd ix cat[ onvomene Opi vtr v Soaiseix trOu vEn y xvlpvosi Salarî, car a1 amancev benelt Exrience Oxpu t nvet ee ary VWe wil taiv Reply i[ riîaNet esame t MCOONALD SALES & MERCHANDISING Fan 905-655-8559 e-mail: So Place Your Ad Today! Cali 905-875-3300 or drop by at 191 Main Street! Monday to Friday 9 amn- 5 prn 0OWl!o0ochalet Now hirng for our busy season COOKS -msi Fixe xpeience & a gxxd aitulde & lxxktng te mxxxop in 1e txdostîy Excelles! benetirs package and sages. Please apply in persan a 1011 Upper Middle Rnad LOCATION ONLY No phone cais piease Dynamic, exciting, cammitted tal uncompramisiflg custamer service... \NeIe cîeating a new MAPLEVIEW STORE aid we need top-notcii pexple ix Felp xi. Currently we are leoking for part-time Associates in these areas: " Sales Assaciates e Seamstess " Merchandise Presentation a Lagistics Yoin x reiptîlfu, firexiiyeeîgetrc & haxe a histîiy xi pîxxrdrxg excellence in cstomer serce Se oixi a oood compensation and enefiti package and a chance tx work wth a succensfal & progressive itait teann. lnterestdpieaueapplY In persn ta elther locations: MapIOVle Mail- 900 Mapte Ae in Balîngen. Tht Humas resouîces Department Iscated na Catalogue on th upper lexel Applications accepted between lm aad 4pm Aug 26 - 30, 2002 Sears Canada toc. jo an eqsat opportoxity employer THE AQUARIUM PLACE AND PET STORE i9 now acceptilig resumes for FIT & P/T positions- Please apply ta: 678 Guelph 118e, 905-637-0111 7QUALITY eks dpeîaabxe trlechax ,ca aN iy& fr as 'g leu Fx.epxiteii 1titrl Fax 905 815-4129 NOW HIRING Mature Manager Permanent Fuli-Time Dayx Pari-Time Dayx 41 akxîhxîx Rd W V APPt YxiN PFRSON Turtin Jack's Grill Housu NOW HIRING! 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F/T Licensed HAIRTYLITS: GAS FITTER MiÈon & Waterdowîî v iýrîx r.vr,îrý( *Top i ay ocaianixed *Ori ri niuttî Saîtitxjàv $0 25/liii Fax ivixoixIf. -c rxr i& îvrs 905-319-0488, 1Fax pace tov :iik afin Chrstirne tackage . ,t vkuirti ra ctactjv * aa ticessxtexs MECHANICS *Adxîcedspda.xg REQUIREO *lEgspmeni pîostnd ryielaiclbck *Nv vieniele requirixd Ar ncir aal ac eF T & PIois rsîvs îîdarationi MkixIrai1K t l 'rî-,c itx Cou 905-308-161'18 iExcentrie bn 18 faiit gx R Ocrtc( Halton Lift Truck Inc $15 Oakvtlrv, ON LFJ 2X7 Skilledlop Fax 905849 355 SERVICE ADVISOR HALTON HONDA OF BURLINOTON 2300 Fairrxew Si. Bxringiox. ON L7R 2E4 Fax 905-681-0098 se rvice i(P haiion honda. vom Production Coordinator e FIT [ii xvi r i , 11, P[ rar i ci xM a r qp w I ni fi sj ! 1 tanjacicril Knmhiv t, vt Mu1iýàran 'i ,ï i t a' ,rr1 a 10ýr-strtrat jrii.!ard rit 1 ligit ),i.'l 'a Ur S Asseombly Technicians a FIT O cxi tic. (uivirit& ti tli iWr cr n t g i SIv arrrrg conit iat irrtg raw' ig ý& turtatic Preiexpiipercx csentrai Favîliraiywiîî ani 50 î-ttîrxg aa i rtrm iraitci1seiti xducratiovtarîd pxxrxrir fejpwlrixei itittciria Send caver letter & resume 1a: BHC CABLE ASSEMBLIES INC. a Fax: 905-634-4814 Oîiy canrddavs chiornitrvaievrw eil bx caxiacitd.Aisxirrity xnoyirrrrcafit EXTRA... EXTRA... CLASSIFIED VALUE 1 BATCHER / DISPATCHER Regui vd tioradî mixed cîxcîvix plats Ini vi GTAiA txhci vbackground. computer knvwixdgv, gond cx m vcal inse ls an ria pivîixei nvce i teraxi v ixed cîxcîxie rrdrrlîîare the iviarre- mxxii toi 1Fris pisiior ipplicaois siraxia appix tr coofidence xxno leîr ai AxOxîl30, 2002> lv t Ato. Jef Green PO. Box 160, Stn. Main, 112 Guelph St., Gorgetown, ON L7G 4Y5 Fax: 905-873-1886 Lfieviari ar Eqoal Opyîvlîrrriy Emtyloyver VOit Companyx as a 25 îeaî r sixcelec atd rmanufactares cotnsumer pastirc pîoxcis cn a rîxw plant, i WliIFe addition xi tew siftstfilix rorxdalvtelvtreie Machine Operators Production Workers ldvai candidaes w/t ihave ai lviii ihîee îeaîî ex- pvrience weriktg in a team baîed maxxiaclxrog - envvrîumeot, pîeieîabrî anC îomne expoîure 10 plastics. Sempetrîîvewaigen and profit oharng pîlentiîl, Reîpoed in compiete confidence to, -AmhiliEnterprses Imc. E-marI nkxno@amhil,çm ernFin 905-332-7614 5"1 v-f 525 O-fS m OFFICE ADMIN Duties include7 A/P AIF, Must ve meit crgrarizedself rnvtvai 2 years espenience. C.M.MORRIS DESIGN LTD. Fax: 878-0451 e-mnail: jnfo@cmmnr!o-rris.comn ( 1 s'l'(C ilE-R SIE-R VI C REI'RESEN'I'VI Fi E f oirii,' I)rirrhi'îii oi,iin ail rautgingi teirrus xericr' pri' cric,! hut ai eýiI Muq te hîx' diioIanuir,,ltii îak ad poe-ný i i eia iKli lhd ii kIi ii.r sAilr rhi-,! r on ,ýl) rc. F-,: t905)i 878-2299 WORD PROCESSOR NEEOED! FULL TIME POSITION A sirîrprrxîrrai t vxîtarry iv akaix ý iexa yvxr xxxpritsxr ri m tvktrrg ltîarrtrirgtc rlvdttai wtlir exellvnt Mcivsot Oficr 2000 skitî wrî xrrîvys i cüiratitrlx tofa vr as-patn ea iti vrirxrrlxtîiîtîtrturrtvttrdpdx rii vay txlt Pixaspxsvxrrcicrrn r îtrI v[i itiuc Recruiting, Ref #SMP 406 North Service Road E, #300 Oaleviile, ON L6H 5R2 fr'i r i ri(r, ai E-iiviott' - dr' irartk r vx' , c r li iitx'ir fr't1îY tr iti v r'tvt ixt i wt tc ttî i No phone catis or taxes please. Wika Instruments Mt. Oakville rettlie av Administrative Clerk Io vanile A/P AiRRecepttxv back îp & other office itf e as regîirevi Please fax resmne, 905-337-2716 Client Coordinator / Ad Agency OAKVILLE. WxIiravx aontvuîtxditi pering for a clieticvxrdrxatir Tvamusi e av excellent coîtmîntvaiore weII organtxed. deadline rrented and abie li woîk intndxdxti as wetl as vn a ieam Siîong projeci management and prvbiem sîfvrîx arx sseniai Mst Ny coirpier prvtcetvi n Wrîd- vus (Word/ ExciRecepîron dutres are îxq tedý Wxaid sait someone wth 35 years expeirence in an agexcy, maiiro r sales envtîvimeni. Fax resîmx and saiary expecairos iv i905-855-9444, or E-Mail lu brianm@karstan cern sz Offt olp BATTLEFIELD Equipment Rentais (aa dvis i f Tromont Industries Ltd.t xoniev aaasrFi pt1ii ar'g er irîlr pfgrari Fax vtu , v H v rir Rettcr Battiet eld Equipment Rentais 15 Sipe r Avernue East Miisrr ON I AT i3U Fax: 905-878-5750 crriaia/r a irrxi ' tC Err)ovrorricol" No phone Ca"1s Please tirî - 'vt'vtrt aic) apiu itr vt t 'r i rflv Pv (tdfoii vw ,xarrl '(?ttitWà1o Wliat'(, ,bluck 8 wbit( arL(1 rena l 1over Vour ad ix C i 5-753p0toa on lc yoar vasttrea ad' Or fax sai 905-876-2364 530 530 S"lesHsp S"ts.tbmI j INSIDE SALES Burlington Post ,Nito id Coi iii\Nc\-np- P, t ilicýss r 905-632-9162t Join Ontarios larges! Telus Dealer team & the fastest growing industry today. We require B2B sales reps & Fuil-Time Retail staff. Salary, benefits & perks galore. Pieuse drap resume at our Telus Store 415 Fairview St. emili Sales Help Ads are continued on the next page! *0 Attention Classified Customers 1 * Due to the upcoming * Labour Day Holiday on Monda y, September 2, 2002 the deadline for our *Tuesday, etember 3th pap iFridav, ului 3th