The Canadian Champion, Frday, Augusi 23, 2002-27 -Jr.n Mystics fail short at the provincial finals «/Sink or swim? Miltonian Jeff Thomas spent equal time sinking shots and try- ing ta stay dry during the Junior Wilson Tours Iatest event at Indian Wells Golf Club in Oakville Monday. The i 8-year- old made three birdies and over- aIl delivered a 77-stroke per- formance on the rainy day to f in- ish sixth, which was good enough to maintain his top-five standing in the series points race. Photos by RON KUZYK [lie Junior MystiiCS 00gCo i SerOugIt It0; 1 provincial medai lasi ss ekend in ibat ibey could practically taste it. H-ossever, in the end tbcy lmd tb ssallow a bitter pi of' defeat iin a crucial second- roiund clash with Nepean Saturday afier- 0000 -wbicb if wo0., wouid bave meani entry to the medal round. Milton came wtbin tbree outs of takîng ibis al important sbowdowîi, surrendering îbree late runs on a pair tif' errors and f'atiing 4-2. Cate Kennedy worked a erîmplete game and pitcbed well in the lins -scorîng affaîr -holding tbe oppositioîn to jusi Oive bits until the seventb-inning reveisal of fortune -wbiie dniving inlber ieamis runs were Shannon MacKeîî,îe and Alica Taylor. Tvsso bours 11-igainsi Byron, Milton was ci îinated firom tbe double knockout toulanîiî.iii h a scol iit iii i . An iiai ted liîeling errorirn the ibird was the difier- ence in tbis one. Tira Elkîc casbed ina Lori Kostur for the lone run. Katie MacKrory and Lndsey Harrold combined for a rock-sîîlid pitcbîng performance. These losses f ollowed a 6-4 triumph over host Townsend Saturday rnoming. Laura Anne Sheeban's 4-for-4 clinic led the way. white aiso standing oui witb tbree bits in four ai-bats and tbree RB] was Etkie. Overail lasi weekend, Sheebian went 7- fîîr-tti and was named outstanding batter f'or the tournent wbile Elkie was anotb- er standout witb a 6-fiar- i1t effort. Harroid and MacKrory collectiveiy gave up nine bits agaînst Townsend. Miltto wound up finisbing lUfth ai the 10lteani proavincial shossease. Locals shine at Founder's Kaeceir Sherrilitfani,, Ot )1A chlitpirit Sparti \\'aîrirîrs ufel s ci erl ar . riîiatrfng stittI 20 M III otincr 'ri Cp plaiy Vedresdas. l'le l noer ias er ici, taiiired 15 re aird addef founr asststs tiS ain 1-4 troui ot Saskaiciîcssan Wedii,tîed\ tre ai Johfnt Trurîcli Sports Centre. Ts tioIIrîs cd a 17-6 p~asiirg tf' No\ a Scotia carîrer in the day ai Georgeto\ssits Gordoin Atenîti Arena. Sberriff lîhad a goal arnd an assistinthe ibfrsi round. Uiîdef'eaied ai press lime yesierclay. the Warriors are one of' tbe gold nuedai f l s irisitthe 010e-ieam 1-uunder . t np. \tashil.M i tinian J ason Fouid looks tr hasve a legitirnate sU rt ai capiuring antorer ntitonal miedai -ilter hi s Halion FMi li tiirrgos knocked roff Ci 1r~ 2-7 Vednesda\ rîîgbt ai Alcoit. l'lie assistant capiain rîffered hi s usuai guts\ play andi drew an assisi ro -,et Ille t otind(er s, Cup bosts oiff to a solid stant. Roîund robin gaines continue today wbiie îbe semnifinais arc siated for Saturday at 4 and 8 p.m. ai Alcott Arena. The gold-medai sbossdown is set for 6 p.rn. Sunday ai Alcott. PU Mi*lton Minor BasebaiAsoiation budgeting. We would lîki. 1<) thank both Steve's for aIl their MnMfl Annual GenirriIMeetin2 urne and efforts to the organizattola.I We are having our Annual General Meeting Saturday. October 5th. 2002 at the upstairs meeting roorn ai Lobiaws ai 9:00 ar. Please take this opportunity to corne out and join the 2003 board. We are always looking for volunteers. The rnore volunteers the srnoother the organization runs. Frorn October thru April. we meet once a montb I0 gel thiîîgs roiling for the upcoming season. Once we are into May, we meet twice a month. If you had concerns or problems this pasi season corne to the meetingi to air your thougbts and let us know what we cao irnprove for the upcorning season. If you have any questions please cati the MMBA hotline ai 905-976-2288. Note from the NMBA Bard We. the exîsting board would like to tbank ail the coaches, sponsors, parents and especially the youth for ibis past sca- soli. We realize that things didn'î go a srnootli as they have in the past but we tink considering the nurnber of board men- bers we did anl okay job. We realize that you cao neyer sat- isfy cveryone but we tried our very best. We wouid like to tbank Alan Milter for tbe great job he has donc the past two years convening TBALL. Alan is rnoving out of the area and tberefore cannot continue to oversee T-BALL. We tried. but be said tbe distance was a bit far. Steve Wagernann bas rnentioned tbat bie witi be rturning as a resource person next ycar. Steve bas run tbe Rookie Bal Tournarnent for rnany years and tbey bave been very enjoy- able for ail îbose participating. He bas said tbat be wilbeip run tbe tournarnent next year. Steve Welwood bas mentioned tbat be rnay not be return- ing ncxt year. We hope we cao gel birn to return since be is a wealtî of information wben it cornes to scbeduting and As you cao sec there arc miany opportunities available on tbe board l'or next year. Positions tbai wc reaily necd to bave volunteers for are tbe Unmpire in Chief and Convenors; for tbe varîous leveis. Witbout votunteers giving sorne of tbeir tine to set up var- ous tasks wc catînot bave a successful season. We know that evcryonc bias jobs and other coitrncints but if- you don't gîve somne ot your fne, then wc cannot do a great job. Rernember i s for the youtb ot the cornmunity and wc ss vant tbcmn to bavec a l'un timie and icaro sornctbing as weli. Again. tbanks bo ail the volunteers nd tbanks to ail invols cd for your patience. NIMBA Rep Manqiers/Coaches l'or the 2003 Season Miltoit Minior Raseball i s noss recruiîing managers and coaches for- the 2003 scasoli. Currently positions are avait- able at ail leveis including Rookie Bal. Mosquito, PeeWee, Bantan and Midget. A support system is available to those interested in apply- ing including obtaining coaching certification and adminis- tcring the teams. Any questions may be anis\wcrcd by JefI' Harper at 905- 467-5358. Cut off date is Tbursday, Septenîber 5. 2002 as tryouts will be beld in September 2002. Pîcase drop off application to: Jef Harper ,I- 608 Lyons Court Milton, Ontario 905-876-3356 or MMBA P.O. Box 221 .~~ Milton, Ontario 3 1905-876-2288 - T-Bail Championsbip Day Brian 's Auto il Merior 13 PDG Jonathan Prohe Hayden Morrroon Home Crcema 15 Shoppers Drap Mari 15 PDG Samuel Robson Chad Green Watllace Wheel ors 12 Mertor 15 PDG Dawson Rrmi Josft Prtor ElLES Runnîcg ilsi Graham Rae-Huni, 2nd Broc Tracey, 3rd Naihan Robi nson Bating 1lot Taylor Roberts, 2nd Aaron Teague, 3rd Robert Maning Throwicg: loi Dawson Rimi. 2nd Maihew Lace, 3rtl Haydec Morrraon COACHES WVAFILE BAU. COMPEflhlOIU Wîcner: Patick Daggan CHANMtSI Karmax- Champion, Austen Noble -Fnalis Most Sporlsmanlfke Player: James Trner- Karmax, Ben Luc - Creative Memorials, Benjamin Brecoan - Austen Noble Huge apology to the Creatîve Memortal coches, playero and parents. It appears there were communication problems wth the game for Saturday jr as gond ta see corne of' you at the sktis competttton. Milon Kicomen- Champion, Mltoc Optîmisi - Fîcaîrsi Most Sporsmanlike Player: Mike Marshall - Mlton Optimiot, Jeffrey Eves- Tomot Decial Grcap, Dyac Wels - Hcnt Chrysier, Kevio Mock - Mlon Krcomec Key Cectres- Champion, Team Cacadtac Ttre - Final tais Most Sportsmantfke Player: Ryan Stevens - Liletyles, Ryac Shocera - Key Centre, Jaso Brooks - Team Cacadian Tire eut- No hoase feague teami Iis year. Kights of Colambus - Champton, Milton Chrytier Vtpero Ficaltîts Most Sporismanlike Player: Rob Bennett - Kigfts of Columbas, Bec Jenkins - Milaon Chrycler Vipero, Damien Hupe - Milton Transmission 1- 1 , lmmm"ý 1 ........... i 1