'I The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 23, 2002-25 s IO (f hether x ou need incorne nrow or are planning for future goals, we Cali help you enhance vour return and meet vour irvesment goals. 310 MU tgN m MAIN 909.818@1074 STRET OP MILTON JIU-IT-SU J*03231N0 MWM M USINFOR MIOVE28 YEARS mU NAfIAL ARAtTAli T AIL joint Lodmcku&Clmwl Tociml. CLASSES FOR THE WHOLE FAMLY Adulte i&.Chme * m *i fn nu STARU N l SPIDBM KJranstz 4cadùr ai MYa Wt à aw* liBm"m M ai m l Mu aM l dmU mi1 Calil:805@632*8475 GIC RATES I Yr 2.9% 2Yr 3.45% 3Yr 3.9% For forther information. please cai: DIANA BRISTOW tnvestment Advsor (905)854-4540 GIC minimum deposit- $10000- annual interest BM()0 NesbitiBurns (ýKelly Sehool of Irsh Dancing World, North American and Canadian Champion Dancers Competitive & Non-competitive Irish Dancing Classes for ALL AGES! INSTRUCTORS: Eleanor Kelly- T.C.R.G. & A.D.C.R.G. Orna Kelly -TC.R.C. & E.CE. Aidait Kelly - Assoctate Teacher TO REGISTER: Cail (905) 814-6646 or Email Orlatkelly@hotmail.com J t 174 For REGI STRATION/ Information -4 ILIKE A FISH JT 0F WATEIR? New in town'? Get acquainted with Milton and ail it has to offer by ordering a subscription to eMil( "danabanelWmpo Where To Shop! Where To Dine! Community News! Professional Services! ..And more! Only $49.00 per year Phone 878-2341 or mail cheque or money order to P.O. Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 MiurON COMMvNnrY SCHooL AGE1rA No ms Baby-sitters' Training Course (11+ years) Course is certitied by the Canada Satety Council. Home Alone (9+ years) Designed to prepare a çhild to be able ta stay home alone. Peewee Streetproofing (6 to 9 years) Join us and learn how ta "Stay Alert, Stay Safe". Beat The BulIy (6 to 10 years) Learn ta be assertive and stick up tor yourselt. Girls Nite Out (6 to 10 years) Enjoy a night out with your riends and make new ones. Youth Dances (Grades 5 to 8) Dances are one Friday night a month at the Leisure Centre. March Break Camp (6 to Il years) Swimming, skating, games. crats and Famous Players. Cail 905-876-1244. ext. 18 to register. Visit our web-site at www.mcrc.on.ca f y k- 7ý L s "' ' sim,