Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Aug 2002, p. 18

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Mackenzie says funding formula has nothin(y to do with £Pdic"thu ~~Iii * from STUDY on page 4 hoards n Ontario," Mr. Bireti said, Ii (Halion's $65 net gain> was; nol a ss indial hbecause use were told (by the minîsiry> ushere it had iu hc applied. IIwas used nstly hy Caihulic huards iu piovîde addi- ijunal stalfl l make sure sue met the mandaied (average) classsie Mr. Bireti said Caibulic hoards, are iii the same dire straîts as their public cuunierparis nn Ontario when il contes 1<o siaiing ihey're underfunded n specîl ics areas like special edtîCatiin and transporta- tion. Like the publie huard. Halion's Caihulic huard had prJecied a $4 milliun spending uverrun luor 2()2- 113, but made the cuis lu hring n a balanced budget. S5ill. Mr. Biretit heieesMr. M'ackenzie'sus eiall îiumerical research is acetirate. lI ihink it usas a very thuîîîugh analysis of'l ile f unding ihai bas heen taken oui of educai ion. lu iblai sense bis ssiîrk ii a sersvice lu sehool huards in Ontaro." Mr. Mackenzie, director of research ai the lUnited Sîeelworkers of Amnerica, said be madle a f unda- mental change lu buw 6e canme Up with bis clsi acfJusted per student dollar figures for each sebool huard. "Tbis s flic second year we's e dune ibis.'Vhe lîrsitfinie (2(g)] ) use dîtf gel sîîîne comment. She lîben Education Minister Janet Ecker) satul ne sbouldn'i have used 16e 20011 Consumer Prîce Index (CPI>.,* Mr. Mackenzie said in retrîîspect lie agieed n 16 Ille citic ism as fle C'PI measures only changes in flic pi ces of' guuds and services n hile ahotut 82 per cettotf- sehuol huard ex penditures are on salaries and n ages. Su. l'or 1he cîutelt CCPA report, Mi. Mackenzie usewd Staiisiics Canada data onîîasverage n eekfy salailes and n ýages iii measuie emnpfuyieni cilsi «lmpactis. Mr. Mackenz'ie liad hîs oun n icrt- îcîsm otif lite gusenmeni's funditig formula. "The tundiîig formula bas, nuîth îng îu do ii îî educatîtîn hecause iliere aie nit educationaf prlnc ipies in ilý" 6e said. Tu viesu the tfuIfreport s isit CCPA's Web site ai n,ýww.policyaf- lematîs Mow your way to heaithier lawn Th e secret iii a heafihy fasvn su it necessarily ho% n much fOi yîîîî ni! t accoirdiîi i. I lafttiionRegiîn. In lad. ftiwsu VOîIit Umcîtulif Iinake a hîgtîîfrec 'lie folinîts îg are sîlîne lips iii keep yuîîîr Ian n beialihvnbile ciii ting dtîtînn il e amlunit of* n alel ytlu (Ise: - Mon y hîtr fan 'n Ioiaa eiglit tf h tut 8 cmi. Tbis n il encoturage loînger rouis andf shade t6e soif. recfucitng mîlîsture fuss. - Loînger grass n wIf afsti choke ouît neecîs. *Keep lte hlades uof s uniiine shrp HLuIiIblaRces teat l legrs rallier ifian ciii il ant imake il s ulf rierable iii disease. * Aller the cdirecction each lime oui cul lItegrs *As îîd cîîîîîng tfie grass n lien il s Ssci. - I eas'e your grass cf ippîn iiio the fan ,\n aller votise mîîwed. - Grass cfîppîngs sîîppfy s aftable nitrilgen bac.k ntl the suif. and silice ihey are 811 Ioi901 per cett n ýatel. îhey hefp Ioirecluce lte amounitiof 55ater s unr fassn requiires. *Leas ing grass c fîppîngu on vut Lms n %ss Ifl iii cause tfîatch - Yîîur fassi shittiff iily require 2.5 cnt tif n ater per\n eek. LUse an eîrpiy tulle can tir a rain gauge iii tieasure. Foîr mitre n ater efficîency lips ini the garden andi ariiund the hîtuse. ctontact Hafîcîn Region Iu receive the f ree Househuld Guide lu Water Efficiency ai (90)5) 825-6(100. TWO $1000 GAMES PERSONAL DINGO VERIFIERS SPECIAL EVENT DAYS AIR CONDITIONED qesuilef P,,,?jaCI<POls Sessions are *pr~1ogressive came Mon - Sun lpm *sbuttpif BoarsI' Thurs - Sun 10 pmn Sunday Matinee lpm iI ;' suIper PROCEFOS TO: MILTON BINGO CHARITIES ASSOCIATION 8750 Hwy 25 North (, mile N of 401) 905-875-2255 Collee or LIII~~when YOD visit Dingo Country.* Vald e aHsesios. necoupon per vsl Coupon expires August 31/02

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