lo-The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 23, 2002 Model Ann-Marie shows the lat- est in college wear with denlm jeans with ide split, embroidery and ties. She's also wearlng a cowl neck, ribbed sweater and suede motal buckle boIt. The fashions are new bohemian dream and feminine fok styles from the fail 2002 collec- tion at Suzy Shier, whlch s located at Mifton Mail. Daoly 6.45 & 9. ~ .200 p.m.WdS &S 20pm <Pot recommended fo cilren I-etreParking Aoaleqa Rear PAINS CAN BE STOPPE» RIGHT AWAY? As wu tcnwlicting tthhe bdy cre Ancf is hutter and salr than an\!niAnt incoical rmthcd TAhecdvcincdl is as ron an înhal.nced bAnAsctcrn. 5 i.ng3n ittcmntc .ýThccrn tccpi.sct ie încec',1 ûmcol lng and îcgutting tAh.ecc cixeUthehui.cnacihdc to, thomndc o cc.crc The most powerfol method of con- troiling Yin Yang MEemnents o the body is FEA. (Fine Elemento & Energy acupuncture). Thi procucduru ,tiiiii lea .conibntion ootpeciîal ccro.c pîtoiictn nth in the hdand ca n onlchcpb lcrt.ormed hccàhoothlccsto rinciot pciclit. TAchis i t it fcct mc Toicttîod of naturatin tcting il nýcsn d ra finiiiont ood beiicttl Any kind of pain and ilinesses cao ho stopped or greatly mprvdwti 'd e cond! Shouder Arms & Legs BACK PAIN? lAS )opansad ilneti Cao ho topped or greatiy omprooed wiio seconds! Hard te believe? bt to prove, lt treatinent is free! .EA. Spofait Dr. Ac. James Kim 905-702-8388 74 Miii St., #202, Georgetow Please be advised that the Chevrolet tldsmobile ad featurinq the Chevy Avalanche included incorrect pricing information. The correct Lease Rate is 4.4%/36 mo. The Driveaway Lease offer is $663/mo and the correct Smarttease clown payment s $4550. The correct option to purchase at lease end is $26343. Ae apo/ogtze for any tnconvenh ence rois May have caused Phts~Peasant, bohemin look is in by GRAHAM PAINE By FANNIE SUNSMINE The Champion Parents, get your credit cards out. Its time for back-to-sehool shopping. MiltruruFâiefIUhtersClub Saturday, August 24 9:00 a.m. Central Station on Steeles Ave. Proceeds ralsed by the club contribute ta various local charîties and events throughout the year. BLINDS SHUTTIERS DRAPERIES *V-ekt1i& v .ti-o *F.-e m1.ne S'cei ~ I .2- W..diAt-enl indj.-"oPSI .*Blind Cleanng 0 *R.p.irs & 9 lti.i Fax Us Your Measurements (905) 336-1097 I Ul a I *l AK\IL Since mid-summer. mnost ciothing stores have heen busy gearing up tor the stant of schooi. And now tint i's just around the corner, sales have realiy stanted to pick Up. "The entire store is ott sale this week and nesi." said John Schiestel. manager of SponiChek. "T his is also the kick-oll 10 hockey season, so hetween that and hack- to-school sales. mcccý' been has ing a great sxeek." Foot\uscar, ciothing and hackpacks have been big sellers. he contonued. adding win- ter cotais are alsot starting 10 sei quickly. "A lew years ago yen w(tuldnt see fal and winîer clotîhtng n the stores until Octoher. People arent w aiting iii rnid- winter thuy warner clothong. They're shopping carlier."' Ail itenms tn the stoîre will be ai least 10) per cent eff' unti mid-Sepiember. Mr. Schiestel said. "We's'e heen preparing l'or thjs since JuîS aller Fathers Day. Lasi week sie tealiy noticed sales had picked top. especoaily dur- ing the sseekdays. This is our fitrst hack-ton- schooi sale in Milton and ssýe'\,e realîs heen lotking lcrward to t." Besides athlc..ic nsetr. SportChek also has tnen's and ladies' casuai usear sections and will hrnging in a denim collection in the near futître, he addeel. Scott Weor. imanager of Zellers, said the hack-to-school sales have heen great thos year. "its heen really tahulous. People have been comîng in on a regular hasts Io huy cbjîdrens clothing. tootwear. siaiionary supplies and appliances for unîversily." H-e expeets sales to really pick up within the nexi lew weeks. he added. "Our fait and winter clothing are arriving now. 1 think people wiil stili shop once their kids are aiready in sehool so they can see what else their kids would need." Zellers is now equipped with staff on the sales floor dedicaied 10 provide assistance for customers, Mr. Weir said, Its new 10 ihe company. Now the staff Eu Models Jessica (left) and Ann-Marie show the latest in high school fash- ions from Suzy Shier. Both are carry. ing bags from Bentley's. wîll he going up to customers asking if ihey need help. This has greaiiy improved the qualiiy of service we provode." Shelley Nîkias, manager of Suzy Shier, said the store hasn'î heen too husy yet with hack-to-school shoppers. but expeets thai will change during Wednesday's sidewalk sale. Denim and corduroy are big sellers thîs year, she said, adding jeans with patterns and big helu buekies are aiso popular. "Me peasant and bohemian look is in. We just bad our flu launcb a week-and-a- haîf ago. And our buy-one. get-one-haîf- off sale s on until Sepiember 7T" 1 ,(:Pg D3 1