Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 May 2002, p. 4

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-h CndinC ami n rdaMa 4,20 opo: mt of a ÂMTAWRSROFN ple to telrhome ata vèy icasi-la le ost.Thi lietii rd ha cpurd h iteet f oieo nr li -Iioi h M-reak-ins, auto thefts on rise By FANNIE SUNSHINE and auto thefts are on the risc in Milton, I-laton Regional Police Services Board members were told at a meeting yesterday. During a presentation to the board, Sup. Mike Kingston pointed oui collision rates have dropped hy 13 per cent from last year, hut hreak-ins and auto thefts have increased. "This is a concern for us because they're (auto thefts) usually related to gang activity. Reducing break and enters and auto thefts are îwo of our priorities for 2002." TMe number of rural break-mns have dropped due in large part to the Nassagaweya Community Consultation Commitîce notifying police regarding home invasin trends, tic said. 'Several ni' our officers volun- tecred to change their shifts 10 work around the tîmes the cnimes seern iii he comiited ai and wc îng toitering in ihe area of Laurier Aloung svih icducing tiseetiime rate. Sup. Kingston saîd police are also iooking ai safety issues sur- rîîunding the increase of' traffic in town due bo growth. "Six hundred homes popped up last year. Traffic is încreasing noticeably. Kids are commuting in the area of Trudeau (Drive> and Derry (Roadî and we have to edu- cate the kids about traffie in that area andt he precautions they have to take." Police are currently working in partnership with the Nassagaweya Community Consultation Committee 10 set up a radar mes- sage trailer to help reduce high speeds, tic continued, adding the location of the machine has yet 10 be determined. "No one has 10 monitor il. The machine will automaticaily pick up the rate tif speed in 'ehicti the sehi- cie is travelling." Sup. Kingston saîd police used to gel a high volume of calis regard- -. he piaza s close 10 .a îuîîîhcI of schîoils and es'ery faîl (loîteringî s a huge issue l'or us. 1 cao say cails trom business owners and loi- tering itseii have heen deîwn by 65 per cent as a whole Ihis year. which is quite signifîcant. 1 believe from the repeated warnings (from police), the kids have been staying on sehool grounds'- Later this summer, police hope tu launch the Train Safety Projeet due to the increase of commuter and pedestrian traffie. he continued. "There's been a number of fatal- ihies involving trains in the district and we need 10 work on informing the public of safety precautions thal need 1ticb taken (when near tracks.' Overaîl. Sup. Kingston said he's pieased with the initiatives police have undertaken. -We need 1ticb reactîve. Crime is up a little bit in certain areas bt overali ifs cdown.- - iIt~gMITN É"'Lt"'r"P "RllINi PURCHASING ANALYST Corporate Services Department Salary - $45,699 to $53,764 The Town of Miton requires an individual to iti the position ot Purchasing Anayst. This position wilI tic responsibte tor the procurement, administration and monitoring of the maeriats and services approved as part of the Town's operating budg- et. Other duies inchade: review. deveiop. impiement and monitor contracts for materiats and services. ensuring maimum com- petition. ife cycle costing and perfomance standards are considered; provide assistance/consultation and training services to user depariments on new initiative; participate in the initiatives ot the Halton Cooperative Purchasing Group-, work in conjuniction with the user departinents to set up any required inventory and monitor processes; research and report on sta- tistics and trends tbat affectth purchasing tunictions and operaiing budgets oft he user departments; perfornit other duies as assigned. Thse successfut candidate witi possess a Community Cottege Diptoma in tise Material Management prograni. NIGP-CPPB designation or PMAC (Levet 2) or equivatent expenience and three years relevant expenence. Apptîcants musitice profîcient in Zidows based software inctuding Word. Excel and Internet. Negotiating and anatyticat skiils are atso required. tnterested applicants shoutd submii a resume by May 31t, 2002 1: Town of Milton Departmeni of Copraie Services, 43 Brown St., Miton. Ontario L9T 5H2. Attention: Coordinator. Human Resources. Or by fax to: (905) 8718-423 1. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ELECTION COORD)INATOR Executive Services Department Salary - $38,083 to $44,804 Tbe Town of Mlton requires an individuai iii ili the postion oi Administrative Assistant/Eteciion Coordinaior. This posi- tion provides adminisraive assisance 10 the Tuown Clerk. Other duties inctuie: pros de legîsiatîve services tor meetings ni Tiwn Councit includîng coordination ni agenda prepara- ion. atiendance ai incecings. recording olniîiîutes and prparaiion ot follow-up afier mîeetings; adînînisier the Town's Licensing Program. reviewing lîcensîng applicatioîns. ensuning requiremenis are met. issuing icenses. collection ni fees. resiew statutory ltuiery reporting and coordnîaion ni icensîng renewal noices; prepare ait requîred notices for circution in regard initie passîng oi the Official Plan anid Zoning By-law amendmenis; undertake dulies as Depuîy Disvision regîstrar ofVtriSalsis and Depuiv Issuer ni Mairiage IJcenses pýros ide overaît records management skilis; procss and recon- cite documents for acc ouis Payable, Purchasîng and Case Recoinciliatiin ltoc the Cerks Office; maniage the eteciion process in accordance with the requirements ni ihe Municipal Elections At. other duies as assigiîed. The successtui candidate stoutd have a Cnmmunîly Colle ge Diplisma in Business Adminiîstration and previons imunicipal election expenience is îoandalory. Excellent writicii anti oral comnmunnication skils. effective ime mnanagement skiils, srong ranatonal and cusiomer sersvice skilts are also required. Applicanis musitice protîcienti n Windows bascd software =ntdigWord. and Excel. Experience in minuie-îaking requîred. Interested appicants should sutimit a resumne ty May 31. 20012 10: Town of Milton. Departmeni of Corporate Srevices, 43 Bown St.. Miton, Ontario L9T 5H2. Attention: Coordinator, Humas Resources. Or by fax toi (905) 878-423 t. n acodi"cu uih the Fîuuuosu i finforatn aiu nd t5uuacy ieusiauuun. upplicanuinraion inu i auiivd un« t he authi5uuiy uo tue Muncpal Act anduoiiSe ued ictiy fcndidateseciwuCC REQUEST FOR BID Digital Voice Recording Equipment, 02-228 Voice Communications Recorder, 02-229 2002 Sidewalk Program, 02-075 Community Park Roadway, 02-156 Arena Management Services Contract, 02-175B Sealed Bids on forms suppied by the Town of Milton witl be receivcd by the Corporate Services Department. Purchasing untit i1t:00 ame tocaltime on: june 19, 2002 Except Contraci 4#02-175B, June 12 closing Specifications and fores imay l'e obtained ai the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton. Ontario, Corporate Services Departosent. Purchasing, during normai business bours Monday îhrough Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is a bid doc- ument fee of: $27.011 ($2523 + $176 GSTI for reguiar bids or $54.011 f$50.46i + $354 GST) ltor tids witb drawings. Pavnsent can tic made with cash. cheque, Iterac ni Visa/Masiervard. Any inquiries regarding ibis tender may tic directid îo the Purchasîng Office ai (905) 875-540>4. If you ssnuld preter ihai iis tid tic couniered 10 you pieasec oilee ihe Requesi for Bîd documnenti brni on the Tuiwnsý, websiie: Plan takers and currenti and upcnning bîds are aiso posieti on the weh site. - Correction A headline puhlished in Tuesday's edi- The administrator for Alendale is tion of The Champion contained incor- Ingrid Jotinston. rect information. We apologuze for the error. lis, Whatever YOD need it's in the SUPER PAGES. Your resource for ail your information needs. Also online at 1

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