Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 May 2002, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Frîday May 24, 2002 Allendale volunteers honoured Thte helpîng hsinds ai Altenîlsle Cîîînolly. Keviji Corbin sand Jenniler huurs tus Allendale aciivities. v,ýFund for psychiatrie people being recogniied for iheir ettoris. LasI year. volunteers donated near- ly 2 1,000 hours of their ime to help n a variety of ways ai îhe local facil- ity. Vlunteere who spent more than 1501 hours helping outi iicluded Elizabeth Bailey. Audrey Cairns. Julie Colbeck. Devons Edwards. Mary Ann Gnet. t.assy Heislei. Rvaiî McNManus. Sarah NcNtiugltioi. Trevur Robinson, Liii Scuil. Vanlessa isere Arthuir Baker, Debîe Lcl3ret. lue Lilko. Kathy Powell, Helen Ford. Vaniessa Smith, Elizabeth Buikema, Elise Clement and Lyn Camerun. A quartet ut individuals iopped 5(1( louirs. itcluditsg Lyda Deys, Arihur Baker, Karen I-Iîghcs and Elsie Robson. illiiilbng spent umure ilsan 750 hours at Alîctîdale last year. Bob Allen, joaliîie Bal Leanne Dolliser ansd Jujdy Ilansuit were recogiîized. Edgair Stokes aind Leantie L)llivei also cuiitribîitcd iin excess uof1.51(1 NcMaujus, sliîle ihe Auxilî.îry award went lu Edith Winney. A number of' volunteers also received long service awards. Award recipienis included Mahel Coulson. Mary Anti Ford. Nontna Hardy, Joyce Haslam. Lillian Hopkins. Lillian Kelrnan. Fiances Lee, Yolaitda McCzusn., Leîîy McNcil. Jusephine Noronha, l)ielia Serafini, Ada Sclisiuzi, Lis Thomson, 1rnces 'Vwiss, Villie \Vilsotî and Ms Witîney. Gina Sonsogno doesn't want otb- ers to sufer ini silence the way ber son did. Two years ago, ber 23-year-otd son Orlando took bis own life by banging at Rotary Park. lI bonour of is memory, Ms Sonsogno will be plantîng a red mnaple treerin front of Mfilton District Hospital tonigbt at 7 p.m. "The trce wil be planted beside the une 1 planted Iast year," she told The Champion. 'Anybody who wants to joi me is welcome to." Ms Sonsogno has also set up the Orlando Sonsogno Trust Fund at the hospitat, wbich te, date bac collectcd $870, she contmnued. 111 want the money 10 go toward a psychiatrie ward at the bospital. The closest place someone woutd have 10 go to for psychiatrie services is Oakville (Trafalgar-Memorial Hospital). We need this in town." - Il 'j Having Faith in Milton On a recent Saturday morning abouit forty members of the congregation of St. Pauls met at the church ai 9 a.m. We were gathered tu prepare for the second round of visits lu the peuple living in the new development to the east of' Thompson Road. The purpose of our vis- its was to welcome them to Milton and give them a package of information about St. Paul's as well as a brochure listing other Milton churches. My husband and 1 were assigned thirty- Truthr tht suri wich con revei hove o peef, ao kerless or ivcl Though Hm ait thirg le, moue 0nd have thei berng -rom Baoi Scrptuie 1-800-433-3284 NEW -IF 6620 eH- -LIE - MILTON senior Pastor Rev. Dan Roge Chiidren Mr$. Notallo Rogue Worship Mrs. Esher Kossier Youth Mdr. Tim Stevens 9 amn - Early Worship Service 9:30 amn - Sunday School for ail ages 10:45 arn - Second Worship Service Pastor Dan Rogge's Societi Ri Sermon Serîes W~VHY ONE AY ? Answers for Posmoderns 6:30 p.m. - SUNDAY NIGHT LIVEJ WRE6iTLING WITH OOP Supervisecd Nursery & ynamic Chldren's Programs available during ai services! ' G CLUBS KID'S CAMOUT IAY3 O AUAJUEont miss out! Cati Chidrens Pastor Dn ms'1C awaie Rogge for more déetalisi 1 = "ENARGE OURCRCEOF LVE Captaitis Crew children's mînistry At Sam Sherratt Public Sîool IlYou'iI always find a friend ai Graceway" SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITYCHUIICH of The Chrisian & Missionary Afilance (foroerly known as Miton Aliance Church) 2850 DERBY RD. *Phone 878-5664 a Fax 878-6676 Senior Pastor: Greg McComnbs Pastor of Yoith Ministries: jack Ninaber 10):00 A.M. SUNDAY MIORNING WORSIIIP SERVICE & "ADVENTUREIAND" for kIds 3 - Gr. 6 (Nursery rare provided Up to age 2) For more info on our regular weeldy ministries, please rail thse church office. J-î Ml ilon Ba list Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn Sunday School il arn Worship Service Ail are welcome! Sermon Titie: "Forgiveness: Who do you need to forgive?'" Rev. Greg Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. five humnes in the area suuth of Derry Road and easl of Third Line. The peuple that we met al the door were unfailingly polite and welciîming. even when Vie had îîbviously disturbed their relaxing weekend morning. We were very pleased that some peuple expressed an interest in learning mure about our church. However. une ut those peuple surprised us when she expressed eoncern about us -Old Miltunians". "You are going Io have a lut Io cope Viith as the tosvn rows su large, su quickly,- she said. -Aren't yuu really worried?- I assured her that wce welcoiottd the nieo growth and. despite some concerrus. we had faith that Miltonians. old and new. svould manage the challenges ahcad. Liter. 1 gave mure consîderation lu what 1 had ,aid. Besîdes my Christian faith, wihat had iadcne su quick Io ansviei? Looking back over my recent experiences vith the peuple of Milton. 1 found several exaniples of' positive atti- tudes and a caring for others that înake me sure we will cope VieIl. The first exatiaple corntes directly t'ronm tIse visits thetîsselves. That su mnany peu- pIe Viould give up thieir Saturday morn- iîsg to knock lin strariger's <oors and that they would be receivecilsu pusitively is very encuuragitig. Anuther example isltse determined crowd who set off the folluwing Sunday morning lu walk 5 or 10 km in the Multiple Sclerusis Walkathon. We weIcome you ta... ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Q) 123 Main St. E., Milton Sunday May 26, 10:30 a. m. r UCW SUNDAY EChu rch School & Nursery Sun. June 2, Worship 9 arnm. (Worship) & 10:30 ar. Rev. John Benham & Resi. Gerry Hofslettei judy Hunter, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 bý Grace Anglican Chureh 317 MIain St. E., Milton -t1/e Churc/î on the Hili Tel. 878-2411 FaxN 878-3005 N,,vN-v.graeeehirliinlton'.eoifl Rev. Dr. Mark MeDerinott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:0(0 sit - luuth Cîuiiîiiîutsio 10:00( ilo - Si îîg Eîîcliarist ( liiircli Scliîii i &Ciflee I lotir THURSDAY 10:00 stii Huly Cutîîïiiiîiîîi - Wheelclisiir Acess Tlîrîîîglî Parkinig Lot Doonî -I of men and women who care about our cummunity had attended a Town Hall meeting tu look for solutions tu the shortage of affordable housing in Milton. The final. but by nu means the last group of Miltonians that gives me faith in our future are the members of my Aquafit class at the Leisure Centre. Just lisîertiitol them laughîng e'suberatîtly aînd sharing their stories in the change roum. makes me certain that they. and the rest of us. can handle vwhatever is going to come our Va\,. Let*s emibrace the future and learri how to love each other! Find a church to cal home - the local church directly beloss should help you Be faithiful in vour attendance and youuil be surprised at the many interestmng new peuple yoit will nieet wvho wiII positively impact upon your life! Submitted by Wendy Schau, Chair of Outreach, St. PauI's United Church MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. * 878-3873 10:00 a.rm. - The Lords Supper il1:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. -- Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Thou cIrl aItral hie namne JESUS lor lie shall save Iis people lion tIreir cîns. MallIrew i.21 MILTON SADlVNTISTA Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton sat. 1)i30 i.i. -ii htîtîsl îiî FRE.E BIBLE SCHOOL lisowor iho oirnaieitîbto aîîuciii is 1îitx qiiustin%, niddic s iut i appi' lits. 55 Ontîarioî Si.,\Miltoni, Onti., 1 9T 5B14. Oliilsn thI lIRN F,1 ,hhtp://%%,uu%,.%,poiîîi and weuaiî. ai îngfactî.org/l)iblcsclîeioshool ii .asp t' AST OR: I .îltîîîî0. loisîen, /416-821-4610 5AUA~ i RACEWAY C-BAPTIST CHURCH * I t (t1t NlartiriiStreet jlf s, 905-878-10t 29 WEEKLV INFORMAI DISCUSSION I.M. a it arnîls Bib l Lit Baha'i Foith ond tis Teachings t 11O:00a- Murnînt, SService Ail Wecome 6:00 p.rn - Fvening Srvice s INFO: 905-693-0688Thsdy64pm he viibýe un i but i sOn of h pedo fto oy- ro Adul Service ai the Church I 16 mi 1

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