8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 3, 2002 i_ __ ".,0# i __.J .J , - à -l-,- !BISHOP REDINO HIGII SCIGOL Ma,'tnRyon Lafromboise Pyne Royal Report By Mark Laframboise and Ryan Pyne "Follo\4 the yellow brick road- to Bisbop Reding Players' production of "The Wizard of Oz." loin Dorothy, the Scarecrow. the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion on their jourivey through te Wonderful Land of Oz. Performances are currcntly underway witb a Saturday natinee ai 1:30 p.rn. and the final perormance ai 7:30 p.m. Tickets wîll be sold at the duor and admission prîces for adults are $8 and studenis/children are $6. Tickets are iu lîmîîed supply so be sure to arrive early. Ou Thuvsday, May 9" ibe Bisbop Reding Music Deparinieni will present iii aunual Music Nighi. The cvenîng wîll sbowcase the talents of the Senior. Junior and Jazz Concert Bauds. The choir, soloîsis and guitaiisis will also provîde eniericinrenit lor those in attendance. Admission prîces are $5 lor aduis and $3 l'or alumni and secondary school students. Seniors and cildren will be admitted free of charge. Tickets are available ai the doîîr. On Thursday, graduatîng students gaibered iii choose their Valedîctorian. Congratulations Io Mattishoy wbo was selecied by is peers to be the represeniative lir iis years graduatîng las ht bas heen an amazing lew seeks f'or Bîsbop Redîng's Track and Feld îeam. as many long-standing scbool recoîrds were brus- ken. Lasi Wednesday ai tbe Golden Horsesboe luvtational ai Satleet Hîgb Scbool in Stony Creek, B.R. was well represented. lu the Senior Boys' High lump, Chrîs Karnel claîmed gold wîîb a jump of 1.91 meters, breaking tbe l(-year-old ichool record. HIe also set a new school record in the Senior Boys' Shot Put wîtb a tbrow of 13.90 meters. Second place performances were claimied by Mike McGill in the Mîdgei Boys' 1500 meters, Julie lantorno in the Mîdget Girls' Long lump. Mîke Carun ibe Mîdgei Boys' Shot Put and Mîke Ruino in ibe Mîdget Boys' 100 meters. The Mîdget Boys' Sprint Relay composed of Ian Butcher, Rob l)unn, Daren Izumi aud Mike Ruhîno claîmed tird place. This pasi Saîurday ai tbe John Rowland Memnorial Games held ai Central Stadîum in Etobicoke. Ian Butcher continued B. R. 's record hreakîng streak wîîb an outsianding mun of 50.48 sec- onds in the Midget Boys' 400 meters. lan's rn is the lastesi of any Midget ailete in the province iis year. Mike McGill also rau a personal best tîme of 4 minutes aud 41 seconds in the Mîdget Boys' 1500 meters. Congratulations to ail of Bîsbop Reding's atb- letes on their successful performances. The Senior Boys' Soccer team s already perfect thîs season wttb two shutouts. Alan Lourenco was sol id in net tor the Royals in the 2-0 victory over Aquinas and I-0 wîn versus Milton District. Paul Szafer scored a goal in eacb gamne wtb Chris Casa contrnbuting one. Way 10 go guys. "The greatest thing vu'Il1eî'er learn înjîînt ve ai nd! ta6e Iaî'ed in rettîru. -MLCN GO LEAFS GO! Jet! Vandevalk HotIy Cambruzzî Emily Wlloughby HILTON DISTRICT H10H SCHOOL V'l i'liîî/î' îkve iîiuii'ii i lasi', iounen iii l fl's. A%11111 mv/il ni.î lîuîi"îiiav emvn hîîî iiiiv i i %p'io ic/iiviieîî'îhii lu i and iiou ii ofV( lol i. i ,i citIlle h'Mîîeîiîvoîî iu ' i i linio î'in/vd iliouii al iii lii'uiv divî mvioi iv lidai i i iii In The News Wc \n mInIlîke cri iîgraiulaic Seau Mcgcc. Jonîathîanî('riiîîk. 1-aici rM.c( afi iand C'olin Montîforiiieiceclîl n t li ai he iîci idn aîsîîîp mîmeS l'oCacrccirvsearch.Inliv xcbaigc li!thcSI. I icîllecci ccl. thcelicur sîlncîc i bcihccius.Vias iii goî gis. nc knwIiinliai tbe nîci ne l hc put vii gîod use (id.kcep cicr cîci îopen loriailIofutheful ric nlvîscvs îliiarc hap- pcninîg aiu theîbcschl. uscb as thc boule' crveci and halsc sales IDîvu'i lîvîget liv suppovrt ilîe scîhuvesý as flic pvicceîls cul liii ,iicli vvî ycar spilini cliit Tivs pasiiAecek bas ticcu vcvs huis lfii thecicîccclprnîenl (lu Tucs'tai. sîudciints vîîiche ib, hîlîvg>cîvîlesi. ns uIc a phi sics coniesi was nvîli ittn n lursdas (iiîd lueiii cil ilîîsc'Ic w oic ltthe contesis. Dîîî'i liivget tliv hie, i iickcts lîr iis yecdvi pIc>. 'Ilai's rght, tickets acec ion iisale lfii ilîc musical (ivcisc. bing perliirmed b> MD sîndenis. 'ton ciipick up infoîrmatnclîvîatîclovdcv lirmsni th fibvîîce. Ciiigvatuuiaionis achugo uitvito lvcli vf tbe MD chcleiaders. Alter aclvevng ci fîvt place finsb ovev ciii vil Ontarîi, be> \&ciiiu oi ilte Naticonals lait meekeiid.Av ibis eiiinpeitiiln tbcî bcd a vers vnpvssvvc fîvurili place fîii. Alter iii niais gaces bevng caîlcc lîccI. vr hboys lînally gai ici pIcs sîvecer tbîs mccl,. Oni'vhiiiîlc. ibe juniovr vcut plaved cgciiiîi Bîslîcvp Reclclîîg anîl wcîc e ivrîvîîs s wlb acivevll sciore of 2-Il Co'ingvatlatiis goci outulIoi ibe nslîle icm. siiii vally clcictvedl lis Tbe tracE & field lecîn mas oui practcing ibis pasi week. viii Monday and Wedîîesday. Ail> wanna bc' tracE sari ave învied la cornte oui and foin ibe îcam. On Wednesday the boys basehal eam îavelied ta Wbite Oaks for a game. Also. vin Tbursclay. tbe golf îeam iîll be beadîng liifova tour- nament. More informatin and scires tram ilîieeiwn evenis will bc' avaîlabie nexi week. l"'l. vîas i' .uvid be'lote, î/î.uisi'î'( n'avî viii h u t f)îi c îîîîîî' datvi . ion i oglu ihomîe uanduhave v îiîia.ig wen'î'i'a'dîui.vîvuuiiii liiritv lvii iuiciabvot iihulvgivilr PlYîî.v' DATELINE DRURY Megan Bouer Lyndsey Jones Rob Parker "A ndI see Lyndsay, and Megan, and Rob ... And I see ail of you Dateline Drury Readers ... 'iu viuc[lie iin pople ou 'îvih hii îhiiughîl Rniipcv Roini AIII I aiflikle it crie hc"i. ia i i iaorpar.iiiid dclu i h ut.orricounc heing, bheIo i , iii hi\ Lokii ivin [ii hoopofpii iý ralliirunctilimiic lindu isLîc fnliiSanta Gaiiiw liat iiIlilctl Xv i.î v% în, uii,icrihilie kidi and Ibuniker dci i o lic iiiic caili iciir iet îlîcî Si OIOIODatecIiic vn. Tlii ick. %uc rin" 1.1 incdîIeN oliinc, i liiicvh\ iciiiiuchi Idrcv ,iiiîiiI No iiiicinal O ilsrict i chîIlcii hi bti rallier ihcî cmile loi Anda14i Idvc fnal cic c hifdiiiL iiiic'i bu ,tr iii . lui i k illicIe cc ii 'I iiiii5i.mi (111 _AM 1ýI ll h I l thnourtin, gviil alîîneîin!.liiietngentil plumnreil!"" Xlii' Hinlii anid cu i i Icc c iiningonWdcdaii,iaciic iiiip i \oii u ai Iccdcii li ic lo 'hccLi afr, cii iiiIlicuccrcii lace, r.iîiilDiuiii iîiiile\ci mriionileuc iickciid. n c "Riivi'. nul'. nivouîîr biini, genilu dîîn,theic îrenm..." pcckiîil vi rong ieii n liai ,riwiL, oc'îîn 1I ie Olc i îîiîiî Clubh dh, icck tiilii ietccinoiiSpcn iii miad ii iut Lo îîîîcîi laic tor iniiic miv cli niccîlcîl q iniL ie îîu'n iri 'iiihci \.nire in i odIiiii i iîlliîidSMrlIiiu ýparicip.tii rii cîcd irontiigrai, 10 Io 0M i(.îind ii01îîîiîîîhicdl\ iacia. î m iii 'iii iiii uneiiiiniei lc nildcIinicti ip- inc Ici',itrope'foriiociiii il ii *'lit the jungle, the miglivjunigle, the vunîiî'nnîlrep ivnight ."Tiit, iivgi Dviii' l iîicîiiiiiii-, Wdiicsd.\Iillec iciviining 11lSur\ v mtiii culîci n thc Troîpcal haN (il tckr .icici iiiiiipe'ietoiiflic 5201 casbhvcn cvd. Diii <i icinis irn ii n cvvivi cinshî ciiiipeii iîîîiio.ilil u.'iicciic iifi secc.ntioîiIIulIIiiilsiand omiil îcîv îppîi iicnui .AftliiiînciIllicecLIIIi i h i îîc iipctiîiin areccivl idcntiîcl iniouv iciil ilici u ir liii hc cspecciiiLctoii cci c liilc' clii.. DOvn> is'Sîdcvîi (liiirîîcvîicpa- hl ilci îîccipriii.iiipudding caîd n lippcd ccivinciercv d ll iîc\I hiicîii -Vve' goi naiîiielu buncl fgolfbalii..." Wcil. ViE don'( . hbut iii lîîîclî hndi iof oiii llcîci, siic c" licck doî' Anid thc\ci,iIN ci c i id ue uc ii iii hcviciicidc ai( .îîll i l îîl nd('îîîiîî Er Cuh - ouv Spcr1nniîîccupiicd aa,icmiii vii ii 'c in, Slitiri i Ilîiilic Hîgli Sciiiil G(j uil r. fCck hick neiî nck iii mcl theîcîîlîî iii ti liilîl t NITINII caie "4in uipfiir a gaineonftherbal?" DEc,. >i)ii îî ta i c -îî utgl iicer-c îcîiî 'îi[iicthinL îuvuu icrd quic leoicu duriîig iccein ltihicplcigvîiind Liiiril sic of :ou hîl acc iiiaiiiili.ii n iii. Tcîhcvhcll iiciscîîiiclIN plcicd hy mli pc'ople. sîvîcck- îvîi, aiuiiiîa chall ciaccldIoîlia cpole . bN ipcakiig(ilt"poills" cnd îîihcv qîcivîlil ilirci. (',vd liviiilci ncvc due iîî Vcdiîcidai and "Dviii Mcmîîvîcî" Qiiciiiuiivc arec ditc n acncekm Have N'oun dcîdcd lin YOI.R Loîîuiic Dviiýnieninu i W'rc îSure i ba Ioiimbu h'cn vccdîng ,D,îicliinisruy' "Gîîîdb.ve,farewell" Wc vcniîicîvir silugne tis ci tidi ut hi îbî ns gvcIiîlunchicli of flic lyrvici il \ ci ccîi d dîcdgc' up i ur ni îernîîîvîcîigb" w'rc gcîîîng lin îld for tihîs i scc s. licsuc iii vunmncsi necl lîrîvmurc Dcîclîîcn i mut ! 'Scnc Daicliic Dt) icie. isaie Datîi un vnschcnnclm.