4-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 3, 2002 ,Plant should clear up towne s brown water woes By FNNIE eUNSHINE The brown water that has plagued certain areas of town for years should soon be history. COMMnTTEE APPO»iTMENT Applieuinmare now bem accoped by the TownCierk, as on befof Milt Cotucil, for appoin to 1 dm following Co<nmitto, as the Town of Milton's ropro- mietatvo: DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ADVISORY COMM1IMEE nhe Reoma Muulclwfly of Halte (On. (1) MemberR.qlred) 1'Th sucosul aplicm mut be a rsidont of MdI<oo an owner or tenantof lard in tho munîcipality, or <ho apo u fch an owme or touant, ho a minimum Of olght.oa yo f aoon <ho date of appoinuolt hua ta aavolun<ay Commitoo apçroved by Reglonal Coamil f«r thoepupoa of r«Smg h.e edwology a u umpnme dila fosmuluting HaIt's DcveIepoumta< baepoIcy; to pwvidori<icISiiaySi ad polcy advicorepgaln lFWton's t>ovlopmmt CharOPol1y and& oprovinlputon ieommeadaisns doalng wl<h propoesd DtvdqomoiitChre By-awa aMd pobi=o. Mie= .aWpy ina wning, mating you euaifcaisanim« Mmn<ga. Applicatonswill be accepIsd u"i 4:30 pmi. on May 241h, 2W02. Futhorde"ailon tho ComnÜmtto. May bc obtainod by contacdtinho Cloit',Dopaulment at 905-878-7211. Dwmi t ho Town of Mfiltotithia30th day of April, 2002. Helen Lii, Town Clerk Town of Motan 43 Br'own SUWoo Mâta%,ON L9T 5H12 PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION ON THE NEW FIRE, AMBULANCE AND POLICE STATION ON REID SIDE ROM) A t tus sslofl the plans fortdm new Fire Hall and Emergency Respons cente In CampbeiNdMl adSidaR0a04 wiII b. pesented- DATE: LOCATION: ltIME- Wedneaday, May 8, 2002 Gamipbals Lions Ma 8:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m. Proseftation at 7:00 p-m- The architecanad s~aff het Fie, Police and Ambulance wIll b. on hond to pesant tha plans for the n0w fie hall and enwgancy vespone contre at ifs. naw location on Reid Sida Rossi adjacent to Rdney Widows). In addition to this Opai' ous., a statut0fy public maalting wtli b. heid In reatibonl to a 201*89 arnionsifia I ppictinplannasi for May 13th. W. look fhomard 10 dliscusslng the proposai and to answer any quastiom YO< <y av at the. opan hou».. Furthar Infonnation can be obtuina f m: LesieWUUfLarsoI, Ooordhudtor, Purchasîng at 906-878-7252 x 2138 At its April 25 meeting, the Conservation Halton (CH) board lu bc builtI ai isosu onseis ,îUufl ,\ï.. The treatment plant, proposed by Halton Region, has fuit sup- port of CH staff. "This facility is definitely necessary," CH CEO Theresa Maguire-Garber told The Champion. "That's why we support it whole heartily. Milton residents deserve cdean vwater." Medium-sized building The station - to be built adjacent to the Kelso wells and pumping station - will resemble a medium-sized maintenance building. Construction is expected to begin in August and will be com- pleted by next spning, said Bruce Kitchen of the Region's plan- ning and public works department. "Milton has an ongoing problemn with the dirty water issue," he said, adding the cost of the $5 10 $6 million facility was approved in the Region's 2002 budget in December. f e e' nj! fes riilem and this plant Tenders for the project will be sought in June, Ms Maguire- Garber said. Martin Street resident Donald Baldwin, whose home has been plagued with brown water for years, said he's happy to hear plans for the water treatment plant is finally getting underway. "Is camne down to cost and the question of allocating funds. 1 think this should have been donc quise a while ago." He said Region staff installed two water filters in his home about eight months ago, which has cleared up the brown water problem. "It's helped a lot. It's (brown water) bas been an on and off problem up here for a couple years." Milton's brown water problemn stems back to 1995, when well six came into production. The well contained a high concentration of manganese, which is said to pose no health risk at moderate levels. )efty Station open 100.around dock ildings) The Milton police station (12 Diviston) places you'll see just on Childs Drive is now open around the ; a lovely 3 bedroom dlock. ble car garage with Officers and staff are available 24 hours ngineered workshop; a day, seven days a week to file reports of ood fencing; organic minor incidents or for police-related trees and a lot more. inquiries. The expanded hours started April 30. "We are really pleased the station bas opened to full service statua," said Sup. Mike Kingston. "This move is indicative of the police service's awareness of the large growth in the Milton area, and the subsequent requirement of our services to address the needs of the comnmunity." i 'i I I I I I RECEIE 2 F E EJUGS F OPIKE lin 10 wonien wiI devolo BREASî CANCER The nisk inereas- es with age. The Onaro Breast Screenng Program provides breast examina- ion and a mam- mogram at no cost to women who are 50 yearS of age or over. Make your appointment today! fi4er a/f. . 5s yoUr fi/e For the centre nearest you catI: The OBIB"B B Bt FS. bonBBBPO Country Prof Offered at $439,0 (15 Acres, home and outbuil This 15-acre property is one of the nicest p north of Milton. Beautiful gently rolling lanc; country home with aIl the amenities; dolt walk-in to lower level; an 1,800 sq. ft. steel er a wooden implement shed; a huge pond; w( vegetable garden, fruit trees and deciduoust Laniot Leone, AssociaIs Iroker 905-880-0908 RF/MI* Reaty Enteqwiseslflc. Please cati me for a viewing 1.E ,. alc MILTONUCK#CAILA PONIAC BUC CPLLC-GM ONIC UC uer, Jwp start on Spring Maeintenance +taxesÀ Lube,O0iland Filter (ncludiflg up Inspect Battery & ta 5L of GM premium Motor 011) Chaigiiig System Rotate ires / nspect BIGkes Top Up Fluids/ Check Coolant 15 Point Inspection/ Check Wipers Wallace Pontiac Service is here when you need it. 1 1