Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 2002, p. 34

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B6--The Canadian Champion, Fvday May 3, 2002 IMoney conoepts - Milton is offeî following opportunities: SUfe Insurance Agents " Lie, A&S - Levet Il (minimum) " Mutual Ponds, 1,MD License " CFP IIICI cer CLII preferred Clerical - Part turne * 15-20 I'lex-hours" per week * Computer database espeience * Teephone skiffs1 p rT p c L r r requiles COOKS Bronle Road & OEW Please Contact Lyna: 905-847-5555 STUDENTS CALL NOW! Summer Work! 18.05 Base/Appt " Fuîltrinring " Scholarships avaîl. " Cool vsales/service " Conditios applp 905-842-BM4 woitlorsiodxis con/on the IELD 0 gf/T muf n Baker Nlgbtshtf FIT Cusemer Service NNgbthlf IF/T Ctaetom« Son** ce yahlt Apply in person 575 Ontario Street Are S voit i i ie rgn-tin nirm WHEL itint,.Io ert, m a to-i ctrcil ivinnxtîîg ipplins ion fr IlI*o md iv'î P.T.IFuel Bar Cashiers P.T. Housekeeping Weekend Days M.T. Store 5rr1v ili te- m i n11111 i ck tStop 40tii mmiii mnDr-\mii ATEIO aNAZDES Growxg Automotive Stamper requres thre llowrng L Preolous cii buyng and purcflasing tor a toolroom a must. MRP knnwlndge an asset, Word and Excel ex- FREE Internet job perxence arn asset. Search Traning! If you I CAD OPEIRATOR are unemployed and Must have 5 yers experience walt Mastercam mant ta earn how ta use 11100111 & DIE NMER the Internet ta help you wor usuprvse toclse olfacesbuldig st call the YMCA, 905- wxî onopnoixd t clse oînaries uiling151 681-1140 for more infor- e cluss prxg des. mation. A Il commonicarIooswl rerrairi coxtiuenll. FREE traning. Drive 4 Etrai resume lx Us. Schoal Bus Drivers or fan fo: 905847-8711 Wanted. Cali (905) 877- Lý -J 4448. Laîdlaw is an Local ight mfg. company looking for equal opportanrty Com- PLAN MANGER pany PLAN MAN GER I Made $800 Tod ayi respessible for sapervisîng ail aspects of pro- Worling ram home on- duction asd staffing. Candidates must demon- fine. Be your own boss! wwm reachabletrea- strate they have had ssccessfal plant manage- dam ncam ment esperience, a forward fhnkng approach to personnel; a demonstrated commitment tn out- MEAT Plant - Heaxy lif- standinig cutomner service and a record ot sac- irg. Wrl train - Wages $10-$15. Contact Marin, cess in continos proceso and quality improve- 905-878-3923. ment. Preterence XIl be gîvnsta candidatesL who posseso strong analytîcal, relatîonshîp PART-Tîme exenîng management and problem solvîng skîllîs The civaners recîured in abîityto ostr nd eada prtcipfiv tem- Campbellxîlle ares I abilty o foterand eada paticpatie tam- Must have amn trans- based envrosment is required. Post-secondary partation Please cal plne iv regaîred. Resomes to PRO evett Box 6380, c/o The akille Beaver hlep witlr groundskeep- 467 Speers Road, Oakville, ON 16K 3M4 mg, mowîng. weed-est- __________________________________ ing. etc. on large baron farrvin Mlton. Please phone 905-878-3993 for fit n idetals and ta arrange g , __interview. p ýC RECREAIOIN lead- 1fl1(P fi' e/ECE, iv Georgetomn X____ betore and atter achool S -program, supply May s What dmosthe future have te store for yo00 1 1th-June 3th. 905- STrave ConsuRit - Oakvle 877-9314. Within our gromîng Travel and Cruise SECURITY Guards. Centers CAA South Central Ontaro is Fuît and part ime offic- - seeking enthusiastic customer-tocueed ere and dog handters. h seasined Travet and Cruse professonals Espeniencedi and begin- f ,wpfin our tear. You have espertence In ners. Al tranng provd- Y Travel Sales field wth a proven track dYo'lne acr . of esepttonat sale and service. (gaas la provided). Catli. 24 houra (800)461 - YWI ifnd our tears environment fast 7731.- www.securityca- paScd and innovative. A competitine iomspey.aton package is comptemented SUPPORT Workers bien excellent bereit and pension neddPr-meo pI .s&rd outstandting protessionat Casuat/Retiet for Inl- « ent opportunities including ectuatty disabted in Mil- adCLIA. Masters Certiication. ton and Georgetown. e ooking vo, put your skilts o Fax resume ta 905-878- c9iatus îmmediatetl!5413. To apply, please vst, WANTED: People hun- ctick on cEmptoyment" and cemplete gry for inanciat treedom aur candidate profite, ta aki hi pr Reauea cn belexe to:time. Free training. Caît f'" Elizabeth Luhta, 905-525-7930 -ac--4-3- 1819---- C4A Sourh Central Onrarto HAIRSTYLISTSi is a eqal ANTED 1 7q '»Gaaranleed $0.25 1 ai bilr-0 horIp + commissioni & bonoses FPun place ts wsrk * Excellent benetts package COKand mait persan needed immediatety. Great *Advanced updatîng restaurant i Campbetvitte. 905-854-1884. *Egaîpment prsvided hours in arn. Moniday la Fridlay. Phone 905-878-1 Available j utrentIy, ontr Flamboro Rocetrock Siots faciiity Ias the loeies e des ovdiexelen, Flaor r ce tackioatros, 967hil nigq hi aey #, cmDutnd, Obngriou mthave1 F0-a: <905)bus628-1737 ge-mail webork gc.ron.csiftsw mudi i-red ad i as i s ei ianmrt i a d Ontaro Lottery and Gaiq oprain Soci desloeist loteisgeCorporati lOnta des jeux d RoelOntalos Make Books Vour Business! $40K Min Guarantee An apport untty as arisen for a Marketing Distributor in the Oakviiie/ Miton/ Hamilton ares. No seiiing iv invoived, jicet dnity de- lierles ta nem and exîsting customers. We provide: F ull training FiPeld support -A guarantee mîn./yr income of $40K Yqu rovide: - elf motivation -Organîzatton Customer Service -Storage for stock Caîl or visil aur seebsile: 1-817-325-4766 Tl-, ** s - s s Fxl i e piiir alale- îgîSr4 tI Overighl risels xl Home Depot Box Sitoes n Onariov Must 0e flexible lx traxel oxlxl bawn. Mustlbave s relable vehîcît. Sslsrp, car alîance, benel ils. Repiy wltO a briet reaume ta: MCDONALD SALES & MERCHANDISING Fax: 905-855-8559 e-mail: DRIVERS AND WAREHOUSU WORKERS NEEDED Wholeoale Distribution Company now hîrîng A-Z and Drivers for local Onario delreerîno (Days & Eveningo) Ail applicants must have a dlean abstract, knomledge of tht GTA & gondmrtien oral Englisti Skills. We aiso have epenîngs iii sur marefouse F/T Mon-Fril lDaps) for Plcker! Packer positions. Raymond Reach Operator I Recelvor affernmons Mon.-Thurs. (32/bts meek). Attractve Benelrl package, profrt oharîng company Phease apply ln Persan or by fax ta: 2226 Southt ServIce Roati, akvllie. Fax: 905-825-9709 nofriIT NOW HIRINC Kevin's No Frlla is looking for enthu- siast indîvîduais mth gaad cualomer service skitis, wha enjoy dealing wltO the public, Came jain aur team. We are hiinvg permanent P/T cashiers and cierka for the Gracery, Meat and Praduce departmevls. We aCter flexible hauts and paid training. Appîy in person: Kevins No Frilîs 125 Cross Ave., Oak. Please ake the South Service Rd. exit Ca accesa the store, 7hank you for yaur interest in Na Frills. CLASSIFIEDS ON THE INTERNET j Lokn ForI:1 ie ok in uI Al theW*ng laes ADECCO EMPIDYMENT SERVICES in Buringlon is currently Iooking for General Labourers for their Burington, Oakville & Milton clients. Short-term & long-term assigaiments available, payîng betmeen $9 & $1 2/ht. CALL, FAX OR E-MAIL YOUR RESUME TODAYý Ph: 905-634-4445 e Fax 905-614-0011 Emaul: Students Welcome!!! 1 Fuli ti n position uxuasîn -Dix Shit Reqîie iup t ci nrimmo Dxlor soresfil Ontario Fli yc ep ýi p tLc'Suluiro ulcor s n[1' bunetîts bOmi f Pl p ii i i. Ptlin si i!1 We, wri trinxç p vrth a rfexl srIoxti MCDONALD SALES & MERCHANDISING Fax 905-855-8559 e-naîlý emal©âmcdontaldsales cotai 515 A large lumber and building mateias distribution centre in Mlton requîtes 3 skilied Park LiftOpera- tors and one Labourer for immediate full tîme em- ployment. We offter competitîve mages and benetits. Please send resume mth reterences in confidence ta PO. Bas 3028, c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Sreet, Milton , Ontario, L9T 4N9. ACHILLES Mazda requires immediateiy Parte Manager/Persan. Busy fiat rate shap, renumeratian ilh esperience. Gaad benef il plan. Cali or fax re- sumie. E-mailt:, Fax: 519- 853-4100, phone: (519)853-0200 EXPERIENCED Hvac technician required for Hal- ton area. Please senid resumes ta Bas #3027, c/a The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Sreet, Miton, Ontario L9T 4N9. Body Shop REQUIRED Faremntl! IMMEDIATELY Admlnstrator Licensed State of tht art atm car Technician dealership in Chrysler Rsrlington is lssktng experlenced for an aggressrve, preferred mslivated, evperienced Contact AI Banks Persan te manage an Service Manager established, medim1 J.5- 853 size body shop Fax yoor reoome lu: 905-632-1876 BOOKKEEPER A smaIl Mssîssaga based campanp is seekrng a flIt time boakkeeper, Position available for 1 peur wrlb possibillies for permanent placement. Ail applicanîs must be able 10 maîntain a full set of financial siate- ments, paproli Isoctions, AR, A/P and pearned pro- cessing. Knoledge ot ACCPAC ta highiy beneficial. A minimum 01ft 5 r related esperience la regaired. Plas forerailraesuvia e-maIl ta: Att WELI;uME for Scholarship Opportunities. Cal Sue 905-577-0808 The Original Garden Centre Evperrenced drivers wanied Io stant rmmedralelp Att Lrr..nriscmlassess s IxDZ Orop in, or lax / sxnd resome lx Ian. 905-257-0625 orCacuI 905-257-2577 usk for Phîtrp or Brud Fax your resumne to (905) 876-2934 or email to Attention: Lou Mulligan, MA, CFP, RHU President, Money Concepts - Milton 204 - 420 Main St. E., Miltton, ON L9T lF9 Ph: (905) 876-0940 fi4MO NEY %EGON, ZjLCONCEPTS, ... Affiliated with NF. Insurance Agency nc. r --i r- WERNER ENTERPRISES CANADA NEEDS LOCAL REGIONAL DRIVERS! Security and stabitity - two atributes you seek in an emptayers. You and your famity can be assured hat we are a campany mith a rack record af financial strength and induslry leadership. At Werner, you mont have ta, worry about a paycheck. We're here for the long haut. Wemrer alr: " Home weekends " 2,000 - 2,500 miles/week " Competitive psy " Monthly mleage bonus " Full benefits package " Late modet Century clasa Freightliners " Paperleas log syatem - ONLY ut Werner Cati for Information: 800-567-4430, ext. 5847 EOE MAINTENANCE HELPER tanks, flexible, great attitude, willing ta Flearn, works welI with others. Musc have valid drivers licesase and own transportation. Fax resume co 905-875-2818. ,4#, t oi4 eu p& e*O.î Fm 7 RESIDENTIAL FRAMINO CREWS Iteqeireet immediateta Campetitive rates Contactflick 519)220-101 or Sctt 519»58-7416

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