The Canadian Champion, Frnday, Apnil 26, 2002-B il cluding one evening per week and every other Set- urday. Gond interpersonai skills. Pleaant environ- ment. Submit resume to Box #3026 c/o The Cana- dian Champion, 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 HUNT CHRVLER JEEP SALES CONSULTANT Candidates must be high energy, self starter who are interested in buliding a saccessful Automotîve Cameer. Muet Have: Valid Drivers Lîcense Able te obtaîn OMVIC Sains Licence We Offer: Opportunity te unlimited commission New & Used Vehîcle inventnry WîiI Train Please Cali: (905)876-2580 Or Fax: (905)876-0297 Or E-mail: huntltd@cogeco.flet Your Resume ta: ROB HRUSKA1 ATTENTION: SALES REPS If you are licensed in Real Estate or currently enrolled in Phase 1. 2 or 3 of the pre-licensing progn Royal LePage. olers " Competitive Commission options " Non-competitive Management * NO Desk Fees * Extensive Training programs * Mri Exclusive "Homne-LinK" pmgnm For More Information contact: Charlotte Forget, Manager (905) 87-8101 ROYAL LEPAGE Instore Services looking for mature independent merchandisers to service product displays in: Big Box: Stores in Ontario. P/T contract work. Vehicle required. Fax resume to 905-507-1282 or e-mail INSIDE SALES/CUSTOMER SERVICE The successful candidate must lie expenienced Inside Sales Representative with a post sec- ondary education, excellent communication skills and a track record of success in sales. This is a career opportuntty with an esîablished mar- ket leader. A gond command of the English Ian- guage and excellent computer skilts a must. Fax resume te (905) 878-1249 fionside Sale elemarketing ing for the ahovc p1stiott. Tte siccessfut candi- date wiII lhave a Iiigii sceisl îtiplieîia. 900(l cool' jmsIuer skilis anod gotiti telephotie iniasners. We offer au hlotriN. aage î.oiiuiensuirate isitt experi- elc.t(Ill i x-sc. eleits andi gint smoking cmiiiitiiiic'<e ini tIr fit\ recilite tii lunan Resources Dresotr Crane & lii Ltd. 581 MieCelchie Dr. Units t & 2 Milton, Ont. L9T 3ÎL5 Fax (905) 875.4304. SALES PERSON NEEDED For expanding Used Vehicle & Tiraller Dealerahip > Fuiltime > Salary + commission > Company benefits > Sales experience an asset > OMVIC license an asset Send resume by fax: 905-877-0380 or email: paMkm20aztec-nletCOM elwiràmoi Full and Part-tUrne Sales TH LEHwEHUE - iy106 Thu &ei Fri-94Eatr Ave :o LJ 2E [ 19.85.103