mhe Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprnl 26, 2002- Bi SPORTS S tili some room to improve, says local triathion champion Photo by GRAHAM P/AINE That's using your head Bishop Reding's Peter Schultz heads the bail pat a St. '[homas Aquinas opponent during season-opening senior boys soccer play et BR Wednesday. The Royels bianked their guesta 2-0 on the strength of firat-haif goals by Chris Casa and Paul Szafer plus a solid performance by netminder Allen Lourenco. Afier two decades of competition, Barnes believes he can stili get better By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Can Harry Barnes still get better? The Campbellville triatbiete bas been compesing for two decades now and recently turned 55. So one could argue that be's reached or even passed bis peak. But tbe multi-time national age-class champ feels tbat's not the case - and is ready to prove be's stilI got roomn to improve wben the season opens mn St. Petersburg, Florida Sunday. Constant improvement "Every year t just keep getting better," be sald before beading soutb last Friday. "If t can improve on the bike like I bave in the water the patt few yeart, 1 tee no reason why that (overail inaprovement) can't con- tinue." Bamnes' current optimnism. is a stark con- trast to bis outlook late lat summer, fol- lowing a bectic year that was capped by an eigbtb-place performance as the world championsbips in Edmonton. Bumnout bit the agelets wonder witb sucb force that it had bim. contemplating retire- ment. He recalled, 1I tbink the mental stress jut caugbt up witb me. I was really con- tidering packing it in." But Barnes malntained a minimum train- ing regiment tbroughout the faîl and grad- ually rediscovered bis passion for the sport. "If you stop (training) altogether you cas lose your edge pretty quickly, so I just did tbe basics for a while," said Barnes. You've always got the head gamnes golflg on, ready?', but oth- erwise 1'm. in good shape." Improviflg on recent results - which have repeatedly placed Harry Barnes bim atop the best age-class triath- letes across the country and near the top of his global competition - will depend great- ly on bis bilcing efforts, which were a 11111e off the mark last year. "I seemed to be a step bebind on the bike. But as one time 1 wasn't much of a swsm- mer eitber and have gotten a lot better. So now I've got to make that samne type of improvement on the bike." Expeets stitT challenge While movmng up an age class tdus season will mean leaving tome of bis top rivais bebind in the 50-54 men's division, Bamnes expecta blis new loop to be every bit as challenging. He stressed, "If you don't think that, you're in trouble." Following Sunday's St. Antbnny's Meet in Florida, Barnes will act as coordinator for Milton's Subaru 'Triathlon at Kelso Conservation Area in June and then tumn bis attention to the provincial champi- onsbips later in the montb. From tbere, be'll look to medal as the nationals before ending tbe season at the worlds - wbich this year will be held in Cancun, Mexico. "'[bis year's site works in my favour," said Bames. "'[bote hot races really suit me." OPEN HOUSE - SAT. 2-4 4128 Eleventh Concession, Moffat ý»_Ip1 une »fth to 1 SM Sideroad west to 11 Concenien so