The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 26, 2002-15 ~ ,~ C ' ,NN1U THE ROTARY CLUB 0F MILTON I II7'W WW ~FOR COMMUNITY AND FELLOWSHI ol 0F MLTON i "Working to strengthen Our Community." __________________ SOUTHERN ONTARIO F LLOWSHIP DINNER Six mumbers woro tartunato to bu able Iv attend onu ni the moul uronîtîcant ovents in the Rota~ caiendar, the Svulhetn Onarru Feilawship Dînner. Tbis is hoid annuaiy n Hain and is traditionaiiy aile ndod by the Rutary Inturnatîvnrial Provîdont elect. Over 600 Rularians tîom District 7080, ohîch înciudov urpor Ne0w York Siato crowd- ed in the Burington Conventiun Centre nn a coid, rainay evunîng, bat wure warmed hy the dignity, ors- dom and hamiiity ai ibis amazing man. Bhîchai Rattakai spoke mouingla of bis eoperienice with Ruiary. and ni bis goals fur the comîna yoar. i have n0w been a Rotariao for more than 43 years, and i cao oay that no one eoperî- onces the reai magic of Rot ary witboat direct partici- patron in service. Ail that ns wonderfui in Rotaiy' Onds ris foileai expressi on in servi ce. And active rovolvementi s the one element ihat wiii give every nom Rotarian a tru sense of heiongittg, of beiog an integrai part of f0e ciab and ils mission in the com- maniiy, "I beireve that achrearng a iasting poace in aur wvord reqarres the work of eacil ,and every individua, taking the many smaii stops filai are needed ta ilenerate a spirit oi internatioal aoder- standing and goodwiii lai 200120 1i urne ail tiatarians ta 50ow the Seedn of Love' te, calivate peace and imprave the lires 0f thase araund as and araand the worid" 7i L -Rn,ot"urftud 1.oPebCoonOlnMe 0 wrrniook Mw kw 4 go" mM 1Ww n wâm alâ ouA*o-oii eoi MEMBERSHIE Thu Roary Club aI Milton is pleosud ta melcamo 2 nom mumburo, Vorilo Nazaruth and Barbara Sanby. Bath Yorik and Barbara hane been strong supporters ai Rotary Pralecîs Ibroagh the Frionda ai Rotary group, and hane 00W decidod ta lais the club as fll membors. Assistant District Ganernar, Wayne Williams, graciaasly olticiatod aI bath mombersbip ceremanios, and romindod as ail of the prinriiples and goals of Rotary. Yarik mas fartuate la recoino is memborship ai a iullamvship night hold ait La Toocuna Restaurant. 30 Rotarians, Friondsofa Rotary and guosto more prusent and more trealed ta a wandorfal evening af gaad food and fullawship. 00e are delightod ta mulcomu Yorik and Barb ta Rotary. 00e aiso melcomo the retarno0f Bob Morrisan, a long timo member mba hud moned ta Guelph 2 years ugo. Bob, and bis mvite Pam, are nom moing bock ta Rockmaod and me are delightud ibal lOup will bu jaining the club ugain. Bob bas a mealth af usperionco and la a dedicuted Ratarian. Wo ruegrut that Henry Wlaka bas submitted bis resignation. Henry bas beon a member for muny yuars and a pool president af Rotary, ho wiii bu missud. PROGRAM MEETING TIMES: Monday evening, 6.30pm at the Muddy Dock. 291A.flIIh, Sandy Martin irom Milton's Chamber Monday May 211h - Barb Saxby classification speech. ritCommeeta discuso the downtown renewal proiect. MondmJne 3rd, Chartes Marcus, personal growth and Guests welcome. development. Guests welcome. Mqn~day a tiSott Milram the Score Program, Mondav. Jue 1i, to be announced Halton Bado dctn.Guests welcome. nda June 18iJ - John Bratty. the sport of Skeet Mnnday May 13tI 2002 -2003 planining meeting. Shoig. Monnay.May 20h- meeting cancelled (holiday) Sot i If you wotald like ta attend any af the meetings, please RSVP ta Ries Boers, 878 2721. MILTON COMMUNITY FUND AWARD The Rotaryr Club of Mltas is vois graitaiu ta hase recoivod an award tram the Milton comnutits Fund. Theso fuîids wîil ire user farinao main turpnses. The Presideton and PiosiriOt Eloci of the Mitn Rotais Club, nies Bonis and curalvo Keyaurir wii 0e ablo in attend the Rotary Internaional confornico, hold on tarceona, Spain, in Jute 2002 Ries and his onue Muriol, and carsian null bu atoenriri the convention, whîch is an internatronal gaiherînsg ai rouriosottatives from thn Ovni 30,000 clubs in Rataiy, ltis a celobiatian of the achînvomonts of the organisatn Oui alsa an opptovunity in beain from and sirare nhn sidas, aluni are goterarod ai such a ilaiOorrng Tire club oas as aile tu parchaso some syrlatod audia aideo equipoient. incodrong a TVNCR and also a data PowerPaint proînctor. This aili On usd ta promao tOn actîv- dies af the club, ovairleori sspisrîcatad prsettations tv thn club aird cnnrmsnr cate mare oiloctivoly onuh thn communty Maîiy thanks rn Jay Anderson of11he Town of Milton. ana ta hor cammîto for soroctinil oui appicatinfor lvundrng. Wo are tantunato inde11 ta hrave a coliaboîatîuo relatrooshît ortir ail staff ar the fowo iltan, roclading Joy and ni ergmrîs n Mavor. (lord Kranz. "THE RIGHT BRAND FOR THE JOB" 7Tom Dusmet nIrts oment Advisor Cal! me for ail your financial needs: Mutual tundo, retiremrent and estate plana îincludung severance package issues. MOT0 KOLDE SCHOLARSHIP The Ciab wîii again be awardîng the Gil of Knowiedge Schoiarshp ta a deserving iîh scitoot apphicaot This year the schoiarshîp wii be extended ta twO awards. Appicants cas contact iheir schooi Guidance Department for more details and assistance. GIFT 0F KNOWLEDGE SCHOLARSHIP 2001 Presented by The Rotary club of Milton THE FOCUS OF THE COMPETITION: To acknowiodge and indîvîdua wo nxompiis and demonstraies leadership in thoîr cnmmunity and or theîr entracarriculai actîvîties, THE SCHOLARSIIIP: The schoiarshîp wîii ire a $3,000 grant ioords titson napensos in a post-secsndary educa- tion pîogtam in the student's chosen field. The money is mode payahle directif to the institution in whîch the stu- dent wîli ho enroiied. A second schoiaîship for a smaiier amount wîii also ho awaîded ta the ranner op. SELECTION CRITERIA: *The candidate must Oe a resîdent of Haiton *The candidate must he a curroenly attendîng theit final anar in a Milton Secandary Schaai *Thora must he evidence of demonstrated leadership in ochool or commanday actîvîtîea *Econnmic need wiii ho taken loto consîderatîn *Academic achievement wiii not necesoarily bo a deciding factor *Candidates shvaid tsit nrganîoatinns in which they have participated and indîcato positions heid and contributions made *The stadent shnaid ire able in articulato some ftuoe career goais and objectives APPLICATION PRGCESS Students trnm the hîgh schoos in Milot are iv sabmit an application conaisting of: *A coner lenter *An essaa sf 1000 ords or ioss lreiated ta, the neiectinn coterial *A resme The application iv tn ho maiied/faned ar e-mied hy May 1 th 2002 ta Tho Rotary Club of Milton, C/o MaItIand Spoocer,Prouidenl, 143 Ontario Si. N. Milton, ON LOT 2T2 e-mail:muegd'lhlea.î (905f 878-8317, colt: 905 510 1347 THE SEILECTION PAOCESS: Tho seiection csmmîttee will 0e made up ot a minimum ai 2 Itotarians tram the Roaury Club oi Milton. The cummittee wiii reaîow the applicatinns, arrange interviewa wîth the finaliots and annoance the ormnner beore the end ni the schsai yeor. The schniarshîp wiii be presented ai the ochasi graduation curemoon. A cherque wiii ho made payable lv the post secondary educalînnai institution tu be appiied toards laitior expenses. The cnmpotîtînn mînner wiii 0e invîtod to attend the Rotary Club of Milton earla in the summur and wiii bu învited ta attend the Rotary Amards Evonîna as a Ouest ai the club.