Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Apr 2002, p. 24

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24-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 9, 2002 GratGal rtunswth igwin Merchants' shake-up goes nie GetGlois back. expect." o I i ~ i t k ~ J .JI stsndardbred of aIl tdm, returned to men cages for tItis woek's finsal, alter wo *Talvem ayf m et w r wl el mB y STEVE LeBLANC Milton helped guide the teamn ta an AillOntarso lit sts Pa& CwThe Champion and two conference championships. I guets the Mob»k* Rtt ie bý t,$,3,1 e e m h changsng of thse guard continues. (Merchant owners) had ta protect themnselves, on ti DKîm omboaoffpL&*efr- «wwNb e fThis time last year local trucking magnat Brad assumpiion that I was gomng The fact is though, in 1 00 beGrant sold the Milton Merchanta to an Oakvile-based intentions were ta corne back ta Milton." leid bufom f :&3,ý56 rmir-* -thRog M*uft&Îvng- trio ihat included former NHLer Dave Gagner as weil 1I can't say I'm ail that surprised, although 1 and~ ~ ~ Wd ce foaqge- fl lri i oIu qo as businessmen Maria Fargione and Ken Chase. somewhat disappointed. I wish they could have taikt lefiIlà :5 . 1.9*4Phase two of the shake-up accurred five months ta me about this earlier." "I wunm s aU dàý sodtanr ofa h âoffab)Bu later when the new awners flred the entire coaching When asked if the new owners gave him. enouî Mark Fu& "*ouav kno 1»-mpd$2 own staff - led by veteran skipper Glenn Walsh - il credit for ibis past seasons' efforts - which includc horse is gSIms t. rSH sd Nn h pre po vf no ob gaines iat a shaky tesson. bringing ini top guns like Tristan Senior and Ruc wamn pP ntepdo d t faouzç agpia f« thsStra Now another piece of the Merchants' aid guard bas Can-er -Slawsan was samewbat hesitant to isponi ie rae oc 1 tImwa o 165 i been twept aside, with ihe recent release of general but dîd state, "I wasn't looking for acknowledgmer during a telephane conversation with Forgione, Milton's ieamn president. 'There was notbing reaily specific behind the mave, ii's just thai we're trying ta refocus Ibis organization and iniiead of trying ta, get the old guard ta, buy iat aur syîiemr we ihought it would be better ta, make a dlean break," iaid Forgiane, whose vision for the teamn met wiih a fair amounit of criiicismn from longtisne Merchani failassers ibis pasi seasan. "Nick (Slawsan) is a classy guy, but aur philosophies were just differ- ent." Slawson, hawever, feels the move had mare ta do wilh recent rumours surrounding Grant's aitempi ta purchase the fmnancially-ailing Georgetown Raiders - who laie lasi week were aclually told ta the North York Canadians minor hockey arganizalion. Grant had wiihdrawn bis offer jusi before Use deci- sion was made. Among Use scutilebuit nri local hockey circles was Usai Slawsan - as well as others fromn Use Merchants' heyday - would be followmng Grant ta, Georgetown. "Iî's safe ta, say Usait 1had tomne layaliies ta Use arga- nization's former owner and Usere were tome rumnours ihat I'd be going witb him (ta Georgetown)," explained Slawson, who during bis tive-year tenure in le se 'y k It. and Use ieam's proceas (of acquiring players) gai slowed down." Forgione maintains Usai rumours about Grant and Use Raiders had htile ta do wiUs Slawson's release - adding Usai Use move was necessary for Use leaus ta move forward. The Milton president said bis trio's new pbilosophy includes success boUs on and off Use ice - wiUs emphasis on community involvemnent and promoting young players ta, Use next level. "Milton will regain it's winning; ways, but Usere's no reasan why il can't have boUs (on and aif-ice succeis). 1 ibink Use community't jusi gai ta be open ta changes." In part two of ibis ipring's shake-up, Gagner bas decided ta, step down from Use head coaching pot and devate more trme ta working one-on-one wiib Use younger players as Use new direciar of player develop- ment. He'll hold onto Use bench boss reigns until a new coach can be found. 111I sil be very mnvolved wiUs Use team, but helping oui Use young players individuaily is Use part 1 enjoy more." Meanwhile, Forgione will assume Use general man- ager doutes. The re-tooleil organization began recruit- ing bantamn and mnidget playoff gaines laie lasi monib and will hold prospects camps in May and June. Putting Canada First Help Canadas agriculture and agri-food industry be number one in the world We want your input. To prosper in the 2lst century, Canadian agriculture must lead the world in food safety, innovation and environmentally- N responsible production. 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A 7-2 dismaniling no doubi left mat dis- heartened - a feeling Usai carried over into Use weekend when on Friday, Mini was edged oui of Use Hobey Baker Award by Minnesoia's Jordan Leopold. 1 myself was more Usan a Uitile disap- pointed by Use double wbammuy - and for Usose who've known Mini longer, or know himn better, it was even mare painful. But perbapt we can take salace in Use faci Usai one of aur assi did bis abtolute besi ibis pasi tesson. And before Use chants of 'big deal' start flying, consider what Usai lasi staiemrent reaily means - or ai leasi whai it should mean. Most of us aren't cailed upon ta, give it aur ail on a regular basis. That's nat ta say we thirk aur responsibilities - but let's face il, boss many of us go home ai night Usinking 'Boy, today 1 gave a hundred per cent'? For mot of us Usai docsn'i happen very ofien, and sshen it doca it's usuaily nos a lengthy situation. But Mini left it ail on Use ice jusi about every nighi ibis pasi tesson and can gen- uinely say he gave it bis beit. He did every- thing humnanly possible - boUs on and off Up à fron t Use ice - ta dlaim Use Hobey Baker Assard, and because of Usai bis runner-up statut should be a loi essier ta live wiib. And Use faci Usai a sseekend-closing con- versation wiib yours iruly ceniered around Use ditappointmnent ai nos ssinning Use national cbampionship says a lot about Use type of player Mini is. As he's always said - "Hockey's a ieam gamne, Usat's sshy I'm here." That kind of untelfsh attitude bas taken Mini a long ssay already - and sslll hope- fully put bisn in good stead ai Use nexi level, ssbeUser Usai be Use AHL or NHL. And while we're ai it, tome oUser local players deterve a few kudos ibis year as sell. Among Usem, are Scott Bertoli and Jeff Haydar - boUs of sshom jusi ssrapped up great regular tessons in Use terni-pro ranka. Bertoli't ECHL Trenton Titans are sill alive and currently gunning for s second slraight: trip ta Use Kelly Cup. Meanwhile, Milton't AA midgets have provided Use bess teamn succeas story of Use year wiib Useir OMHA ie viciory and upeoming slip ta, Use Ail-Ontaria finals. Good luck gusiy! m

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