4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 19, 2002 Six bingo volunteers are needed of Halton is ioolong for a few gow volunteer. assist lu running the foundation's bingo operation in town. unteer, contact Randy Puma at (905> 333-4441 ext. 214. Meeting to address pa-ublic sehool buard's under-funding woes Board challenging provincial funding f ormula for education Afier reviewing Ontaio school boards and scrutinizing is own financial recorda, the Halton District Schuol Board bas chal- lenged the provincial funding formula for education, stating it's significantly inade- quate to meet the needs of education ioday. "The funding formula doesn't work, and we have ibe siatistics to support ibis state- ment," said Eibel Gardiner, chalr of the Halton District Sebool Board. "Boards across Ontario are siruggling to match provincial education funding 10 local needs." A public mecting will be held next Tuesday as Milton District High School ai 7 pro. to discuss budgeting issues, along wiib the grade I 2/OAC double graduation cisass of 2003 and at-risk bigb sebool cred- it courses. According to the Halton District School Board, the provincial govemmeni's fund- ing formula, introduced in 1998, deter- mines the amouni scbool boards eau spend, which severely limita a local scbool board's ability to mccl local needs. The board alto states provincial funding is based on 1997 dollars, which is below the cost of education today. "Mhe Halton District School Board has identified a number of areas where insuffi- cieni funding has taken its toit," sald Caria Klsko, superintendent of business services. "Special education is just one example of how this board is struggling to meet local needa with inadequate fimding. This board has had t0 deplete its working fund reserves and defer iniplementation of other important programi initiatives in order to continue to support ibis very necessary service for our special needs studenis." Ms Gardiner sald residents of Halton need to be aware of the shortcomings of provincial education funding and the implications that would have on students. "That's why we're going oui 10 our com- munities to talk wiib the public about budget issues," she sald. "Halton District School Board trustees are commitieli to improving communica- tion with ibeir constituents, and we sec ibis a critical educaîlon masser demnanding the public's attention." WVoman charged in bizarre incident on Heslop Drive A 48-year-old Milton woman faces a dangerous driving charge in cormeciion wiib a domestic altercation on Heslop Drive Friday night. According 10 police, a womnan stole a 1987 Oldamobile froro the Royal Canadian Legion on Charles Drive at about 8:20 p.m. sud drove it to Heslop Drive. There, she drove over a 2002 Corveti wbile a 33-year-old male aquainiance was inside. The victiro didn't sustain any injuries but the Corveti was severely damaged. The womnan retumed the Oldsmobile 10 the Legion sud was arrested a short lime lter. She was charged wiib dangerous driving sud will appear in court on Marcb 12. TH COPRTO FTETW FMLO TTY 90-7815 90-7871 >LNN NOTICE 0F TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE AND RECONSTRUCTION Notice la lureby gition puslant to Section 300 of thse Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.4, as amended, that tte Council of thse Town loif Milton, al ita meeinsg to b. b.ld in Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, on February 25, 2002, begitnnusg at 7:.30 pmn wlll consider tib. paslng of by-laws for tIse stnmporary elosing and reconstruction of tIse followlng roada: I. ANNE BOULEVARD FROM MEADOWBROOK DRIVE TO BELL STREET 2. ROBDNWOOI) CRESCENT 3. HARROI>DRIVE NORTH OF STEELES AVENUE 4. MAIN STREET EAST FROM JAMES STREET TO COMMAERCIAL STREET Planas detailing these projects are available for viewing during normal business tours at Town Hait, 43 Brown Street, Courmnity Services Department. Counil will bear, lu potion or by titeir counsel, any potion who d1aims tai ther lands will b. prejssdiciafly affected by te said by-laws, andi wbo aplies to b. Iseard. Peusons wlshing to b. heartl s çttiuinotify the Cle's Departlmetin wsiting no lacer titan Wetlneatiay, February 20, 2002. hssy ui*es sheilbc diroctetito the followlng: REQUEST FOR BID, #02.-216 Various tuinor faclity reniedi worm* Note: There will be a site meeting on~ Monday, February 25th at 2p.ni. at Town Hal 1102-171 Fire Station $3 Equipnient Shelter Consltruction Sealeti Bida on forma aupplied by the Town of Milto w* b. receveti by thse Corporat Services Deparmont, Purcbasing until l:OOami local time on: WediU"y, Mareb X3,2002 Specitatloo andi forms may b. obtained at the Town HaO, 43 BSswn Street, Mlltoe, Ontario, Corporate Servi=e Department Pereisaalng- Dsaing norma businm hours. Modcay titrougi Pridsy, 8:30 aýn. to 4:30 p.m. Thore is a bld document fée of. $27»0 ($25.23 + $1.76 GST> for replar blUs or $54,00 ($30.46 + 3.34(3Sr) for blds with drawlngs. Paymt ecm b. mati wltls cash. cheque, Iterac orVwastel,. Any isqumua regarellag dmt tender may be direcedl té the purchaang at (90) 875M(. If yeu wouldpe ht thiublti b o urier ed toy o u, ao e oplO ete Rteuefr Bi DQWueifonf on the TownVs website- ww 'okihqgl Plan tàet anti gaten anti upcomlag bide are " om n W esie _______________________________________I ______________________________________ 1