Federal funding ýwould help pay for infrastructure plans HaIson officiais have their mag- nifying glasses ready in case there's good news in upcomling federal balance sheets. A $2-bilion funding progrant to help provincial and municipal gov- emments with large infrastructure projeets was announced in the recent federal budget. But local observers note the Strategic Infrastructure Foundation funding bas a condition attached. -tt wiIl comte out of their sur- plus," said Jane MacCaskill, Halton's commissioner of corpo- rate services. 'We're aware of this and we're keeping an eye out for She said there's usually a deîay in assembling sucb programns and the eligibility criteria. But Ms MacCaskill noted feder- ai officiais must be expecting s sur- plus so announce $2 billion could be available. Also announced was retention of previous federal budget commit- ments, mncluding $600 million for bighways. Halton officials will be watching for funding opportunities in a few areas. "Roadways need considerable rebabilitation and significant work is required on water and waste- water plants," noted Ms MacCaskitl. Under the federal program, tpe- cial consideration is given to pub- lic-private partnerships. "Some are more suitable than others," said Ms MacCaskill. "Design build or financing schemes involving partners will qualify." Sbe said the federal govem- ment's commitment to mamntain a secure, open border indirectly affects Halton. Many of tbe region's busmnesses rely beavily on goods flowing freely between Canada and the U.S., noted Ms MacCaskill. The beefmg up of federal securi- ty forces could also affect Halton police. 'We need to look at wbat stan- dards we may be required to meet," said Ms MacCaskill. Regional chair Joyce Savoline said more details are needed about infrastructure funding, but she's pleased with the interest sbown. "I'm happy the federal govem- ment is talking about infrastructure and urban affairs," said Mis Savoline. "We greatly need an increased federal presence with urban municipalities in Canada." Couple make court appearance A Fifth Line couple cbarged with drug offences will retumn to court February 7 after making a brief appearance Tbursday. Theodore Luscombe, 45, and Brenda Luscombe, 39, wbo are charged with one counit each of producing a controlled substance, possession of a controlled sub- stance and possession of a con- trolled substance for the purpose of trafficking, appeared in Ontario court (provincial division) in Milton to set a triai date. But because the defence bas yet to review full disclosure, senting a trial date was postponed until next month. Mr. and Mis Luscombe were arrested September 25 after Halton Regional Police seized 146 mari- juana plants as well as hydroponies growing equipment front a Fifth Line residence. A bydroponics growing opera- tion was discovered inside a barn adjacent to the home, while mari- juana was also found in the base- ment. The drug was aiso growing on the grounds outaide. The drugs seized bave a potential street value of $110,000. th "If your New Year's Resolution I ~ the1 is to lose weight, feel better and L iv in gto look great, I can personally G?,. if ei guarantee that we have what it ood u id to~ takes to ensure you achieve your Y Guide h an goals. That is why Iv aei HLleahan so easy for you to belong. loin Success today for $0 initiation!" David Patchell-Evans. Faunder & CEO. Goodaife Fitness Clubs «ii Goodife âmn Cati Today! 876-3488 855 Steeles Avenue East -Nomnal dues and administrative ffes applvy WALLACE's Wîin Event on Most ZUI a 2002 modela Guaranteed $500 AND TOU MAT WIN TOUR VEHICLE* ONLY 79 NEW VEHICLES IN-STOICK! OnIy 6 2001 Vehicles Remaining With Unbelievable Savings until Jan 12/02 Sunfire SLX 4DR Air, Auto, Pwr loka, keylss List - '211,400. cash '181888. OR 0%for 48 Months GMC Jimmy SLT Loaded w/ieattw & moonroot Approet. 16,200kmn Liot - 845,125.00 $e~ 33,955. NU Frt + Tax 0%for «0 Monthe 0.9% for 60 Monthe le Ton H.D. Reg. Cab Plckup Plow $lmc. w/8.1 L Eng. LIt -"9411.290.0' c09h "339949. 0%for 30 Monthu GMC Yukon Denal Accident MWir bleds w/(moosroot. Appmc. 17,000km Liait - W.4400o 0.9% for 48 Monthe 2.9% for 60 Months -Note: Cash sale pries eannot bu eombinud with low finane. Ai sale prices include guarantud $500. Ring in and Win. Oumnos are flot sabieet to fremght or air tax. Dealer has airuady paid ttsum. OAC. This promotion ends January 12102 *On eligible models, see dealer for details *801 mmI ST. E. BUICK MLON {~~~FRI O SAR5 9-00q 55A -100Pm un54 OOvul NEW Aztek GT 2WD FulIy L.oeded w/Ieather List - S37,585.oe Sale s289985. for 48 Months Sunt Ire GT Loadud air, a1*0, aunroof Apprws 17,500km U*I - 025,870.11 pce 0%for 4« Monthe IDEMO'S