Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jan 2002, p. 21

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Classified e .. «" . P -, .. Y - - 1 m ý - , 1 1 FUR. cR -M m (4 0ild 4MOM£IM 1MI U OMMT gara ge for immediate occupancy. Business: 416- 956-5040 ROOM near Milton MaIl, suitable for worlning maIe. No shift workera please. $11 O/week. Cali 878-0882. prwe.Firat ed lest required. Includes' lundry, cable and ail utilifies. Located in Milton. CeIli for view- ing. 905-864-9345 FOR Lecse800q.Ft industriel werehouse MiLiETOER ~ space. Heeted, utîlîties IL MiSIe Drive, included. $500/mio Cali 82Msilt. n 9-5 (Lînde) 905-879- l2Br.Ai. 4128 Delcos Building Ideel "OId Towr" location 2 appliences Laurrdry lecilities 1 Utilities incted 2 bedroom acpf for rent O-i Radn $950/monfh ufîlîfies O-ieRsdn încluded. Cali 416-887- manages 5822 , Open 7 deys. 5822________ Same day epprovel 2 bedroora renoveted cp.i n 4-pies. Close to Cati: Downiown Milton. $850 1 9061) 876-1249 plus heet/hydro. Feb. 1 905-459-1592 or 416- 254-5710 afer 6pm - CHARMING oid house 11 rs flpe o in oid Mitos 2 bedroom frora bungalow in Milton. eperiment. Aduts pre- $1200/ monffr, utilities ferred. Aveileble lai Fe- indluded. Firat/lat. 416- brucry. Referesces re- 1473- 1687 fer 6. quired. No pets. 905-[ 878-2097 3 bedroom house, Bth Lins beimees Brifes- DIPLOMAT Apta, Mii- niaIEglinton. Near1 ion, 235 Ontario Street emesîfies. $1100 plus North. 1 and 2 bed- utilhues. Ccii 905-826- rooma. Newly resoveied 0 665 in quiet building. 2 cp- pliences, ut ilities isclud- BUGLMton, 3 ad. On site lcundry. bdom, rcom From $845. 905-875- 1spofleas court location, 4989 Merch 1sf. $1205.00 motihiy, firat lest, ufili- DOWNTOWN Milton. fies. 878-9586 Two quiet second floor one bedroom epert- COUNTRY ... Secluded rassis eveileble imme- 3-bdrmn., 14 cc. bush, dietely. $735 monthiy pond, traila, triple + ga- eech iscludisg heet. No rage/wortahop. Aveul- pets. Cali 854-0401 for pbecnl.$1. 650e. an ppoinment to view. Capbe o. ref. ruiry FOR Reni: Two bed- nc. 905-85)4-2294 rom epertment. Good i location, suifeble for e wortîng couple, ose child weicome. No pts* References. Available Februcry 1 , 2002. $850.00 per month MILTON, 3 bedroora, heat indluded. 905-87 8- femily monm, window 2737 A/C, 4 appliances. Nean GO. Avaieabie 'mme- GEORGETOWN, large dictely. $1250 plus utili- 2 bcdroom ept in Victor- iies. 905-803-9267 an home, $975/mth in- zludes heai. Adtos 3 )edroom semi, $1 000/mth plus. 2 bed- I . U ,oom cpt, $7225/mfh +~ r8II~ 519)853-5080/ (519) " 3-5352 JIm Strain 190 Ontario St., Milton 878-6522 Monuments Mcrkera*- Bronze Markers SMYTH, Betty Lorraine Peacefuliy, on Saturday, January 5, 2002 at Willow Estafe Nursing Home, Aurora, in her 82nd year. Betty, beloved wife of William, ioving mother of Lame and his vife Donna. Cherished grandmother of Brent, Blair and Courfney. She wiil be aadly misaed by her eatended family and many frienda. Friends may oeil at Ward Funeral Home, 2035 Weaton Road (Norfth of Lawrence Avenue), Weston on Thuraday, Jenuary 10, 2002 from 12:30 pm until the time of service in the Ward Chapel af 1:30 pm. Cremafion. The family wiahed t0 expresa their sincere thanka f0 Ann and Ian Richard for their tremendlous aupport and compassionafe care. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated JEAN CESCON In loving memory of a dear vife, mother, and grandmofher who passedi away December 11, 2001. if 1 had aet the world fa give, I'd give if, yes, and more, To hear her voice, cee her smile, And greef her af fhe door. But ai I can do, dear Wife and Mother, la go and tend your grave, And leave behind foloena of love To fhe beat Woman God ever made. I like to think when life la dore, Wherever heaven may be, She'l be standing cf fhe door Up there to welcome me. We mis you everyday, Wlth Love, your famIiy. A Memorial Mass will be offered for Jean Cescon at Holy Rosary Church Friday, January 11 tfh et 8:00cmn "MOOSE" DONALD DeBAIE January 6,2001 1 cant belleve you've been gone a year. Thereas a place in heaven that's marked "Reserved", For fafhers such as he, Who lived lifelon devotion to hia ife and family. And theres a place in our hearta Marked that way foo, Where his dear memory will be loved as he waa loved, before he entered eternity. Love Wle & Chiidren ÇA sincere Thank You to family, friends and neighbours for food, flowers, phone calis and cards ~whi!le I was a patient in Oakville .7Trfalgar Memorial Hospita l Thanks to rny good nurses ton surgical floor and Dr's Kealey and Gay. Margaret MurrayJ - ~ ~ tUIL uuneu s 1111bil, WiIOOIilUlSIS, ,vnpnm - ~ ~scooters, etc. Cali Silver Cross 905-847-5504 We wol liet xrs- u CARPET 1 have severel 1,000 yrds. of new Staîn- We wutd ike o exressour master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroora & appreciation to family, friends & ihall for $340. Includes carpet, ped & installation (30 Sneighbours for their kindness in our yards) Steve, 905-630-2902 -moments of sorrow for the food, flowers & doatins o te Lnre Fondaion )~ FOR Sale: Little Folks Oak Crib $150, Medele IBreast Pump $60, Evenflo Discovery Stroller wfinf-, To Mitton Distrc Hoptalecn floor anet car seat $100, Sefety 1 st Bath seat $7, Fisher staff for taking care of our father in his ~:Price Bath $10. 905-878-0056 lest days. To Dr. Glen Peer. 7b J. Scott r Early Funeral Home for their good ser- vice. 7b Father David and Father Damian of Holy Rosary Church for their kind words. [Thenk You from the Spegnuolo Famil REQUEST FOR TENDER Bld documenta for the service listed belom, addressed fa the Manager of Purchesing Services, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE ON L6M 3L1 milI be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakviiie Time on the specified ciosing date. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7031. If long distance charges apply, dial foit free 1 -866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) Documenta miii be availabie for pick up on and affer Tueaday, January 8, 2002. There ia a non-refundable deposit of $25.00 plus $1.75 GST. Bida wilI be opened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the due date specitied in the Nelson Roomn et the above addresa. Those aubmitting bida are invited to attend. Under no circumatances milI facaimile or laie bida be accepied or considered. Lomeaf or any bld nof neceaaariiy accepted. Halton Region relies on fhia adveriisemenf f0 provîde public notice of this business opportunify and is not obiigaied f0 notify any potentiel bidders in any other manner. 02-T-022 INSTALLATION 0F WATERMETERS IN OCCUPIED AND ]UNOCCUPIED DWELLINGS CLOStNG: TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2002 P. MURPHY, COMMISSIONER 0F PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS LOST - Mssg uecemoer ib. bmeîi oracvien Shepherd (Behr). Timid. Rewerd. Cai 905-878- 5269/878-2251 LOST: Pug, amal fewn and black dog. Januery 2. Mill Street. 905-878-7541 A. MINDENHALL, OPPO MANAGER 0F PURCHASING SERVICES ilsn recuu. c-icscqî. 1 90,OOOkms. Askîng $2580. 905-877-0670 '91 Tempo Auto, 161,000km. Cerlified, 'E" Teated. $1950. 878- 8284 IRICHARDON ITo leaseorpurchesel Iyour car or truck 878-2393 SALIS & LEASiN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITil FAMILY VALUES WE - tUY - SEIL - LEASE LARGESI SELECTIOfi OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 or Welinq a ve, mreime Espali *New busnessw? Cmre? Wlcrn *Hin a baby?- 56 Doris 905-332-4790 Etize 905-603-0313 Tracy 905-876-4330 Bridai Janioe 905-878-3541 Lin 905-854-4100 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answerlng service Phone 1-800-891-4862 1-519-836-1522 Claslfed Fax 876-2364 Phone 878-2341, ný _rk, rý là; r, k, i A 1 la ljrnl.)

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