,>'Gone but flot forgotten ftsw. Mark UsêmAi Jow ln a hysu doIhiq the lenc sorviSe to -sismie dm. vIOis ol th* terrisi: ewk ntU .S. ArgK Jr utaNu ousàNew YorkCity nu -o uvbn ln Nlts., expauss.o hie #uuhi to Owd fr e hndsq*St he, »r4" vîw rp 1usd by 8mv ftod Lewis ef Knox PmysrW.uCtuuwdu Photosby GWAHAMPAINE Co mpratee Pk 37U acc.essores - bl-m cM2lic tafm Shopping Centre AudoTR Nic"'cft95-637-323 * IVmlItoem 1Farm FUIR buverM3jmred * food Armeab cnft peple * May gif idea * Livenetetanmn *HanhdeQuaik COUNTRY HERUTAGE PARK -wal TW ois Vam Murnau) &%60 Mmeusine Rend, Mtis, ON Tke Useda West te Treaaine, 90 N. & fslis9w 8ig1u Or Cali 14-3081&=76 #!i~~~V S4 ~*rnc ~4 ~ ai S MA2 M The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 18, 2001-7 148th MILTON FAIR lrisly, oaturuy &(g* Su ioFair~ ee ere! Septembe Fo»r more formaltion... Cati 878-569 HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE No. 1 Trafalgar Road (RgonaI Road 3) Improvoments .Cîass Environmental Aesçsment Study The Reglonal Municipality of Halton han initiated a Clans Environmental Ansesarnent ta consider options ta satinfy travel dernand on Trafalgar Road from Britannia Road north ta the south ramp of Highway 401 (see map below). To address operational deficiencie§ .asnociated with thin segment of Trafalgar Road, a number of road improvernent alternatives wiîll be exarnined, including widening the roadway, new road aligrnentn, possible railway crossing and improvements ta intersections, among others. The ntudy wiIl be conducted in compliance with Schedule C of the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (June 2000). A Public Information Centre (PIC) Is planned ta provide further information ta the public and interested stakehoîdars and ta receive input and feedback on the ntudy ta date. The PIC is ta be heîd: Tueeday, Septomber 25th, 2001 Porcy M.rry Publie School <Gymnuslum) 283 Brltannla Rond Est, Mîlton Open Houe 5:30 - 8:00 PM Those attending the PIC will have an opportunity ta meet the Project ream, review the ntudy scope, and dincuns the issues related ta the project including alternative solutions, envlronrnental considettions and the asnennrnent of evaluation critenia for the alternative solutions. If you are unable ta, attend the PIC and require additional information, please contact: Mr. Edward Solda, P. Eng. Praject Manager Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Brante Raad Oakville, Ontaria L6M 31-1 Phane: 905-825-6161, Ext. 7475 Taîl Free: 1-866-442-5866 (1 -86-4HALTON> Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: soldoe@regian.halton.an.ca Mr. John Grebenc, P.Eng. UMA Engineering Ltd. 5080 Commerce BIvd. Mlsulnauga, Ontario L4W 4P2 Phone: 1-905-238-0007 Ext. 2610 Fax: 1-905-238-0038 Email:jigmbenc@umagroup.com -1 8TULDY IEA L www.region.hatton.on.calpp riroaris Z 1 1 au 0 '.L.Weme