20-The Canadian Champion, Fdday, August 31, 2001 - mu. .t-.u :~-I i r E- iI School is Back! 1WPlease Drive e Ethel Giardiner Safely1! AI Bale y Chair of the Board Chair of the Board Dusty Papke Lou G-- Plovesan Director Of Education Director of Education 'REGISTER NUW FOR hALLCLSE Swimming Lessons Start Sept. 4, 2001. For Infants, Children, Teens & Adute Private (min. 2 chlldren) e Semi (min. 3 children> 16 week program *e Open 6 days a wek Red Cross Level 1-12 e Survival e Royal Lfe Samàng 143 *Bronze Medallion e Bronze Cross e Leaders 1 50-75 0F30% F s.I.cted s"me WE ACCEPTZ -J The Milon Marlins Swim Teamn Extends An invitation je,,,To Ail Swinmers To Jomn Us In The Pool For MILON AURLIN swvad rimaOur 2001-2002 Season Tiis is our enury Intel prograin for citidren age 7 tb 12 wit Aqua Quesi Intel 6 or Session #1-:Ienber 17 10 Noveioier 92001 :sdy4:5b i n m TRYOIJTS & REGISTRATON Mooday 6:00-40 7:00 pin or 7:0010o 8:00 pin Wedoesday September 12 4301Io 5:30 Pio @ te ilton Leisure 'flesday 4:45 10 5:45 pin Centre Wdedy44 o54 i Fniday Septmber 14 6:00 t0 7:00 pint @ tie E.C. Drury Pool Thursday445 Io545 pin or Swiin 1,2 or 3 tines aweek 60 o700 pin or 700 t0800 pin Regste erlyfo bet eletin o aaillepoo tnte.' Friday445 o545 pin or Re~teeayfoits1le1ioofVaabOpOlbne.~ 600Io700 pinor700Io 800 pi COMPETITIVETEAM co E c i s 017! For Informaton Eall: Many levels of training depending on childs sge and abiiiy Date Fraser 905-878-0667 Swimmers progres through Swîm Ontario age grop lime sandards. SIIsaI Fraser 905-87-0667 SWieners joit Swim Otaro and may compele a local & regiotal mees. Matin Prusia 905-878-3617 Varions prsclico schedoles avaiabe 310 12 hours per week). Grahai Mclroy 905-876-2739 Registrtion cosis vosi according to training scitedule. Fi Dinitro 905-878-4130 Fees o moothly hasis. oietbr ne ol t/ EAUI REGISTRATION Tues Sept llth (4-6pm) @ Leisure Centre 18 months ta 5 years *Full and Part-time Programs Art e Music - Computers e Drama Every doy, children discover somnething "new" at Rainbow Village. We prowide plenty of opportunities for your child ta have fun leorning in a sofe. healthy and stimulating envronment Taking Care of Milton's Chidren since 1989 Visit us at 258 Commercial St. 905-878-7552 rw Mi1tTi Y6Uth GCam Community Choir for youth ages 8 to 18 18 LOOKING FOR SINGERSI DOaPU£«OE To si##? DOtPO LOE TO AmT 8O op 10VE To fléEIt Do "OU LOE To tMAE FuI? FiNAL FALL REGISTRATION lin"a. SMp. 13 5I.M.. - 8p.m. cruce Anlcan Churcli or caîl Darcel de Sylva at 905-876-0402 To Pre-Register A special Ioarning exporlence In muslc for chiliron agos 3 to 8 Chid andpaent leam together in smalgrolPs: piano, singing, rhythm, theort & ear training Music For Youngj Childrenti '<-joanne Harroson (905) 875-0889 -a WWW.ArtsMilton.com a m