Police association cails for STU director's resignation The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 28, 2001-3 By RICHARD VIVIAN The Champion The Special Investigation Unit (SWU) is gomng beyond its mandate and unneces- sarily costing taxpayers money, charges the Halton Regional Police Association. The Halton association joined the Police Association of Ontario (PAO) in requesting the resignation of SIU Director Peter Tinsley Thursday - stating many STU investigations are unwaITanted. "The Halton Regional Police Association certainly supports ask- ing for the resignation of Mr. Tinsley - unequivocally support it," said Paul LaCourse, association administrator. "We don't have a probleni at ail with civiian over- sight - we reaily don't. We just want to ensure that our members are treated fairly." At issue is how strictly the STU sticks to its mandate under Mr. Tinsley's direction. According to its mandate, an investigation is to be "conducted into the circum- stances of serious injuries and deaths that may have resulted from criminal offences committed by police officers." The police association believes the STU bas gone beyond that man- date, investigating many incidents involving injuries not related to police involvement. "'I'ere bas to be some reason- able cause or reasonable belief that the ciizen's injuries or death were caused as a resuit of a'crimnsal action by a police officer, not sin- ply because somebody's hurt," said Mr. LaCourse. "When they corne in to investigate, it costs the tax- payers money." In a written statement released by Mr. Tinsley, he expressed frus- tration at the news of the police association's cail for bis resigna- tion. The PAO, he said, backed out of two opportusities to discuss the issue with hlm in recent months. "lIn regards to accountability, it seems to be that any real or serious efforts to resolve issues must be approached through communica- tion to ensure that there's an under- standing of the facts on part of al parties," he said. "Unfortunately, the PAO leader- ship has not availed itself of that opportunity, but on the basis of unexplained concerna they appar- ently wish to unilateraily defmne the scope of operations of the SIU while at the samne time espousing support for civilian oversight." The best way to resolve the issue, Mfr. LaCourse said, would he to establish a code of conduct for SIU staff, investigators and tse director. "We want their investigators held to Use sane standard our members are, which is high. There's proba- bly flot too, many professions who are scrutinized as much as Use action of police officers," he said. Halton Regional Police Chief Ean Algar commnented, "I certainly support Use independence of Use Special Investigation Unit and Use need for a Special Investigation Unit. 1 know Uere's issues Usat need to be better clanified, but with Use Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police we're working wiUs Use Special Investigations Unit and Mr. Tinsley to address Use issues." i wqw w wmu m PRICES WILL BE ,,MLaKED -TO ROCK BOTTOM CLEAROUT PRICES OPTIMUM VEHICLES COME WITH: * a G.M. Waeianty (up to 6 ~ sl0,000 kmn powerin) * Factory Trained Technicians * 30 Day/2,500 km Exchange Privilege * G.M. Extended Warranty Available Slicciiil Selecfioiil ARCTIC FLEECE PRINTS looll,, polýester HLige 'JSSO['tilielit Of J)r0ltS. OUr Reg 19.98 m NOW 8.99 m Great Value ut Better thon '12 Price!