Blond. Neyer been mors. Suitabie for ar- 905-878-9416 NEW ladder rack for ful size van, $900. 905- 876-0678 ORLANDO - Beach ares 7 tiay/6 night hotel1 stay. Paid $600, seli $199. 416-390-9398 SNOOKER tabe 10x5' accessories inciuding snooker and biliard bals, 15 pool cues & rack, marker board & other etras. $1500. Overhead biliard lamp, brand new, $500. 905- 875-0422 HEATHERS Antiques buys estate items, terni- ture, glass, china, sterl- ing Royal Doultons. Cash Pait, Confidential. 905-703-1107 END 0F SUMMER GARAGE SALE 252 Orie Court Fr., Aug 31 4 ta8 p. Sat., Sept 1 OId taats, hardware, tays, and many treasures, toc, many ta mention! No early birds pleaae. GAAESALE I Sat. sept 1 I 30 tleslop Rd. I Unt #1 I Prcead ta aeltt GARAGE ALE1 I Sat septi 1 I104 Commercial St I Stert 0 8 amn Some Antqul I & Stuf ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Uniriteti Access aniy $15.95, great local service anti support from SURF THIE NET. 905873-2602 FREE ta gooti home (moving), fmo grest dags, brother/sister, 4 yms. aid, outdaar types, gentte mith everyone. Aso 3-mroths free foot. (905) 854-3300 FREE: Ta gooti home. 2 year aid purebret f e- maie yeiiom ab. 905- 854-2320 FOR sale '98 Chev 1500 WT haîf ton, V8, auto, pomer steering, pomer brakes, air candi- toning. Gooti conditon. $9500 as is. 905-840- 8491, after6 pn. Make it To leasorpurchase yourcarortruck Hwy25 S. aIDeyRd. 878-2393 ORRUDS AUTO SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -BUY -SELL -LEASE LAGEST SELECTION OF USE VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 NO tCrerpO-Y rSfl atios s ay-#1e Course designed fo help you plan your ca- reer. Funded by HRDC. For more informaton/to register cati Grace aI ( 9 05 )333- 3499/(905)878-1240. Le/oie & arter olI, 8 bro. per day. Permanent fait year. 905-877-9314 STAFF required fuit time, part time, al ar- eau. Apply Steakyard & Soafood House, 377 Main Street East. 905- 876-9998 STOPP'S Cleaners requires presser, fuit- time, no experience necessary, ii train. Monday tai Friday. Appiy sn persan f0: 885 Main St., Unit 4, Miton THE Dickens is current- y acceptis9 resumes and appicatons for the foitowinig positions: Fuît time Line Cooka; Dish- washers; Bus Persans. Pieuse apply in persan or fax your resume ta 905-878-9040 Attn: Sean. 189 Mil Street, Miton, Ontario. No phono oels peuse. WANTED AZ drivers. Fiat bed mark for South- em Ontarioanast Michi- gan, experionce pre- ferred, home wookends. Cati Best Transfer ç(519)853-5773 ext. 1 or 1-800-862-1470 est. 1 VAHOOZ Music Grill Restaurant/Spors Bar tait positions avaitable. Full anti part ilnohours. Appiy in persan ta 121 Chishoîn Drive. Milton :ACP Conmunicatons COFFEE lime, 405 TechnoogiesIne. is Martin Street nomý hiring ooking for entry levai att shifts. Appty mithin. Computer ntwork in- stallation technicisns. FULL tirne manager po- ACP iti provide Ap- sition avaitabie for cale prenticeship traiing in Csnpbeiivitie. Bof- anti Benf ts. Please fax meen $8 - $12 /hour, de- resunes ta 905-876- pending on esperience 4697, attn: Kevin, or plus tips. Appiy in par- ornait kbtir@net- son Bruce Trait Eatery, morkscp.corn. tsdustry 35 Crsmford Crescent. Competitive startîsg GREYSTONE Golf Cub msges. - Turf Departnent/ AZ driver manteti, mstk- 1Ktchen Staff. Part lime ing tioor expenience a Positions. Appicsnts pus. Phone 905-875- musf be fit, energetie 7001 anti abe ta mark mee- kentis. Ineai for stan- LANOSCAPE & Pool ents, Atdreax resumes Construction compsny ta: Doug Davitson, !oking for morkers fa, 9689 Dublin Lino, Mit- 1JOîn aur successfut tan, Ont. L9T 2X7. Fax: team. Cati Tom at Wit-1 905-875-3435. Ernait- iamcreek. 905-878- 3852 HELP asteti. Large TOW truck drivers mant- homoe farm has several eti. Must have goat posiion sviiate uchdrivers sbstrsct. Must as handyman, groomshiiGiec nib tramner, foasing persan' over 20 yeam 0of ag0. etc. Psy os experence: Appfy is persan ta Ke- Cati 519-758-0285, fa vins Toing, 221 Ni- resume 519-758-1041 pissing Rd., Miton LANOSCAPE Main- tenance & Construction- compsny requires oser- getie individuels ta jis RECEPTIONIST/ Das a ur team. Must be hard Enitry Cierk. Tempoarry m orking anti reiabte PT requireti immediate- m ith Positive attitude. y. 1-2 years experience. Wsges stsrt at $9,(00: PC skils, account- $10.00 h. bssed an ox- ing/boakkeeping skills perience. Cati (905)875- an axet. Base i n Mî- l0640 or fax resuno ta ton, Ont. Saiary $12- (905)875-3577. $15/hr. Fax 905-875- 6887 psidhu@thrumay- LINE Cooks Needeti. Experienceti. Fuît anti ,part-tino positions - .available. Pesse cati .Mary or Tony at (905) .875-3222 or fax resume to (905) 457-8659 PART-tino Dental As- PART tino persan for sistant requireti for busy antique store sales, geniersi dental Prsctice, maintence anti reosirs' PDA certification as as- Faniliarity mith asnd set. Dr. Paula Cassin, toots, strong interner- '106 Wakefield Rd., Mi- sonal skitts anti milling- tan, On. Fax 905-878- neax ta tean staineti 0557 ~54-0261 or 854-2152. RPN'S anti PSW ur- 1Fax 905-637-6810 gentty needeti for long THE lv Armsis 1 tom"""IN. out position in fora EltvyAma nis )ling Miton. Att shifts re- anti day dishmasher. quireti. Plesse fax re- Please applyinperansune ta 1-888-223- 201 Main S1t. E. Mihon 89 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday August 28, 2001-23 - Clsslfled Fax CLEANING lady 876-2364 RQETFRPOOA required 1 aternoan R QPhonOeP OP SA 878-1341 chasng Services, 1151 BRONiE ROAD, OAKVILLt ON LBM 3L1 mii be ec eived otil A.VE. Entertainment Documents wili bo availabie for pick up on anti after Thursdsy, August 23, 2001.- Wantd: Ms.caIy ndind Pepie There is a nan-refundabte tiepasit of $2500 plus $1,75 GST. CD Store is Iooking for 1 manager Under na circumstancos mitI facsimite or lte bitis be accepteti or considereti. and 1 fuil-time pet-son. Dedication Lawest or any biti nat necesssrily accepteti. Hattan Regian relies on this ativertisement ta pravide public notice of this business and music knowîedge required. apportunity anti is not obigateti ta natify any patentisi bititers in any Cther manner. Must be available ail hours. Apply wvith reswne at A.VE. sor in 01P010 Mifton Mali or fax to <9) 87"-753 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY 0F LABORATORY PRODUCTS Apply by in person 80 Market Drive eAbovo Averago Wages J eBenofits antd Bonus Irnenives ,oiiin\ - (o ur infast WH L1 paced environmeni? We ar crety accepling applica- tions for the fo owing: F/./T Couks F/TP/T Waiters/Waitress F/TP/T Dishwasher F/T Maintenance Days (7-3) F/T Fuel Bar Cashiers We pnide oupsemora ataostly nr uiess heal proxvides: .Flexible heurs Competitve snMgm$700)41000 tir. AbLe tuo idholule arnunid family rem4bniuiides No exKri nc ecessoary Apply in peron:iftih MoiokiSop 40) Chishole tDr. Milton Commercial Relocation Company seeks FuIl/Part Time Driver Also - Movers, Installers, Supervisors Contact- James Yeo at J#ERTAGÇE QW4LI!YILOCAVIOI7($ 905-876-0070 Requires a Parts Counterman/Driver Fult Time Junior position with room for advancemnent. Somte lifting and somne computer work. Clean driving record essential for an eager enthusiastic person. Contact Jude Barros 905-878-8808 Springridge Fam Has part-lime and ftaltirne job upporlunities " School Tour Guides- Birtbday Party Hss " Speciat Events Staff- Bakery/Retail Sales Please as yoor resumne and hours ot arailabilily o 905-878-4150, or cone t the farim 10 comple an appicatiîo.Wr are uopn daiy 9-5. 17256 Bell School Line. Milton, Ontario Building aupply yard requirea *DZ DRIVERS *GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Heavy lifting involved. Drivers must provide current drivers license wth boom truck experience an asset. We provide a competitive tarting wage andi company benefits. Patene Building Supplies Ltd. 7449 Trafalgar Road (south of 401) Hornby (905) 875-0279 CLOSING: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2001 P. MURPHY COMMISSIONER 0F PURCHASING SERVICES Ii' I li i lx 74L a aSFESO TEITRE A. MINDENHALL, OPPO MANAGER 0F PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS HALTON HELPING HANDS MOMS! MOMS! MOMS! -Do you eeîoy cteaning? -Wanit fleiblo part-rime hoorst (Mon-Frit tonjoy .rorking oiîh seniorslphysicatty etiattrogedi RELtIABI.F TRANSPORrAllON REQUIRED tiAtOTRAININU AtLOWANCE - TRAVEL. AI îOWANCE Forwaed resumne: Fax (905) 844-5656 250 Wiyecroft Road, #2, Oakvi ie L6K 3T7 Or cal (905) 878-6403 ÔChac//eigh ', 9528 Highway 25, Milton, now accepting applications for our fail season. Positions available in: Retail Store, Orchard and Entertainment area open 10 arn to 5 prn, 7 days a week until Oct. 3l1st. Please pick up application frorn our store. Retail Store Food Service Barbeque Area Parking Lot Attendants Tractor Drivers Information Booth Children's Birthday Party Hostess School Tour Guides Cashiers Permacon Group, a division of Olticastie, leading manufacturer in concrete products, is looking for experienced and motivated workers ta fil positions in aur new paver plant facility. Electrical / hydraulic experience, and I or experience an Masa I Rekers equipment a definite asset. If you are interesteti in becoming an integral part of aur professional tesm, send yaur resumé ta the fallawing: Permacon Group, Bolton Plant 3 Betamat Court, Bolton (Ontario) EMACON L7E 5R9 Or fax ta: (905) 857-4774 Attention: Tony Degroot QS 9000 Automotive Stamping Company requires energetic individuals la fil the tollowing positions: * nventory Canîrol *Shipper/ Receiver/ Order Filler *Purchasing Agent *Payrall/ Humnan Resouces Atention la delail a must, strong computer skils, knawledge of Visual Manufatring an asset wilh ail these positons. Fax resume: 905-823-8971 Fil Store Front Conter HoUp Days & Afternoons CALL 905-827-5200 O ki. l' rm e Sao &Dy p Image Itraina eoperienced fulltime Assistant for the Salon and a toittime Assistant for tht Spa. Please cati Jody or Bath: 905-338-3333 DICKS GRILLE & VINE s coming ta Brlington & ooking Kitchon! Sari foriWaIt-staff Appty in person: 645 Plains Rt..on Mon- Aag. 27, Tes. Aug. 28 between 9-5pm, or cali 905-637-2670 1~Hwy 5 & Neyagawa, Oakvîie FUIl-tlme STOREFRONT STAFF, BAKERS & DONUT BAKERS Fieu Hours 5-1, 6-2, 7-3, 3-11, 11 pm-7am *Beneflts & shift bonus *Ali training provided Fax resume to 905-257-9563 orncait 905-257-9562 or appiy sn persan 494 Dustas Street W., Oakvitte