Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jul 2001, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 10, 2001-23 GARAGE SALE 1256 Lower Base Line Ga.In jî i 1 8 arn - 1 pm Cîothtng, toys, kids tuf Lots of Stuffi GARAGE SALE SetJulyl14 8 arn 436 Hghsîde D. Somnetlsîng for evry. oiet Crafts, Craft Supplies, Extension Ladder, Beer & Wne making equpmnent, Winne fier system <(wth filters> GARAGE SALE Sat. Juty 14 9 arn lu 3 pm -Fusorted- Apt. iL Washer, Bikes, etc. 2110 Campbeîtviîîe Roud 3 km W of Guelph Une. Rate or Shîne MOV1NG SALE Toy, Bedroom furnture, blikes, uaed computer desk, fi"woý bookahlve, sofa sale, hockey equîp- ment, beda, booka, yard equîpment, freezer., mise. 9:30.-3 pm 891 Laurier Ave. 905-8753060 Calil Oam - Sprn Furniture Lawn Sale Ramn or Shine Sait.Jùly 14,9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 11998 Winston Churchill Blvd. 1 1/2 mites N. of Mayfield Rd./Rlver Dr., Georgetown New ready ta finish handcrafted furniture. desks, washstands, coffee & end tables, dea- con benches, sofa tables, wardrobes. ar- moire, dressers, night tables, quiît racks, bianket boxes, TV armoire, TVNVCR cabi- nets, china cabinets, hutch & buffet, CD's towers, steren cabinets, jelly cabinets, book- cases, corner cabinets, plant stands, mi- crowave stands, mirrors,. Harvest table, dry sink, TV/VCR stands and much, much, more. Bring s truck and tairelit wth you! AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JULY 12 AT 5 P.M. To be held at Humes Auction Farm, 9313 4th line, 3 miles northwest of Mil- ton. To include furniture, appliances, glass & china, air compressor. Sherwood & Cordon H-ume, Auctioneers 905-878"878 Fax: 905-878-7647 Emaîl: 1990 Dadge Spirit 95K on engine! transaxel. New exhaust system, gaad condition. Clean air pass, certified. $2500. (905) 878-8321 ASSUME Lease: 2000 Windstar Minivan, no money down, $471.00/month, 2 year bease, excellent condi- tion, seats 7, air conidi- tianing, 4 doar, air bags. 905-876-0620 BILLS AUTO BODY 1woeki Hardateeta I#1 155 N gA. t," 878-2721 Make it To buasor prhas pourc0ror buck 8* 2 S a DnyRd. 8.239q3 -uo SALES & LEASING NEW &USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITII FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE I.ARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES INI MILTON 875-22771 2000 750-Katana Suzu- ki. Oiy 14,5OOKs. Up- grading $6,600.00. Ater 5:00 - 905-876-4212, Anytime - Celi 416-828- 2156 - John INTERNATIONAL Insti- tute of Travel Marning and Evoning Training Travet and Tourism Di- plama/Certif icate Pro- grarn. Flight Attendant. ial ta registor 905-459- 1453 No Fao! Career Explo- rations is a 3-Woek Course dosigned ta holp y ou plan yaur ca- meer. unded by HRDC. For mare information/to rogtster catI Grace at 34991(905)878-11240. COOK roquired for golf iure peison). 1-lexible haurs. Min 30/hrs/week. Excellent working coni- ditions. Must have transportation. Starting immediately until end of October. Caîl 905-875- 3932 DOMINOS PIZZA la now hiring Drivers. Must have own vehidle. Eveninga and wee- kenda. Appiy in persan any day atter 4 p.rn. ta 17 Wilson Drive (at the corner of Main St. and Wilson Dr.), Milton atter 4 p.m. E.C.E. and Assistant teactier required for lo- cal day care. To start August/Septem ber. Subrnit resume ta 258 Commercial St. Milton L9T 3C3 FULL-time Customer Service Representafive required for a residentiai tighting manufacturer. Applicant must have re- tail or customer service expenience, good com- puter skills, excellent communication akilis, and must be wiiling ta work in a busy environ- ment. Please fax (905) 878-3642 or mail R.AM. Lighting - 300 Bronte Street S. Miton, Ontario L9T 2X6. No tel- ephone inquiries pleaso. LOCAL Art Gallery has oppartunities for picture tramera and sales coin- suitants positions. Flexible battra availabte and experience pre- Ierred for tramer posi- tion. Cati 905-878-8161 ext. 1 for appaintrnent. LOOKING for mature individuals ta work van-m oua weetnd posiions at the Ontario Renais- sance Festival. Savon weekends starting Juty 21 until September 3 in- cluding Civic Holiday Monday and Labour Day. Please phone ta arrang~e an interview. MILTON Coffee Time Counter help 3-11 alter- noons and weekends. 405 Martin Street, Con- tact Cohlen, Manager. PART lime cook. Satur- day and Sunday. Able ta cook for 15 people, 3 meais per day. $11 per hour. 905-875-3214, Helen. Fax 905-875- 3635 YAHOOZ Music Grill Restaurant/Sports Bar ail positions available. Fuit and part lime hours. Appt y in persan ta 121 Chishatm Drive, Milton PART-lime Accounting Clerk required (3 days per week). Duties in- clude AIP, A/R, fiiing and month-end reparting, Microsoft Word and Ex- cet and asaet. Pleasa ifax (905) 878-3642 or mail R.AM. Uighting - 300 Branle Street S., Milton, Ontarioa1_9T 2X6. No totephane in- quirios pleaso. RECEPTIONISTI Ac- counts Roceivabte re- kquired by raptdi grow- inMltn anufcturer. Looking for friondly dy- namnic persan possesa- Ding excellent communi- Itcation akitis, bo team playor, quick loamer and able ta adapt ta now software. Goneral knowlodgeo0f Microsoft an assot. Ploaso fax ro- sumoe: 905-875-4729. FOUi1UT MoIIy, Hire Me! Expenienced youn woman availablo ta aoîîîly insuranc.î ..d 905-877-3825 SELF-STOAGE 10x20, variaus sizes, low monthly rates, George- town. Near GO. 905- 866-7464 Auto Bod y Person Experienced body repair person for bosy Colisîio Centre. Fu unîbody esperience mandatory. Ecellent wages and benef is. il 905-689-98121 Cold Web 2nd Press Persans Only expd on Ventura 25 or Goss Communîly Web Press need apply. Shift work, benelils. Esc. working cond. Q.E. Web Prlatlag Onkvls Fax: 905-82-2308 Tel: 905-82-2306 7 t's Garaige Sage Season To place your garage sale Ad Cal 878-2341 or corne to 191 Main Street between 9 arn -5 Prn LMon - Fr!. Vehicle Inspectors Required for Toronto Auto Auction Factory Sales Department. Training provided. Valid drivers license, abstract required and a minimum of 3 years driving experience. Full time outside work. Apply to Frank Smith 905-875-2915 ext..2395 -Resunse 905-875-3219 Fresh Start Foodu has openings for the folvin:*Shipper IReceiver* *Night Order Pickers"* **G & DZ class Drivers** Top Wages and excellent benef ifs. Send resumes attention Guy Ramsay 905-878-9010. Please indicate position applying for. I I EXPERIENCED WEEKEND I- HOSTESS/HOST For custom new home development in Oakviîle. Must be professional, per- sonable and able ta work closely with the public; New home sales knowl- edge would be an asset. Immediate placements, same, eveninga and weekends. Please fax work experience & references: (905)257-9237 WIKA INSTRUMENTS LTD., ALLTEMP SENSORS REOUIRES AN ASSEMBLER FOR THE OAKVILLE OFFICE. An experienced assembler lu manufacturer termo- couples and resisiance lemperale delectors. Mechanicai aptitude and some weiding experience required for tis fast pace enviroumeni. Fas or mail your resumne slaing saiary expectafions. Please, no lelephone oels. Fax (905) 337-2716 Wika Instrument Ltd. 2679 Bristol Circla, Unit 1 Oakwlle ON 16H6Z8 BONUS! LALLC1assfiedAds a~ 1~ Because our customers appreciate your good nature, resourcefuinessand positive outlook. Combine your attitude with our fantastic training programs, great benefits 14ý Npackage snd stimulating work environment, and you've got the ingredients for a great experience.AtThe Building Box. JOB FAIR. Wednesday, JuIy I1I& Thursday, July 12 10:00 am. to 8:00 p.m. Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conferernce Centre Graydon Hall A, 6750 Mississauga Road (Mississauga Road & Argentia Road) FULL-TIME STORE POSITIONS AVAl LABLE " DEPARTMENT SALES ASSOCIATES " OFFICE ASSOCIATES " RECEIVING AND STOCKING (NIGHT) ASSOCIATES Paint - Decor- Seasonal- Kitchen - Lumber and Building Materials - Nursery - Electrical *Uighting - Doors and Windows- Plurnbing- Hardware and Tools - Flaoring- Cuttang Centre BENEFITS FOR ELIGIBLE ASSOCIATrES INCLUDE: COMPANY-PAID HEALTH AND DENTAL BENEFITS * PAID SICK TIME 0 FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE - EXTENSIVE ON-THE-JOB TRAINING ADVANCEMENT OPPOItTUNITIES * GROUP RRSP CONTRIBUTIONS TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM (FULL-TIME ASSOCIATES) 0 EVERY SECOND WEEKEND OFF (FULL-TIME ASSOCIATES) If you are interested in loining aur team but are unable ta attend, pleaue feel free ta drap off your resume between 8:00 arn ta 9:00 pm, Monday ta Friday and 8:00 arn ta 5:00 prn an Sacurday at our temporary recruiting centre at South Cammon Mail, 2 150 Burnhamthorpe Road, Misaissauga.You may alua fax your resurne ta (905) 608-1836 or ernail it ta Bui1dlâgBox- Employrnent Information Line: 1-877-305-8855S The Building Box is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from ail qualilied inclîviduals. JENNY CRAIG Is looking for seif-driven people who can help motivate others. Must have strong commitment to customer service and be able to handie a diverse workload in a sales focused envirorument. Strong communication, listening and phone skills are a must. Ability to work a flexible schedule including evenings and Saturdays. Paid ongoing training, médical/ dental and opportunity for advancement. Looking for consultants, Sales People and Managers Cali Tanya 905-453-1968 r f1[0l eIlaIl .01 CASS IDS O H ITRE RETAIL CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Fuli-time * Part-time ~STORE MANAGERS SDEPT. MANAGERS >- SALES ASSOCIATES Fax resume ta 905-272-7004 * Company benefit package HAIRSTYLISTS wANTr MILTON LOCATION 'Top Psy G uaranteed -Starting @ 9./hr + commission 8 & bonuses for quaiifying stylists -Excellent Benefit Package 1 Equipment provided -No clientele required iAdvanced updating Fr & P/T, flesible wurk heurs LcaII Robrt or Brenda t (905) 319-3155] Maaiay*8If adRe for imrla 1- iý

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