If you have any questions tnese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The 1rofessionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax ta: 878-4943 Supporting worry-fice household Rlew m &]eaSetes lof. maintenance 905-8764999 or 1-877-206-7084 DAWN CASE wmestwwomptyntflittfêOinco The "dawning" of Empty Nest Home & Personal Services Dawn Case founded Empty Nest Home & Personal Services after her first-hand experience helping her aging mother main- tain her own home and lifestyle in a community 300 km away. Dawn spent many tedious hours dealîng via long distance with unfamiliar conîractors, frustrated by her inability to personally supervise the required maintenance and anxious about support- ing her beloved parent throughout the stress-Ouled experience. Thanks to Dawn's perseverance and hard work, her mother was able to preserve ber dignity and independence and stili remain in the comfort of her own home. Dawn's extensive human resources background and personal experience motivated her to, establish Empty Nest Home & Personal Services to help other seniors and their family members cope with their lifestyle preservaîlon. Growing numbers of professionals with busy lifestyles who dont have the time to attend to household main- tenance are using tis service. Q: Who malies use of the Empty Nest Home & Personal Service? A: Empty Nest i s a "one stop shop" tor those people who: " Dont know where to turn " Are concemred about finding the right person for the job " Dont have the time 10 do what it takes "What s Your Time " o: Our amilthe wiIo o he"stu resa onoscapn Q:W asevie. do y o cen n aua ls-l eo A. ere are adfem bases oinhdg: orktfr n apn rct tafige hlmiy. crcahaigcolncren ,pit in, ienri, yoa wiIl ant oudel thany inwo ncnesar e ldrn ceaduring the sioort.iies asa<ros igrtntr rcp foer- edn>csb eyefcie HomeopathieTabacumctiie 95eMain ctas 0 f se nldngmto iknoacmaidb Othr fpesky witctIb ies can b ootheod ih omeoatig Ai. is s ie alfo bites ta arehtre, sol amithy Hoeoath ie Ledmcsrduebosn, ligad h eea discom ar ft otistis. Teen remeis aoha an aingher ot-y orage oialy i raoo e.Aohe pinst a ntm inegar o soothanthtoei wtcha ymto ikes orcid Von oreyorcfnamilyoagasprien Cects or brinesringyfortnp. Frin h or ltwiash htwond ellwih(oa asd aer, tenrap-l Cals) ensasina herb with antsepi cprertipithat promtes n heg Aferwrs, apply candulsabch reamandcoter ha sadbteedresin. I threrm endbrs ng. h reetveomeopathic Aria(ae Trly iIhl aeanyl selfingcae nd scomiriFr lngedoioscoirine, sohper ht rt s cold 1s, tht toacand ldswolenuehoeptieLdm ly Hace yaugrea h odesiainaylmyecone oqute n or used tistl.Nscall n atuaiogel.ther optionlsis tosaica nsoSaS miine. omotep the itdcietUel srna rmfpnei * Wee we makepyou ee t hom" Carpai 'Vînyl è Caramics é Hardwood Pain>'- Walcovernngs Grlie SHOWROOM RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Geradîet 845 Min . L. . Milton 905-878-4280 Lets Talk Paint Wcre you aware that Pratt & Lambert Paint not only is of vcry high qualiîy, but their colour selection iv ose oU the besl out there loday. For instance Ni agara-on-the- Lake uses their Herilage colours as a requisile on store fronts in the lown. The collection consisîs of over 1000 choices, some 10 men- tion which are favourites: A rich bronzed yellow is Peanut Sheil seen in model homes. For a toIler English yellow try Creme. Looks sharp in kitchens wiîh blues. Blue Fox, a darker blue, with white îrim. Victorias or conîemporary these work! Next dusky Taupe is a yummy mocha taupe. Smooth il with Clovis - wow in a baîhroom. Muffin Tan the guys like this. Dens & bedroomo smart wiîh plaids and paisleys & sagebrush for that olive tone. Need a neutral soft white îry Seed Pearl - a lot of designers use il. Why sot take a colour îry a 1/4 formula 10 accent ceilingo and îrîm. Paint is like cooking remember you need good ingredients 10 make il work. Wiîh the exterior mosîly latex is used even hîgh gloss more pliable and weather resistant eggshell generally on siding. Gloss on trim. Black or white or 1000 others. Pagoda Red! Anyone need an inîeresîing version on your deck! Colours do'î have 10 be blah. Custom mixes again latex and oùl in nIais. Grey Moire on horizontal, Bounding Main on rails, even the names are classy. Just a few of the favourites. We have tons more 10 show yoU 100. F Positive Resuits Hypnosis 123 Maurice Drive 905-337-3700 SUSAN CHORNEY Cartltlod Hypnoist Q How dues hypnosis worlc A: Our minds work on two levels - conscious and subconscious. We make decisions, think and act with our conscious mind. The subconscious controls our habits. In hypnosis the conscious mnd is subdued, while the subconscious becomes more aware. Positive suggestions qiven by the hypnotist are readily accepted in this altered state. Also, the subconscious is fot subject to time. This is why our clients often state that their new habits seem "easy" and "ettortless" after hypnosis. Q.WiII hypnosis wark for me? A: Generally speaking every normal person ihypnotizable - tga s, people with an I.Q. of at least 70 who have no severe mental disorders. Therefore, most anyone can take advantage of hypnosis. With cooperation and reasonable commitment, you can expect excellent results with weight loss, stop smoking and stress reduction. Open to midnight, 7day a week Carnage Square, 265 Main St. E. 905-878-3311 t: suspect my citd bas cnntracted peisns ivy, wbat sbnutd t de? A: Poison ivy. poison sak & poison sumac are the îhree mosi commun complaints of contact dermtitis dsring sommer ime. Professional resposses are likely as fol lows: Recogntin Thts type of ilermatîtîs is cassed by physical k, cosiaclînga grosp of bîby allergesic and adhesive saperficial lant retins. Rongbly 8I0k of North Aicans are allergîc 10 these groops of plnts; and their ractions range romn mild tu severe. Esiernal symptoms sary rom rash and swelling 10 lîslering. A tell-tale rash appears wthin a Iras hours 10 2 days of initial contact. Witboul complications, ihis rash normally peakt ai the fib hday of roposure and retolvet in lessthian 2 weeks. Irriationt. itcb and pain highlight the enpotare. Treatment: - To miimizr reacitons, firsi wasb tkîn thorooghly sn cool waler followed by soap. Hot waîer may aggravaie conditions. *Wasb clothing 10 presesi re-coniaci. *Try ont t10 scratch as scraîching may introdoce infections. *Several saggested oser-the-coonier medicationt are available 10 reliese iich and inflammation: Use cold compresses wîîh haking soda or epson salti n sater. -Apply calamine lotionona rash, bai so(ot lsei tent. -Apply hydrocortisone cream 10o rash, bu osonain open skins or îafrcied arcas. Take tomte fasî-acîing oral asîîkisîomines rejgaly for a [ra days, eg. chlorpheni- ramîne or dipheabydramise. Be careful aitb droasinets. infecird areas, " Wear otse clnîbîng so minimize [siciional irritations. " Apply breathable dressings 10 proîrci irritable and aeepîng skias. Prevention & Precantiins: - Recognize the sarinas poîsonous plants and siay away la bolanicat manual conld help). urwsslto sco opese ri epn lseso nmll " Wear proiectite cloihing in i gh-ritk areas. " Wleneter niouibs. eyrs. genitals or babies are involsed. tank immiedisienedical attention. *If brealhîng difficuliies occur, teck emergency medical atêniion. "Leaves of tbree let them be" Enioy tour smmrer! Connie FrM=o PHYSIOTHERAPISTS 876-1515 Q: bave buen bld thai i boav iifat-backed penture. Wbat l isbat? A: Theoe areniony types of posture classificaions, includitg Ils hack, sway bock, relased. kypkmsis-lordoiis, scoliotit, and forward head t0 saie a feas. These pantures con ire tbe resui of mn'asclen thas base bkcome ton arosg and thort or menS and long, being inasomeitedpou- tare fat a ptoîonged peniod of imte, like hending oser giing a needle as a lah tecbsicion, or geneîically tpeaking, yos were boni with a certain hone sructure thas niakes youssceptible Io a certain posue. Whes yos lonk at a normial spise froni the side, there are ntal ucrnes thal cas ke idenified. At the teck, the crte faces forward. As you mate toasthek shosîder biadea, ihe carte faces to thebock, sud ai tbe lower pani of the spise, it faces to0th front again, like the bock is rchng. Tke aibore crte faces ack agaîn, as ti îscks undemeaih. Once yos recognine shat s nomal, you cas identfy ashat als ouside of nomal. A la-backed posture cas ke decriked as someone whs bas s ety stmîght spine with lile crte. 0>er you are bomi sîîh a ipise that s niore stîf> and sîraîgbî that nonmal and tis importont tty 10 perfors lettbiltty enercises 10 malete spîse as ftexible as possible. A relaxed posture is jst ihat, when you oussclet and ligamenso are îiightly seak or streiched, cauîîng thk ipine tskbcsiîghtiy more csrted thon usuti, This type o> posture is ssuaîly cauued [ront haing poot posture as a habit, A Kyphoss-Iordosis peoste resultoskhn you hase 100 much carte in yosr thoulder hiade area sud ysur loser bock, but tke spise is sîsîl aligned 10 that t s sillîng oser top of sire at- et. rom the side, thk spîse ots like a backwards S. This posture coni k the retuli o> muscle tightness or weukses in thk bock, abtiominali or cheai ares. A say-hack posture is sîiiar tnas kyphosit-lordosi poture, hosener, thk [mai of tke pelvis is [oraatind in nider Io compensae and stay blanc ed, uppet tmnk shifts bock. Ohien tke [mait pelvis ami abdominal muscles are soi used, and thk ip aed ipine rely on thk roni liga- ments Iostop futhet fonsard mosenrieni. Ilien muscles mre usuali> sery weak. Scolimun isn ks 1km i a ideways curve îlot is nticed when you are lmoking from beltinti. tf yos would lite ta bmow more about yosr posture, ami haita do abot il, casuoli a physia- thkrpist. Pieuse contact Tina or Cone et the Halton Commney Rehabiliaton Centre, 86 Main Street East, Miton 876-1515, for questions aoumotphsiotherapy. i - mommmum