Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jul 2001, p. 30

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-The Canadian Champion, Fi j4fI~TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS LMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Town of Halion Hilîs - Recreation & Parks Deparlment reqesres a FACIUTY B OPERATOR (Full Time) Un/or the direction oI a Faciliiy Supervisor, the succestul applîcanu wiII perform maintenance and other operatinnal dues as required in thti sale operafiors nI community centre tacilities, încluding arena operalions. The successful applicant w/Il be paid in accordance w/lb the rate as specitied in the Collective Agreement beiseeen the Town nI Haton Hilîs and C.U.P.E. Local 73. *Possess a vaîid Ontaiio Drivers License fCiass G) and able 10 operale ire resurtacing equipmeni *Able to work wiih minimal supervision *Able to converse ettectivety and cordialiy wiih the public *Wilingness to work shifts, including some weekends *Mechanically inclined *Possess skils and knowledge in carpentry, mnechanical and electrical disciplines Educational Oualifications " High Schooi Diptoma *possess the Class B Retrigeratiosi Certification or Stationary Engineers 4"'Class Certification or equivalent " Have Current Fîrst Aid, C.P.R. and W.H.M.I.S. lraîning lnieresied applicant shouîd submîî a complele resume w/lb reterences, logether w/lb a letier oI appli- ration in iheir own handwritîng, f0 ho receiced no later than Tueav à lu10 200 i30n- loal time. Applications clearîr marked "Application for Faciltty B tprbr r be direct- ed f0: Ms. Jackie Bowles, Manager oI Human Resources The Town of Haton Hilîs 1 Halton H/lis Drive PO. Box 128 Halion HIls, Ontario L7G 5G2 We thank ewe}csa itho appissbut cslv hose îoddas chcsen lforitevies l ilbecotacted. j l HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Invites applications for ~IISPEECH LANGUAGE .W PAT HOLOGIST (10m./r Qualifications: Masfers Degree or eqoloalenf frvm an accre/iled oioersily an/ eligible for membership io the Otario Speech Language Association. The soccesolol car/r/aIe w/i provîde spoech and langoage services oiliziiig a media/or mortel wcrkîog wîlh paraprofessîenal stff.1 The Speoch Lnguage Palhologis wîIl be responsible for compleliog sosie assossmenls utd coosellîng w/th leachors, a/minis- rafiot, prents and oher pretessionals tcgar/îng identification, deoelepmeel atd use ef ineroention sîrulegies for sledeols wilh communication disor/ers. Inleresled upplicavîs ohoul/ upply by 1200 p.m, July 19. 2001,10o: Sheila Gre, Personnel Manager Human Resources Department Fax: (905) 332-1863, or e-mail: We t/tank ail applicants bul en/y these chosen for an interview w/Il e contacted. DL. Papke, E/ 0., E. Gar/iner, Direclor of Educafion Chair offthe Bsard CREDIT & COLLECTIONS ECNG, a leadîng energy consxltant based in Oakville, requires an experience/ Credif & Collections person. Applicante shouf/ have 5 yeare experience in cre/il & collections, or tie working towar/ an accounting designation. Invoice preparation and account analysie required le meel ight dea/lines in a txel-pace/, grxwth indxslry. High preficiency in Excel essentiaf. French epeaking desirable. Please fax your resumne to Manager, Client Accounting, (905) 825-1066 or e-mail: We regret on/y candidates se/ected for interviews wl/I be contacted Environment Services Site Representative Envresmenlal service cempany seeking Site Representative fr an esfablishe/ long ferm contracf in Mssissuega. Witt he key perses fer day le day impIe- menlalioof the Cempanys services. Respensibililies cen/oct Ibuid management pregram, interface wit h key cuslemer centacts and Cempany management, cellecl data an/ prepare reports, envenfery management, eqeipmenf maintenance an/ iepaii. /t nove han/e-en physical werk in machine shopo maîolaînîng gealify an/ gearlify et coolant in the cuofomers Moatd ndy t o ruayeer 9am - 5pm Vehicle Inspectors Required for Toronto Auto Auction Factory Sales Department. Training provided. Valid drivers licence, abstract required and a minimum of 3 years driving experience. Fuît time outside work. Appiy (o Frank Smith 905-875-2915 ext. 2395 Reaume 905-875-3219 CUSTOMER SERVICE Order Desk position available full tîme at wholesale lumberyard in Milton. Computer and Organizational skilîs required. Fax: (905)693-9475 Email: ibrown@Deellumber.pom PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNMT Re/Max BIue Spings (Halion) Corp., te tisiesi Real Esiate Office ix Milton reqaires a pai-imie Secoeiry/Recepxioxist Expenexnce in Real Esiate woxld ho tienetliai Mxsi ho avoulable lIo work flexible honni Monday to Saiiday and sonne Sxxdays. Average of 15-25 tirs Me week, Please bond detîver resumne with a hand wnitten cover leter to 22 Oniario Stret Soxuth, Milion, or Fax 90.5-78-7029 to the atention of Laïnooni Leone or Liera Ande. NO PHON CALLS PLESE HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP CAR DETAILER & MAINTENANCE Required Full Time Must have valid drivers license. Must be honest and reliabte. Caîl Wes (905)876-2580 Our Community Needs Bus Drivers Do you enjoy driving? Jois aur tbain afpratessiosals aho provide schoot bus transportation for aur schools. Train now for September. Cali us today 905.877.4448 ffeuwieuholsaco zw&mseoum -l Restaurant Management Careers With The Leader McDonalde s 5te meet succesetul 1oo/ service company in the world, and we're looking for people who want te be the wortd's meet succesetul Managers. We need people now for local management opportunities. Eeperience st the essential ingredient; ambition, enthusiasm & striving tor your personal beet are more important to us. We provide great training & an excellent starting salary. The benetits are good and get even better as you progrees. And meet importantly, you'll be working for the food service leader. The potenlial is very eociting and 1he ime is certairly now. To iin os ul more about managing your future wilh McDonald's, please send your resume. No phone catIs please. McDONALD'S RESTAURANT 210 Nerfh Service Rd., W., Qakoille, ON L6M 2Y2 Fax: 905-338-7852 Fresh Stant Foods fol lowing: has openings for the] **Shipper IReceivere* **Night Order Pickers** OCG & DZ class Driversea Top Wages and excellent benefîte. Sen/ resumnes attention Guy Ramsay 905-878-9010. Please indicate position applying for. Lxxury automobile dealership requires a FU LLT IME Shipper / Receiver Succeestuf sUdivi/ual milI poseese excellent communication skills, the abitity le prinritize, meel dea/lines and be detail oriented. Applicanîs must enjoy /ealing with the public and have a neal appearance. (An automotive tectinical backgroxnd would be an aseet but we wiiI train the successtul candidate). Excellent benetit package. Forward resumnes ta: Shirley Westwood Budds' BMW of Oakviîie 2400 South Service Rd W., OakviIIe, tS 5M9 No Teephone Ca//s P/rase v- Experienced F/T Lumber Sales ~'P/T Electrical/Plumbing -P/T Sales Assistants Must be able te work evenings & weekends If yeu are as amhîtioos leam player whoexehîhîls a wînnîng affile/e, please fao fesume: (90%) 844-6337, AfIn: Humas Reseurces, or apply in perses te: 399 Speors Rd. Gakvillî LOK 3r2 WOOD HAVE N EXPERIENCED WEEKEND HOSTESS/HOST For custom new home development in Oakville. Must be protessional, peroon- able and able f0 work closely with the public; New home sales knowledge would be an asset. Immediate placements, somne eveninga and weekends. Please fax work experience & references: (905)257-9237 Pont Mins te eadlind Mooay 11am fhor fdayta for Mtay Please Recycle this Paper Don'tBe Left In the Dark! Don 't forget the Deadlines! 1Nona @1 1 1 r Juty 6, 2001 -91- 1 - - - HAIRSTYLISTS WANTrE3 T MILTON LOCATION -, 11i( ü51 ýJ, i & bouses for qualifying stylists Excellent Benet it Package Equipment prxvided j No clienfele required Advanced up/ating PT & P/T, flexible wxrk houts iCali Robert or Bronda ai (905) 319-3155: L-- - - - -J Licensed mechanic and apprentice wanted for busy modern shop in Milton. Drive Clean an asset but flot necessary. Brian 905-875-1522 jAFARG. MAINTENANCE PERSON/ MACHINE OPERATOR This well established manxfacturer of coneee produces has an operating for a versatile ixdivid- ual io be pare oflaemain operatixg and mantaix- ixg prodxction machinery ai eheir Miltox Plant. A ppuycants mxst have training in heavv industri- al maintenance, basic welding and fabricating and ai Icase 2 years job experience. Workixg knowledge of 3 phase electrical, indxxîeial con- troIs, and compxter iteracy wxxfd be val xable Some shift woek and Satxrday wnek dxrmx bu sao.Competitive bune/is package Oc1 xded Please repf y with eurse oreteeee, indicate lia' expectaiî,nns, to: Plane Managee Lafaege Cxnstrxction Materials 475 Haeexp Drive Mvilton, Ont. L9T 3H3 Shipper/Receiver Milton company reqxires expenienced person wiliing un progress within a growing company. Succesuful candidate wiii have 2-3 years experi- ence in shipping envîronment, strong organiza- tionai skilis, computer entry, experience on Raymond Reacti Forkiift, famiiiarity with ship- ping companies and possess gond communnica- tiono skilix. Saiaey negotiabte. (No shift work) Fax resumne in confidience to: 905-878-0272 Attention Larry Agis CUSTOM MACHINE SHOP LOCATED IN MILTON REQUIRES: CMM OPERATOR Expenience on Gantry Style Machine with PC DMIS xoftware an axant JUNIOR MANUFACTURING ENGINEER 2 -3 Vears Expeence in Machine Shop Environment CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS Experience in TOS or Toxhiba Machinex SALARY TO COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE EXCELLENT BENEFITS Phone (905) 876-4739 or Fax Resume to (905) 876-451 Supervisor Cogeneration Shift Engineer Reporting to the Chiet Engineer, the shiftt engineer wilI be responsible in the operation ana maintenance ot a 5MW cogeneration plant. Must have Ontario Second Class Stationary Engineer Certiticate ot Qualitication. Experience in the operation and maintenance of large ammonia retrigeration systems, gas turbines, electrical power generation, high pressure water tube heat recovery boilers, auxiliary plant equipment, air compressors, and PLC base contrai systems an asset. Must be able ta work rotating shifts. Send or email resume to: Human Resource Officer MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD. R.R 2 Narval, Ontario LOP 1 KO

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