Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jul 2001, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 6, 2001-27 e /i Gil nd r1 Peter Hodge Transport 1 Mierolink 3 A terrific game played by both PH Transport and Microink, with ail players doing their besi. Meghan Greaves, Julie Gagnon and Jillianne Posavad from Microlink were able ta score on PH Transport's great goal- tenders Chantella Hillier and Nicole Cassivi. For PH Transport, Megan Cassivi scored the only goal against Microlinka hardworking goalies, Jenna Vander Dolen and Justine Paradis. Congratulations os a good effort from both teama. Home Cinema 2 Milton Jayoees 1 Home Cinemas gosîkeeper, Brooke Hartwick, made the differance in this hard fought battle againat a great ail arosnd Miton Jaycees squad. Goal scorers for Home Cinema were Brittany Wiseman and Alexandra Pinheiro, and for Miton Jaycees Emily Pepper scored thair lose goal. Vanler Insurance 2 Mierolink 1 What a great game! 801h teama had plenty o great scor- ing opportunities, but Stacie James and Stephanie Franzen for Microlink and Radhal Coulson and Katie Kluge made great saves. Arial Sereda played a strong tres way game for Vaner as did Jillianne Poaovad and Anna Garcia for Microlink. Jillianne Posovad scored a great goal for Microlink with Krista Oennott and Katie Kuge sconing for Vanler Insurance. Milton Dodge Jeep 3 Palntech 2 The braathfaking hast of Fniday didnt squash the efforts of bath taaas fa provida an end f0 end match-up. Miton Dodga Jaap and Paintach battfed back and forth contins- ousiy throughost tha niglt. Amanda Baker and Lainie Curma shared the nef responsibilty for Paintach, fending off many good attampta by Mitoni Dodga Jeep. Samantha Stockait and Jenniar Armstrong did the same for Miton Dodge Jeep, shaning the net and making soma vary good saves. Miton Dodge Jeep scorers wara Alison Kopis, Klsay Wimmer, and in a gama wining penalty shot, Laura Burraîl. Kaitin Shuvera contnuad har sconing streak by driving in fwo goals for tha Paintecb sqsad. Alson Szczucki and Lauria Camaron reere tarrific for Paintacti. The girls welcomed the tren quick rin showars and providad the parents with a sali-biter fa tha final whis- te. Great gaina evaryonna Brian's Auto Repair & Tire 4 Zak's Pharmacy 7 Both taams worked esceptionally eu head to haad for most of the nighl. Mati Frai of Zak's started thinga off euth 2 goals followed by ose f rom teammale Mark Thompson. With outsianding aid-air kicking by Flyan Knight of Bian's Auto and dafenslve support by Konrad Hillanaar, Lucas Fraser was able to pst Bnian's Auto on the board. Despite great defensiva plays by Zaka limmy Vincent and Michael Paterson, Mathee Tidy-Russel and Jolis Russell ware able fa score a goal acli for Brian's Auto, lo tis things up. Jolinathan Camick of Brian's Auto cent unchallengail ta score the nani goal, folloed quickly by Mati Frai's third goal of the night for Zakas Pharmacy. David Burchett iumed it on for the second batf for Brian's Auto, with Mark Sargent bolping him f0 dafand their tears. However, Ryan Brown and Michael Peterson claimed the win for Zakas Pharmacy and Mark Thoapson wfth their 3 goals. Josh White for Brian's Auto was ascaptional euth his playing prowess in goal. GilsUn -r1 Kodiak Power Equipment 1 Tim Horton's 2 801h teama playad asceptionally watt in this hard fought game. Kodiaka Rea-Anne Cushnia lad off the scoring in the firsi peiod, hocaver Tirs Horions quicidy came back with iwo goals from Krista Ward and Emily Warzonek. lia Hortons Lauran Vinca and Diana Trusz deserve spa- cial menton for their awesome defense, chite Jannifer Brandi also providad strong offence. Volante Charles and Ainslay Schrader provad top noicli nef keeping for lia Hortons, wfiile Kodiak's Cailin O'Connor playad watt in net for Kodiak. Kodiak Power Equlpment 4 Nassagaweya Vet Lab 2 Il was a bard fougbt gaina ight to1the end. Kodeks Midhelle Serafini had e great night, scoring a goal andi making sorne 9mai saves as goalie infihe second hait. Rehecca Davidson and Laura Frank scored the 2 markars for Nssagaceya and dispieyed a greet offensive effort tbroughaut the game. Othar goal scorers for Kodiak cere Caittin Robidoun, Nancy Webb and Rea-Ans Cushnie. Kodiaks Meae Jobnston displeyed excollent goatending n the fibaff illhe goatenders Emily Rigo and Lauren Prsniak kepi 1the gane cdose for Nassagaweye. GilsUn -r1 Linico IndustriesI Kodiak Power Equlpment 1 Kodiak Power Equipment came ont strong in the first hall 0f the game, but juni conldn't score as a rassit of the Linico's top-nolcfl goaltending and strong defensiva plays, which came particularly f rom Claudia Kersi. Kodiak's Erica Minkhomst and Cassandra Wartlick provided a strong silence throughont the ehole game, white Gabby Polla providad encellant defansa. Buth teama had excel- lest goahending throughout the gaina eith Caittin Rtobidoun and Cheni Langstona beimeen the posta for Kodiak and Kelly Walter and Broche Waller nef minding for Linico. Shauna Litke scorad LUnio's goal laie in the gaine, while Koctakas Rea-Anne Custinie, scorad the tying goal euih only a couple of minutas lefit on the dlock. Project Automation 4 Tim Horton's 2 lia Horton's had the uppar hand in th1e tirsi hait eith goals by Emily Warzonak and Jannitar Branch. Fiona Sinanan notchad ber firsi goal oiea hat trick 10 kaap Project Automation dlosa. Tamarin Wood playad greal in net for lia Horton's indiuding a nioa penalty sava. In the second hait, Projedt Automation scored 3 limes on nica rushes and croesing halls. Spadial mention to Catheine Dowfing and Georgiane Baker for good work for Projaci Automation and ta Shannon Croit of lia Horion's for a strong game. New Mechanical 3 Domino's Pizza 3 Il was a well-pleyed and dlosely matched gainein very bol conditions. With 1the lead going back and forth, Domino's 3-2 lead tata in th1e second hait looked good enough io10vcm, but New Mechanicaltlied th1e gaine with e desperabion goal with one minuta tait. Att of th1e goalies were outstanding, (Mathew Patience and Aies Brandi for New Mechanica, and Michael Marinaro and Kevin Goncalves for Dominos Pizza), with each sida stopping a penalty stiot! Bruno Mangrola, Kevin lwasa-Madga and Kenny Richardson talliad 1the few goals thai cere scored for New Mechenica, and Shes Dei, Nick Ronan andl Kevin Miller scored for Domino's. Milton IDA 6 Subway 3 Oulstanding goaltending by Ashlay Singh of IDA, and for Subcay, Jamie Grirsbly and Auna Massani. Dahlia Rouke, Catherine Polcz, Kelsy Orpen (2), Jas Mikolait and Mary Ann VanDongen scorel for IDA, eflila Katharine Graaves, Farran Glynn and Jamia Gnimbly each scored e goal for Subcay. BoI I*e 1 BI-Line 7 Placer Dome 2 This game started out lo be a dlose one; the scora lied ai 2 ai 1the firsi hait. The Placer boys hail only g players andl wvithout substitutes, thay seamad 10 cear down as th1e gaine cent on. Ronkie Jamay Monlagnar opanad the scoring for Bi-Line with his vary firsi goal. Jassa Rasholia and Creig Harding also had one aci, cith Jeff Kitchen scoring teo, and Max FRobertson adding ico nesr 1the end of the gama. Solid defensa by Chnis Whealihai, Keviri Charles, and Kyle Crofi, kepi 1the opposaents scoring f0 a minimum. Spaedy forwards Gavin Charles and Nick Groves esch answerad for Placer Dome etb grat break- eeay goals. Milton 0 Saltfeet e The geme sterted very slovdy for Milton with Sailfist putting in 3 goalsain short ordar. Milton came olive for tha balance ol the firsi hait with scoring opportunities for Mark Wilson, Jason Enimea and Brandon Whiting, but Salteats gosîkeapar stopped thers. The second bail sac Milton on the attack. A penalty kick taken by Ethan O'Connor cas daniad. The Milton squad played mucti bettar ihen the score indicatas. Spencer Kopers ees oui- standing in goal, as usuel. Boys Under il Competitive - Stats for week ending June 29, 2001 Teamn Gamne Wlns Losses Ties Points Zaks Pharmacy 6 6 18 Brians Auto Repair & Tire 6 3 1 2 il Maksteei 6 3 1 2 il Lindsay McLaren Remax 6 3 3 9 Southview Dental Ciinic 6 2 2 2 8 Knuckles Sport Shop 6 1 3 2 5 La Rose Bakery 6 1 3 2 5 Milton Heights Academy 6 0 6 0 Boys Under 13 Competitive - S-Iats for week ending J1une 22, 2001 Tearm Gamne Wlns Lasses Ties Points Halton Rent Ail 5 3 1 1 10 Dominos Pizza 5 3 2 9 Miltowne Collision 5 0 5 0 Loblaws 5 4 0 1 13 New Mechanical 5 2 3 6 Spokes'n Siopes 5 2 3 6 Boys Under 15 Competitive - Stats for week ending June 22, 2001 Team Game Wins Lasses Ties Points New Automation 5 3 0 2 il Placer Dome 5 1 3 1 4 Bi-Line Systems 4 2 0 2 8 Tim Horton's 4 0 3 1 1 Milton Celebrates 100 years of Soccer in Ontario! Milton sent two under 8 teams (boys-green and girls-yellow) ta the Ontario Soccer Associations 100 Years of Soccer in Ontario Mini Soccer Festival held et the Coffee Time Saccer Centre in Vaughani on June 3Oth. The festival featured not only a FUN gamne, but also other activities - Colour Your World Craft Centre, Interactive SkiIls Centre Iead by professional players, Sponsor Alley, Soccer Hall of Famne and Museum, Play Centre, Entertainment Centre, free M&M Barbecue Lunch, Team Canada Rally with autograph session, and free tickets for the Canada vs USA women's game at Varisty Stadium on Saturday evening. The boys' teams consisted of Andrew Aleinik, Blake Jones, Brent Burke, Caleb Hobden, Cameron Chambers, Christopher Pelly, Michael Ginson, Ryan Hoagmans, Sean McGovern, Sean Shikatani, Tyler Cale and Tyler Watson. The players for the girls team were Alanna Ramsden, Amanda McFarlane, Brandy Jagoe, Haylee brew, Katherine DaSilva, Keely buke, Rebecca Johnsoiq-Finnie and Taylor Robinson. Everyone had a day ta remember. Special thanks ta David Hamon for organizing the Milton teams ta attend this special event. Game Reports are published in Footnotes in the Canadian Champion every Friday throughout the seaison. Home teom coaches, remember ta get detailIs f rom visi- tor's team immediately after every 9ame. 5end your game write-ups ta or deliver them ta 599 Vanier Dr. by Etidg of each week. 5ome write-ups may be edited due ta space constraints. [S '7 /À /1 . -- Comeitv ad 7 "Olle4 e i1/m~with Dawn Wiiiamsý Game Highlights - June 7th - June 29th

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