24-The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 25, 2001 Sign up now for camp Applications are now being 'îcceptod for ihe -ifloLal Cro>Sý tBoîder Hlockey delecnccrnaîi's training camp. The program offers two one-week camps from August 13 to 17 and August 20 to 24 at Burlington's Appleby Ice Centre. per player per week or $255 for both weeks. Family and group rates are avaîlable. To obtain an application form or for more information, cali (905) 355-1504. HIKE FOR HEALTU 1O1 Sunday, May 27th, 2001 Mfiltonhan Conan O'Brien dis- plays bail caps of the three teama ho pimys on this season - the Blshop Redlng Royals, Hamiton Astros and the mldget Red Sox. He's made standout contributions with ail three teams thus far this sprlng. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vO'Brien keeping busy with three different bail teams this spring By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Conan O'Brien probably welcomed Tuesday's rain out a littie more than the rest of his Bishop Reding Royais. Thats because days off have been in rather short supply this spring for the 16- year-old southpaw - who's currently playing for three differeni basebaîl teams. In addition to high school bail, he's toil- ing with the Connie Mach League's Hamilton Astros on the weekends and rounding things out with spot duty for the local midget Red Sox. Overal, O'Brien bas competed in more than two dozen games in the pa.st four weeks. Not that be's complaining - and beaven knows bis teammates certainly aren't. Tbe highly durable teen bas done a bit of everything on the diamond this spring, and for the most part done it ail very well. With Bisbop Reding, O'Brien bas been alI-purpose performer and a driving force behind the team's 4-2 record heading into yesterday's regular season finale against Loyola. Wbile counted on to lead a young pitcbing staff - which be bas with one solid start and a couple of dynamite relief stints - tbe 11lth grader bas been particu- larly productive at the plate with two home runs, eight RBI and a batting average of .417. "Conan's tumed himself into a great bit- ter. He's a huge reason wby were doing so well, and he's still got a year or two left to go," said Royals skipper Joe Jurus. On weekends, the young bail playei is kept busy with toumnament competition witb the Astros - wbo've been benefiting from bis plate pop and solid defensive efforts in tbe outfield. O'Brien combined both last weekend in Samia to, belp Hamilton win three of four games, including a 3-0 whitewasb of the hosts, during which he offered solid Field- ing and drove in the second run. But as dangerous as bis bat bas becomne, the local player is still best known for bis pitcbîng - wbicb bas been quite reliable over the past couple of years. It certainly was last week wben over two gamnes be delivered eight shutout innings to lead both the Royals and Red Sox to blowout victories. Along the way he gave up a measly tbree bits and fanned a dozen batters. "My mechanics have improved a lot, that's the biggest thîng," said O'Brien, who's got an impressive change-up curve to go along witb bis effective fastball. Collectively, O'Brien's teams are 18-10 on the season - which with this type of continued success could be an extremnely long one for the highly versatile player. "It's a lot of bail, but it works out okay because the Astros only play on the week- ends," be said. "I want to play as much as possible this year and next and then possi- bly play post-secondary. I'd like to kecp playing as long as possible." Soccer camp to mn tagain Milton Youth Soccer will once again be hosting its Kick-It Soccer Camp Ibis summer at Lions Sport Park. The campnmmsftom July 16 to 20. Open to boys and girls aged 6 to 13 years, Kick-It Soccer Camp features al-day clinics and costs $95 per cbild for full-day instructions, $70 for mom- ing lessons and $60 for aftemoon les- sons. Each camper receives a t-shirt and soccer bail. To register, or for more informaton, caîl 1(905)335-5679 or e-mail camp, organizers at hoopcamp@hom.corn. "t-1 8:45 AM - 11:15 AM 1"T UNE from Derry Road to Britannia Road