8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apral 27, 2001 j HIGH SCHOOL REPORT GRADE ""NEWS u DISTRICT ,nion SCUOL6 Nickelle Merkley EmiIy Willoughby Greetingu from MDHS. As more and more wnrm spring dayu fait upon as, sîndents bore are as besy as enor. Most aighis afier sehool the soccer and basobaîl loams are mai practiing bard fer their seusons. Lasi Wednesday our Girl's Soccer ieam played againri St. Thomas Aqeinas on their home field and unforte- ely didelt come away wilh a cia. This Tuesday [bey played againsi E.C. Drary on hume [urf aad won the gamne. The girls scuîred 4 goals. Congratulations go ont le Cascedra Werner cho scored ihree of the goals and to Lanra Gibson, who scored the other goal. Way t0 go, girls! Aise Track and Field seasue is approachieg quickly. ihunse iaieresied should humte [ho annuncemenls fuir more information as 10 epcomieg metings. The Yearheuîk staff rs particîpatieg en a conlesi [bati s hoieg pal un hy Macloans Magazine. On April 251h the memrbers weni around the scheol iakung phuîiographs of school life. They bcd lui pick [8 pîciarer lui mako ep tbree layonis ihai wouid repre- sent a lypical day ai MDHS. There are osver 611 sehouils iakueg part un ibis cetaicd tho wieeîag sehoiet wiii hase their pie- lares puhiisbed en c hook iha i bch disirihuicd lui schools acroirs the province. On Tuesday moîrieg. tho Schols Anti-niolence Commiuee held ce cssemhly [o express the growing coacom out mcny rie- dents ced teachers in the schuiel on tho ueereasiap raies ouf vio- lence aed vanda[ism ihai have heen uiccerrieg un tho scbool. A rihhîîe campaige cas siaricd, wbere siedenis couaid purchase a bine ced wbhite rihhua lui wecr le show ibeir concera oser the nviolence un tho scbutul ced 10 remembher teenagers wbo have bcd lui lace [ho deadly cuîasequeces of violence in uheir schools. Studeels cho îouîk partin ethe 30 Hour Faîcine are remînded lui please hced en iheir pledge sheels ced money le Sîndeni Couiel ASAF!'! Gudance wuld lîke le remind cil siadenis 10 cilice anid cheek liai [ho enploymeel hiader fuir semmier job uippolriniuies. as ccli as uni remind pou [bal uhere are stul scbol- arships ancilahie toir grcducuîng siedenis. Alsuî, sermmer rebuuml informatioin us nuuw in fuir [bore of pou needieg [o take summrrer ncheîul couarses. Thirteen siedenis Ironn MDHS wili ho aîîeadiag c Leadership conlerence ai MeMarier eainersily May 3 îo May 6, 2001. The coaferenco, called Çreaig Leadership Amoag bauth or CLAY helps siadeais develop good leadersbip skiils [bai will help (hem rima Student Bodies ihroeghoui [ho scbool. Thai's il ibis week from MDHS and ce hope yoa aIl eejoy yoar weekead. ! ISHOP REDINI 1086 SCIGOLF Moril Ryoui Loamvbois. Pyne Royal Report By Markc Laframboise and Ryan Pyne As tbe mcnlb of Apeil cernes tucaclose, cclivsuies ai Bishcp Reding are We wuuld lîke ru enlend our congratulations le Macle] Haila wbe cas chu- son by the graduaîîng siedenîs as ibeir Valedîclunian. A remînder lei ibuse chu base nul yeî passed en ibeer grad fees Ihai ibey are nec due. B.R. Player's foulure proseniabuen cf Fume. ihe Muca iiis quickly apprcacbîug. Performancen are heîng beld on Thursday, May 3rd le Saiurday May 5ih. Tickets for ibis show, innelsîng apreal varîiy tif tlelt front sîngers, aciers and dancers, can be purcbasod hy tho genoral publie by callîep the ucheel ai 905-875-0124. Siedeels ciii haro the epperlueiiy lu purchase tickets durieg tbeir lunch en the piazza. Admissione peces for adulîs are $8 and siedeels are $6 aed $12 fer tho Cabaret performance on Prîday ie chîcb lîphi snacks ciii ho prenîded, As ropresonlalînes cf Cape Verde. Hungary, and tho Solemen Islands, ion Bîshup Redîng siedeels aîended the S.O.M.A. (Medel OUNI Ciiefereneoin Toronto Iast Thursday îbreugh Saiurday. Ccegraiaiîîs Ie. Rob l)eMille, Leanne Doclan. Amanda [isupr. Kaibenîne Fizmaurice. Mail lshoy, Nîîra Leroem. Soniîa Mancini, Justin Smith, Kenîn Spahîeb and JP Zeni. These teani ineinhers bcd a preaî sbîwîng agaînsi îecph c-itipetiiors, chule dehai- îeg ced dis cussîeg nancur global issues. le spoîrts eews ibis ceek. tho Senior Girls' single ced doubhles Badmintone îeams compeite i he GH.A.C. finals ai Si. Maryrs ie Hanîtltîn un Tuesday. Conegratulations le, Daniolle King whe had a sulîd bhird place fin- ish. Ena ced Jecena Silarz, che fîeîshed second in doubles play, secured an O.P S.A.A. posîiion nexi woek in Thunder Bay. Gîîîd luck Ena ced Joanna. The eeire beain is aise congraîulaled fer tho greai success ibis seasîle Ail feue cf B.BR.* siiecer ieamr are coeîîîîîeed on tho succens cf the sicei cf iheir recrues agaieri Aclun Hîph ibis pari week. Beih tho Senior ced Junior Beys iodens as ccli as tho Junher Girls claiîeed dens, chite tho Senîiîr Girls played Ioi cliii drac. Gcîd iuck te yîîur futaie gailer. Ail Grades il to OAC siadeels are nited iii juin B.R.'s fîrri oser Meunîcîn Bîkîeg Club ced base tho chance iii clillpete ai tho Ontario High Sebtîtl Mîtunîcîn Bîke Champîîîesbîps te lune. Sec Mn. Agerlîni for moîre delaîls. The Keîgbis oif Columbius are sponsoing an essay etieest fui graduaig studeits dealîep wih Tie Ro.îpîîrîîîhiy tif Ilie Ciithlii Cîlizor in ia Free' Sîticiiv Tbree cash prizes wiii ho acardod. Wih tho deadlie ce May 25th, ail îeîeresied are eecouraged te stacm ceiîep. Fer more informîation please see Me. Edcards. Are yeu an eeed cf cecrnunîiy service heurs? If se. ripa ap ie Siedeni Goenmmeni le belp ibese whe need assistance en the cemmuaîly by deing edd jobsancd cieaaieg ep the lece ced the escegmeel ce Milice's Goed Neighburs Ccmmenîly Day un Saiarday May 5tîb A breakfast barbecue ciii be presîded le ail reineers. As ce cloe tis ceek's edilîce of the Royal Report, ce sîge eff îith the flloiewng quele: "Sirine, and ail ns atilanabie. Paier, ced alia iss. DATELE1NE DRURY Av E.C. DRURY aigu SCHGGL6 Joanne Gunding Linds.y Harrold When the sun is shining hrighlly ouiside and the bird' are singiiig. il r hard lu sit ibrough a day cf classes. Luckily ihere arc lots cf aclivilies geiing un ai the scbuel ihai inake eneiy school day a litile casser le gel thriiugh, Many studenis are plaving on spning sports îeams. sereral cif wbîcb played ganies ihis week. The draina studenis continuedl] r pend iheir ltle on the stage as ihey perforiîied ai the regienai Seair Drnainia Festival Ane ll students gel a brea k froint classes oie Weîlnesday as the whoie sc hiol participaied in the Driip Eseryting And Read prograîin On Wednesday for 45 inutes in the mcni ng. tho rchool c as siieni and Drury sludenis drîîpped oseryting anîd read, iistlsing iiitsces ii a provinciad pnrgnail which has been deveioped lo priîiîiitîi [e aiig ar a ilaili actisiiy. Sîudenis wero allocoil te reid suhaicior the> wariid, ciiotiori il\ ca, a nomagazine, neecpaper or ciic bock This cNas a grei c, ay fi, pros do a liile vaniciy in tho day Hîipefully. sotie nec readens wc ie O)ne grîîcp iii riedenis en pariicular enîored [lie peace and quiet oni Wednesday. rince boey had hoe out liiery laie Taesday nîghi petoil oiig iieir play. The audience ai tho Sears riailî Fontisal car amiaed once again aioi superb perfomne by E.C lîruryrs cari. Aihougli tho cari cassilnrus ihey coco pleased jusi co havo mîade Io the reond round and bhey juri c ani eiiiiîhave fun, Theoshowccar a sucess andithe hardcork ofhe diocoiMNs Roeots, tho cari, and tho croc defînîiely laid off. Theo griiup c llie ini ihoîr resulis oii Saiurday ai tho acardr banquet Whoî kniics. îîîaybo tho cari cull ho peri oriing tho play agaîini te hird iouîid of tho tenýir ali' Ar tho acîîîrr actinitier drasu Io a clotse. tho sprng spots reasotî lias tari hegun. The girls lîfîeensrnugby, boys sîtecer, and tniathlonî lelîtîr have ail bogue thein praclicer en anticipaion if thou firsi esonis Meanishile, Ill girls soccon. girls sofîbaîl. and boîys goll ioaîîîsrsac actioîn lits coek lic ritcci îeamt had ihoîr unrs homo gaine tif tho seasoîîîon Mîîeîay allien stititi lic girls playetl really ccli, beatig Blakeock 2- T he teailir. wîtînî trendîto îîeued ar (boy laceal Mîlîîn iîstrict tir Woîlîosday The S parialîs 2- ILr oser tho Muriatips, brîîughi tho bain iii aî 1 t -0 soasît reotrd ilirnijolb S pariaert Threc days laier. the g irls stiali ira ii look iii the daaîîîîî as ieIV laced Nelsonî ai hboe hour unr gaineo fine h5 roît Tho girls eatît otieh placed seconed te Halien Iart ycar. bar îîî.îy îoîîîrîîîîg playors aile1 liildtutu hi aeîîiher greai seasîîîî The fihîrd tuatnt Io ilace ctitipeiîit tii cetk a, Ill golîf leain. Afier cii qualiiyinp rîunds ibis year'ssarîly eatît cvas seectoit, cîlh Mark Wilsoîn leadîeg tho ay cîîh tho lio etire alter qtialifictiitii Keep upithe gornd ucirk Spartansi Ancîber inajor esen fibis pari coek cas pareel (cacher inielsie\c nîghi. Tbe evnui cc look place on Thursday nîgbi cîînsîsied iiian tefml îîrîîa the teachers sessioîn fîîlleced by rcheduled interviews Sînce parents and îeacbers sbane tbe noIe of educalîeg the sîudenîr. nîghîs lîke borse are bonci-1 cial le eserpune. Many ihanks lu the i)rury Arebassadiers foi shîîcînp pareînts urcund the seheol and helpîng the nîghi rue smuiiihly Wel. Ihal's ail the nesus front E.C. Drary. Hane a grea ceekeud and due i fergel le read Daielîne l)rury agaîn neur Fniday! (9pVen 6cr ¶ý?wines al BrookiviIIé CaIIéry & Cift-ç