Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2001 OMMLN1, Vandalism meeting is an important one ~. Recent vandalism at Evergreen Cemetery and local schooks leaves us, CurAXK4 quite frankly, feeling both dîsgusted and exasperated. CU M jLC The pathetic cuiprits turned over 27 headstones at the Ontanio Street cemcte-y late Saturday night, and about $25,000 damage was cau'ced t0 Martin Street School. E.C. Drury High School and Sam Sherratt School were also recent targets of vandais. Evergreen Cemetery and sehools have been vandalized before, but the problem seems t0 be getting worse as reports of damage to cars, mailboxes and other property are constant and numerous. Attempting to understand vandalism is difficuit, but, then again, it's bard to miake sense of something senseless. Destruction of other peo- pIe's property is clearly a lack of respect, but what drives people to do it? Do vandals gain pleasure [rom it, and if so, why? We're at a loss for answers, however the St. Peter's School Councîl will try to deal with the problem at a special meeting Monday night. Police will be on hand at the meeting, heldat the school at 7 pi. We hope a large crowd will turn out as the more people putting their heads together to try to resolve the issue the better. l W ý 7 O UR READERS WRiTE Eight-year-old girl upset by cemetery G rate fui Tanner surprised by her se lection urndhim:wonders"whv lit happened as the 2000 Business Woman of the Vear i Dear Editor: Sunday night my moin and 1 were out for a bike ride. We went riding îhrougb Evergreen Cemetery. an we do so often. 1 saw 34 toînhatontes that had been knocked over and souffe had even been cracked. t feel nad for the families who this bnp- pened to. t feel mad ai the had kids who could do such a thmng. Why did tbey do Ibis? t guess ibey have neyer loat a grai a relative. They probr 1 hope when t ge something beiter to nomeouie's pivvperty don't even know. i hope that they fit and make them apoi they hurt. ndma or grandpa or (TIîe fc1iciîcg letter ii'a. addreaved to rite Miltonc Clîaitîber oîf ably junt don't care. Commnerce excuitiî.', îlireîtcrs ancd t older, 1 can find %'tiff, acnd a ci>p v nasileîd fvit/ Thei ido than dentroy capo. or hurt someofle 1 Dear FÀitor: t wanied to take ibis oppîcrtîiîity nd whoever did ibis 10 thank you Xiv much tir seiecinîg ogize to the familles me as tue Milton Businessman ici the Year. Emma Bradley, 8 1 truly cannmvi express how sur- Milton prised I was. t hase sec n many ofi you in the recent pasi in a variety tii r t te edito7l settings and l'i so împressed by the tact that you ail nîanaged to keep the secret. It's such an incredible honourjusi --- to be nominaied but 10 have won is f1A4MNON il h-eîh e t' nav ciinsin or engaging in voluieer winrk, 1 dîîîî'i have a priodur ct Xisible selrXice thal 1 can ptosîde. Ail I hase lic gis e is îny heail and stîni and expertise, and hucpe ihai tuai wil sullice Mienî peoîple are ii pain and îîeed sotie- tone tri lean on. But most people neyer reaily understand what il is ihai 1 dii and il s a very private aciiviiy. Fuor these reasucls, il's unusual tor stirie in Icny position 10 be pulvlicly lauded. Whai 1 have lound, huîwever, is thai my clients have ainai.ed fie wih their depthl oi giving. suppofl and loyaiiy. any expecItions Bul dheN donlii just 51X e Ii lice; ihey are no\n reild îng n le oheliiselves antd ire ititi lii doi nhile et is ioiided il il nill hieip Ie help siiceie eise. Il 1 have inspired lois fiv aiiý nay. i has ail Iceen wo11 iil. Il îoIîews rny faili fil hucnanity lIn nus career, fihe higgesi anîd niiist l iiiiiin ilireat lic priiduclivsity is hurnotin, hcise the nicr ls si einiiionally draiing. A cighit like lasi nighi, wih ail the supporillai il atlîvrded, replenisiv"es nîy spirit Elayne Tanner Rockwood Volunteering part of being Miltonian,, says Best Strain Bics 248, 19 Miltn. 0 (905) 87 Editorial F Adverlising 1 Classifi Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Weody MçNab Karen Srnih Starve ('aozier Teri Casas Fii ('oies i Main St. E., The Canadian Chcampiona. publsied eme Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Main St E . Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), s one ni The Metrniait ni. L9T 4N9 Prini n Publishi & Dîstrîbtifl Lld. grnup oi suburba cmar ue wirf hijch irlutenl Aax/Pickering News Adverier, Alison Heraid/Couriei, tarie Q 14 Advante, tarry s Bay This Week, Bolten Enterprise, trampon GuasdiT 8-2341W turiîîlln Pist, tîrlîngon nhopping News, City Pareil, City il Yoik Stuai.n Coilingod/Xasaga C onrectior East York Mirroi, lvin Ald,,t/Cuoiiy Routes tbioleke Suardosi, Fiamtaoiugh Poil, Forevro ax: 878-4943 Yong Georgetonmndependenvrcton Free Piess Hal5 i nes lunies 'ax: 876-236 Echoit&Sn MidliadPeveonuishef Mirror Miiin Shopping News. Msssauga Business Tmes, Mssinsaua News, Naturee Gue, ied: 875-3300 N,,nagawey News Newnîatkeucoîa EntaBaner, Northumberland News, Publisher 'Horkeys News Scu0rtllua Tolay. Oshacia/iSy/Cigto/Poft Perry This Wecek, Peterborough Thii Week, Pittor Couni Suite. Rlihondt A 00,1 iii l'iil,isiiicn Hdil/ihoniîSV5ughav Libeoil. Scrooughn Mii. touiuuliejUicittir Tribuve Ald% ic ingiitulîrîc Atuertiving n attepet on lic condtion liain orhli evevi ni a tyin traîtotal ror, liai portion of tie advertiir spce octupet Oy lic erio !tnélou eIntem, ingcibeo ciii a rasnatie alioncre for sinature, it i e t ru iiiiiiaf ucic chaîa nir buit tie balance of lie atuv.eiecin wiii be padlof ai the appli- cable raie Thei pubionor reniions lie r,110110 caieflorize adurriusevienis ni 11i( e Afasiciuti aective t, iiion Thîcîîi le tcie Caeadian Chamcpieon isa Recycla ren d ct My sincere appreciation 10 yîîur staff for the coverage of my Liieti me Achievemeni Award ton bichait of the Milton Chamber ofi To ail the kînd peuple in Miltoen ymu'l like il. Ils, parI (i heing a and area. îhank yîîu so nmuch lot Mîltouian. recogni/ing nie in one ol niy rnany Freda Best Strain bats. Milton Pud by Steve Nease 1Feel strongly on a local issue? Write a lette THE CANADIAN C 9 - ol

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