ThA Canadian Chamnpion, FnidaY, Apnii 27, 2001--MC21 Telephone Dîrectory is coming! Psivered to every household and business ln Milton., CampbeiviIB and N828894 weyae Thank You for VoIing Us #i1 es FAVOURITE HARDWARE STORE and #1 es FAVOURITE BUILDING SUPPLY STORE For Ail Your e Hardware e Lumber ePlumbing e Electrical and so much more. r~i "Help is Close to Hainie" 385 Steeles Avenue East A- Milton, Ontario ~ 878-9222 To ail our customers and friends; Many thanks for voting us Favourite Security System for 2001 We take great measures to provide Milton with the best customer service since our customers are the most important element of Secur-U. We sincerely value your business and support. Make our Security Your Peace of Mmnd! 1 I.i ý (905)8784634 342 Bronte St. S. Unit #39 Milton email: securu@stfl net Prime Advertising positions are still available. call your Champion Sales Rep today at 878-2341.