r Shoppers Dmug Mail supplies everything you want in a drugstore -including extended boucs. The store, located in the heart of downtown Milton, bas existed for 16 years, serving families seven days a week until midnight. "There is a need tor it (extended boucs). espe- cially in a bedroom community like Milton," - aid Don Bell. owner/pharmacist. "Thece il a need for pharmaceutical care 10, midnigbt." And people know the cace they'll ceceive will be delivered by qualified, friendly and familiar faces of the tbree full time pharmacista - Dawn Ross, Joy Tbomton and Michael Wong. AIl three have been witb Shoppers Dmug Mart for 15 yeacî. "We have a great pharmacy leam," M. Bell aaid. "We tcy 10 be fniendly and understanding." Mr. Bell compared bis staff to a basebaîl team working together for a single cause - to service the customer. Dealing witb the bass of a losed one is a time p FWhben emotions mun higb and decisions are perti- d nent. Il is reassuring 10 know the caring and skilled t team at tbe J. Scott Eacly Funeral Home will take t every effort 10 case the pain and ensuce the funeral process is made as easy as possible. r Milton residents Sertt and Michelle Early rîpened the lueraI brime 14 years ago and con- tinue tri strive l'or the besi possible care. "We tiller persoisal and caring service." Mst Early said. "We're conmpassiotiate Ici details otf fic Itîteral service wlîile ai (lie same lime kecp- ing iii trîuch wiilî the eiional îîeeds of the latît- îly." 'ltie luneral boirne rillers plannting aîîd con- ductitg rot lutterai services. creîîîaiis. tienîiori- ,il services. burial vtsiiatiîîns. and receptioits .ifier the luneral. Tlie addîiti ai the rear oftir limuerai hottie Re/Max capable will handie ail re: Bu itîg. selling. residetiil tir itîdustrial - wbaiever ytirr realiy tîeeds. Re/Mav wiil tuîllilI ibenli. Opened iii Canada in 1980, and in Miltoîn li 1982, Re/Max is ytiuug. but the compauy is dcl- initely tiot iîîexperienced. h lias grown quîckly and is knowii for ils kîîrîwledgeable real estate experts. "Our miain gotaI s tri prttvide a service tor buy- ing and selling prrîperties." saîd Uanîmonte L'on. broker/inanager. Represetitatives are bonesi. have întegrity and possess markset knrîwledge. makîng ibeni the besi people 10 taIt. tri. "We work very. very hard." Mr. Leutu said. Ili ibis case hard work reall> patd off. Re/Max currenily bolds the bîgbest mîarket sîtare of 41.'7 percent. And river hiall'ut their business is ban- dled in the Rockwrxicl Georgetown and Milton area. "-We coach staff to deliver the besi possible performance ai any lime," Mr. Bell said. The pharmacy is also responsible for hosting clinic days and disease state management pro- grams for ailments such as hypertension and astbma. For individual monitoring, a hlood pres- sure machine is available free of charge. Shoppers Drug Mart also provides a wide vari- ety of products from milk. cheese and frozen dinners in the cooler section, lu every type of household item. to, top of the line cosmetic prod- ucts and fragrances. Product lines are constiantly added and reassessed to, ensure customer satis- faction. "We try to carry the newest product fines firat," Mr. Bell said. Shoppers Dntg Mart is located at 265 Main St. E. 905-878-4492 rovided adjitional parking spots and a chil- Iren's playroom. Many unfamiliar îasks follow the funeral sers- ce and the qualifted staff belp guide people brough. After care services include assisting with gov- emment forms and helping to ftnd counseling test suiled 10 each individual. Pre-arrangement without pre-payment is also ivailable. Staff are able bo walk indisiduals througb choosing a casket 10 desîgnîng a luneral service. Ms Early saîd pre-planiig is abotut tryinf Ici educate clietnts while nt coiistrictitig ibetît. I1 believe whai sets ur luneraI horne apaîrt is our attentiot i peuple's enltoial iie%'ds as, viel as our diverse types ofl sersvtees:' sIte saîd. J. Scott Early Funeral Home is luicated at 21 James St. 905-878-2669 representatives ai estate needs Whtst ReMa apar (rm teagnrsi tei eUp alwin idivdua rpreett s lin businîess tir thenîseltes white utîder the unibrella cil Re/Max. "Re/Mas is a reaI estate corporation that allosss a sales persun tIo be iii business tior ilieni- selves, but not by theniseLlses." Mr. L'eon saîd. That dîiesn't mecati anyone can becritie part oiI the Re/Max îeam. tl takes a 'pectal indivîrlual. Asîde lrom heing ltcensed. represetatives inusi he sîncere and possess a wtllingness i0 learo and 10 work. AIl representatîves are requîred lii endure ciintinuous traininîg tri keep on tîîp ofîtihe contînually cbangîng markets. Re/Max representatites ry ici niaise thein selves avaîlable ai ilie cusiomer's consettietice Re/Max ia Iocated at 22 Ontario St. 905-878-7777 said the success is largely due to hîs staff - Judy. Sherri andMTentie. 'We have very tniendly statff t0 make tf a pleas- ant experience lor the patients,"~ Dr. Karulidis saîd. This bolds miue especially for youngsters wbo offeen fear îrips to the dentîsi. The staff encour- age kîds in realizing trips to the dentisi aren't vo bad. 'Tbey're (staff) really good with the kids. They can calm them down," Dr. Karolîdis said. Offering regular check ups and cleaning cou- pied witb cosmetie dentistry are not enough for MC18-The Canadian Champion. Frîday. April 27. 2001 i ~Dentist, Dr. Karofidis keeps Lý i tKtwwt6 people sing IIITI1-01) A griat stitic is a rcsult rît grird dental livgn thi dena prcie uiimUkmrkfand quaily care. Thai's jusi the kînd rîtcare prit- Wealnays tri iii speîtd aî lîtile extra tîtît W1NNII)~ sîded and encrîuraged ai the dental offiîce ot Dr. tatients on a persiinal lee:Dr. K.roridi' Oser the pas( four years. the newesi dental geting îrî knows eacb indîsduai patient ait practic7 in town, assol owinizt a viding lots ofi tîps (in etîntînsrîs dental hN With a stili growing practice where ner patients are welconie, hours are tlexible Evenîng hours are otte red Tuesdav atid Wednesday until 8 p. Durnng bis titîe in Milton, Dr. Kariîlidis said he bas been able lu tîteet mosi rot the ter den- tists serving Milionians. He said he tell s'ery honoured io, be recogrnzed. witb so nîany uther greai dentisis in iown. The practice is Iocated ait 15 Martin st. Suite il 905-878-6482 M & M Meats seils moreV than just quality meats o o Taaty steaks and juicy burgers are juat the hp f the iceberg on what M & M Meats bas lu ffer. Foc 10 years Scott Schlotzhauer, owner of M cm Meats has provided the community witb a nique appcoach 10 grocecy shopping. "Basically we're one on one with the customer s they're aI the couinter. instead of regular gro- :ery stores." M. Schlotzbauer said. "Our eus- omer service is about being able to îalk 10 a croduct consultant rather than taking your :hance aI something on the shelt."Ociginally M &r M Meats was geared îowacd families, offecing arge boxed packages of ced meal, chieken and fisb. But today's M & M Meats is geared îoward everyotîe. Single servittgs of lasagna. shepherd's pie. cheese & spinacb cannelloni, cabbage rolîs and more are available. "11 (single servings) seemed 10 really catch oin. uts a mie we've tried 10 expand oser the years." Mr. Schlot.rhauer said. M & M Meats also olfers frozen meals. Iruzen vegetables and desserts. Cbanging seasuns alsu influence the store's selection. At Christmas the store bas a full fie of hor d'oeuvres and special- ty items for holiday festivities. Customers are also treated wîth in-store sam- pling on a regular basis for new items oc sale items. "By doîng samplîng. people can taste belure tbey buy," Mc. Scblotzhauec said. With such a vast selecmun il's sunietimes dilli- cuit 10, make decistons but Mr. Scblotzbauer saîd produci consultants know the producis and can steer customers in the night direction hased ton their lîfestyle. Ail M & M Meats producis are hacked by a l100 per cent guarantee. M & MMeatss located at 420 Main St 905-878-18 Unique Canadian dishes served at Sweetwater Grill sweeiwaler (itîîli untierlcliel. Micha.el I.es uts, un . I i1ittdii ti peti bis o\n t restant at A\l ter piepîitîs,- tîtets uit wstern ( '.iii.itan ui111i ITorotoî loii tMote tluu 15 crs lie riecideci Io lise ilit dreititi.Fit Swsecits tii Grill tais tipeitec iii iL1 tittf 18 is" a catstial file ditlitg n itil cveuInplaIi ml.I Lesitis liiio ..iiitk hoips aitic cus saud lie tries ii ic ride îsirîcli ('aariai citit as pîîssî,hle tii eteilttifg s, iresh l'lie 32 seat restlaurîtît is stittter in a i nîîsîc I 75 buildinig Itoiner> kIsttît Il as. Fllic Actîrti I a Rîttîil Patieitis cian watt tir ibeir meal white satiplItig appeti/er l.tsturites sucb as n Id îîîuîslîrîîîîîî brusbeiia .îîîd fle grîlled calaritn tvit hasil. Bîîth the lunîch and dîtîter tîteitu hase a %ast selectîrîn tiI unique dishes îtîcludîng lîsb. b-c . aîîd gaîtte. Gret reviens hase heeti receîved ti. r the niaple glaierl Ailaîtic salmrin and grilled sir- lotin in wid nîusbrrxii jus. gieitss ic tlIcit cii l c secil ti lich ci.ilt hîiiie usla sulh cc:IdInIl titi1 ('aialit ný 1 îî ne lm . îîr'.lci tiii it ý1itn ii \%. o 'aiarîit i ir e il)lartanIe Seisttial cliaîtgr' ii Itlitit scîccititin ii pie- seItI ctîc'lrs initeet gciutt htîrd us ilt Ilic tlIciiiti cîtisinte. ('iirrc'ils \hi11 - s.t ittg tit a sîuttîtItte mîenu Iiiîcludc' lgigt tuti tirer lare. Wiili the n anter n&eatiter tîsi conthtesle Pal-i seistîn. Scieelcite ril patîi hl.t -aeîig as ailahie tir 16(. Sweetwater Grill is localed al 8 Martin St. 905-8175-0428 CwrleCe44 e %% îth dl prot gietie Shoppers Drug Mart serves ceustomners, to midnight J. Scott Early Funeral Home cases pain through compassion