MC16-The Canadian Champion. Friday, April 27, 2001 Milton Mail would like to congratL5late the Mail stores who won the Milton Readers Choice Awards for "Favourite Business" 2001. e Brancier Jewellers e Forzani's " Milton Photo " Payless Shoes " Radio Shack * Royal Bank " Shoppers Drug Mart " Suzy Sheir ~' orrd'smakes job of vehicle shopping easy sates loi otl Gorrud's Auto Group. For 40 years the faili owned and operaied business bas been providing Milton and area with quality pre-owned vehîicles. -h has grown in time from a hobby of mine tu be a pretty serious business," owner Jim Gormnan said. Gorrud's is now one of the largesi Milton deal- enhips, displaying oser 250 cars., and has grown îo become a tully integrated dealership without a new car tranchise. -Gorrud's bas ail makes and models of pie- owned vehîicles, short ot geting into heavy duty trucks," Mi. Gorman said. Extensive renovations have take place îo accommodate the newest business for the Gorman famnily - Milton Toyota. Milton Toyota carres both new and pre-owned vehlicles. The Gonnan's also own/operate the No Fnills Outîci jusi down the street, which iv aimed ai the puice motives arc the saille. Tle (lionn1an s ottfer go)d custoiner service and qualitý sehîicles -We're not peileci. but we sure have a commit- ment te, customner satisfaction." Mr. Gorman said. Gomids customeis cao feel ai case buying a pno-owned vehîicle knowing it bas unde'rgoýnC a I t0 point inspection. Vehîicles tound ai the No Frîlîs Outlet also, go through inspections inoie aggressive than standards set hy the Departiiieflt ot Transportat ion. -Eveiy car means somiething tri us. It tl doesn't we won t keep it." Mr. Gormaîl said. Any vetticles flot up to par wîth the Gonîîan's standards wilt îlot bc- toiînd on the tot. Gomiud's Auto Gmoup is located at 400 Steeles Ave., Milton Toyota ai 410 Steeles Ave and lte No Firills Outlet ait 320 Steeles Ave. 905-875-2277 Halton His Place and Banquet Hall caters to ail wedding plans it ai thse Halton Hilîs Place and Banquet Hall. The Angelucci biothers, Ezio and Adrian, are celebîating the 2Oth anniversary of Haion Hilîs Place and Banquet Hall, during which time il bas undergoise extensive changes. Mi. Angelucci said oser time changes and ren- ovations have been conducted on both the outside and the inside of the banquet laciliiy. The idea was tu provide a facility thai caîered tu aIl the needs of wedding parties. lits a one stop location," Mi. Angelucci said. .. -le ancme in. have the ceiemony oui- I'~IU'J~ I!1~Lj *stdc in the couriyard. and tht LM9!ýI photos. friendly &familiar *Thse 36 acre property cris t-c a as ra P I round and compîcie with deflphoto oppoîluities. ShppgHm ont F'9 0a n905.8 t3900 f obaquet roo)ms rible to Ail of us at Wendy's alre ,extremely proud to havle been chosen FAVOURITE HAMBURGER & FAVOURITE FAST FOOD RESTAURANT S Trish, Caî OLD FASIUONED fi Thanks to our loyal customers who have supported IPÀB E us since day one and we look forwvard to welcomiflg ail our new freinds.19 PICK-UP WINDOW OPEN TILL M1DNIGHT - 7 DAYS A WEEK 80 MAIRlT DR. 693-0657 ~JE ercd by landscapcd a/.ctio provirle won- celebrate îrt otne 01 accoimmidate guest M a dance flo. Catcring is based on each client's individual pieferences. Mi. Angelucci said the menu scec- tion reflecis the difteiing client base. Catening cao range fhum traditional North Amenican taie to cultural weddings. Howevcî, Halton Hîlîs Place and Banquet Hall is not limiîed to weddings. flic lacîlity hosis numerous business and corporate lunictions as well as lunchesîns, picnîcs and sports banquets. Spectal discounts are cuirently bcing ollered in honour of the 2tlth anniveisary liii Haltoi ills Place and Banquet Hall. For noie intoriaition cati or visit the websîtc wsww.haltusnhillsplacecoin. Hallon Huis Place and Banquet Hall is; located ai 3090 Steeles Ave. 905-878-527 for your support and voting us roùne and jeff WALLPAPER SHOP IT&WALLPAPER IMain St. E., Dewntown 410p. W OOS 86.492 t201 57 FHp