Bruce Hlood takes care of travel clients worldwide When the travelling bug bites there's no need to worry about arrangements. Bruce Hood Travel will assist travellers every step of the way to ensure a successful business trip or holiday. "Our mission is to make Bruce Hood Travel the easiest place to do business for our clients," said Ruth Bumnett, office manager. Since the full service travel agency partnered up with American Express Travel Services the benelits have since tncreased for customners. Locally, clients can purchase American Express travellers cheques and make payments to their American Express account with no serv- ice fees. However the rewards don't stop there. As part of the World Wtde Customer Care prograru, Bruce Hood clients can receive assistance fromn 17(X) locations worldwide. "We know when our clients go soniewhere and need help, they'll receive number one serv- ice." Ms Burnett said. Travellers can relax knowing they will be assisted by somieone who speaks English. Bruce Hood travel agents are ail experts in their field and are able to work with customners tu arrange simple excursions 10 honcymoons. Monthly training keeps agents informed of the latest changes and developruents whilc the well equipped office enables agents Intemnet and email access to provide quick service. Details are extremely important when making travel arrangements and the qualified staff at Bruce Hood Travel will afftrm evetything runs smoothly and clients have everything required, including proper documentation. Bruce Hood Travel is located at 16 Martin St. 905-878-2886 Thse Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apntl 27, 2001--M I 5 ý,J Thanks f<>r Makiug Us ~ I!BEST AUTO GLASS APPLE 781 Main St E., Mflto ~JAutoGlass 876-478 24 hour towing & flatbed service available at Durante's Car trouble is tuevitable but it's reassuring to know the caring people of Durante's Auto Service & Towing are always there 10 help). For 38 years the Durante famnily han offered 24 hour îowing and flatbed services 10 Milton and the surrounding areas. The company also assiSs with minor troubles sucb as lock outs, boosîs, and tire changes. Connecting îo a lise attendant 24 hours a day isjust one feature Durante's han 10 offer. In many canes you'll contact 10 year employee Debbie Preece, who provides comfort while making arrangements 10 correct the customer's situation. "It's (hasing live attendants) more personal that way," said Terry Osmond general manager. Personal service is the key at the family oni- ented business. "We try to treat eseryone thse same, how we'd want t0 be îreated," Mr. Osmond said. "We care about the people and try 10 do a safe job." in this business tt's not always safe. in February, valued service operator Don Davis, was struck while hooking up a vehicle on Highway 401. Luckily Mr. Davis is recovering but there is a lesson to be leamned. Staff members are provided with in-house training dealing with moad pruce- dures, many motorists are not. Durante's asks ail motorists 10 slow dlown and leave roomn when a service vehicle is on the side of the road, espe- cially in poor weather conditions. Though two long term employees, Carl Recoskie and AI Jackman are leaving the coru- pany, the rest of Durante's is loolcing forward to continuing t0 serve the Milton community in the future. Durante's is located at 8473 HEighway 25 905-878-7200 peuenTB aZéfl lie d cation is pararnount to our success. 1 would like to send a huge hug & kiss to my wonderful staff for ail their hard work & dedication. This recognition would flot have been possible without you! BY REFERRNG A NIEW CUSTMER Debirai Job OU.A4 B.kQDA PD L"Il 7 lui ourcw e 'uiuy 75 10 Milton 's Favourite It's easy when you have the greatest customers! FREE SECOND SET OF PRINTS SÉ ý ith ali.-\ 1-()Il ()l 111111 T S TrY m il-N'T',11, 1()I- Milton Mali == 19719»3361-----1-- y Y