Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 45

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loss programs sec resuits Fîndîng and mntaînîîîg an ideal weîght nîay seemn impoissible but wîth an indîvîdual prîîgraîn taiiîîred hy Beverly lisl Wetght Management and Nutritiron Centre the pîtundcs wtli staflct- tng three years agît in Miltîtn. hy Mariîon Healy, registered nutriîuionust wtl river 15 years ofi expetience. the chutec lias asststed clients with eattng disîirders. lîîstng weight. gattîîtg weiglit aîîd îiverail lilestyle imprîtve- ment. Clients hegun thetr Beverly Huiis treatuiett with a pre-diet analysis lii record vital sigis and create a persituai case hustriry. Thts allîîws cîtun- selîtîrs tri devise a halanced nutritioin plan aund prrîper counselling tri lit each indivîdual's groal. Cîtunselîtîrs are lully tratned and able tri develîîp a program tri lit like a glove. 'Me key te success for Beverly Hilîs clitents lies in the staff' who are committed lto helping clients develop a healthy itiestyie. Aside lri proiding mottivattion, ceuniseilers wiii gîo as lar as acîtmpanying clients grîtcery shopping. Beveriy Hilis iticrirprates the use rof Electrît Muscle Stimulatioin intit their weight iîtss prî- grams. EMS iters the equis aient ot up te nine hîturs tif exercise in oife 40 minute session. This pritgram is effective nul iîniy tor thiise with fini- ited fimie tri exercîse but aise people whrt sulier frem knec îor back pain. Arthrtts, Fihrornyalgia and Osteoporiisis. The clinic alsît prîîvîdes a six week stabiltea- tutti prrîgram and a one year maintenance prît- gram te guaratitee success. Beverly His Weight Management and Nutrition Centre is located at 550 Ontario St. S. Unit 18 905-875-2889 Royal Bank provides community orientedl banking Banking bas crime a ring way lrîîm il's mid- est îîngins atîd the Rroyal Bank bas hemn right on the Iriretrîtut. -Technrilîgy bas changed suhstantially and the custnîmer bas a lot more options," said Debbie Rennie, manager of customer service aI the Miltron hranch. "Custrîmers can access inter- nation 24 hrîurs a day, seven days a week." Banking is crîntinuing te change in rîrder te save limie while managing your finances. Event wilh the incorporation of telephone. Intemnet and instant teller banking. Royal Bank remains a community oriented establishment. On top cf full service hanking. the Royal Bank offers custrers easily accessible fereign currency and empîcyees îrained in sign Ian- guage. 'Me banik is aIse equipped with a TTY machine te assist hearing impaired customers. During ils 29 year reign, the Royal Bank and its employees have supported many local chan- lues and cîîmmunity evenîs including junior achievemerit pregrams and the J. Scott Early Frîundation. 'Me bank aIse supports school cri rip programs annually. Ms Rennie said the long tenured staff, many et which are Miltonuans, olfer custemers personal and caring service. Staff are always looking for an oppertrtmty te hetter serve custemers. "Ils about helptng clients achieve their goals," Ms Rennie raid. Continuai custemer servtce enhancements include meeting the grewing demands cf the lewn. Plans are already underway te instaîl a second Royal Bank branch within the nexl year te 18 months. The Royal Bank is Iocated at 55 Ontario Street (Milton Mai) 905-875-0600 SWEE1 WIII 1iaý1w4 yw --ov O l*oy Casual Fine Dining lintrntioal k Mewu a Coeuadloe Infleno Gift Certificates are available Tues.- Fr1: Lunch 11 -2:30, Dinner 5pm ta close Saturday: Dinner 5pm ta close 8 Martn St. Milton Thank You! From Dr. Ted Karolidis My staff and I would like to thank everyone for honouring us with the Milton's Choice Awardforfavourite dentist We have been serving the Milton community for four years, and ail the people I have met in that time have made it a wonderful experience for myseif and my staff. We appreciate the continued support of our patients, and look forward to welcomîng and taking care of the dental needs of new patients and emergencies. If you wish to sehedule an appointment, or have any ques- tions, please caîl us at 905-878-6482. Thank you once again, and we will work hard to maintain our standard of care to, the people of Milton and surround- ing cominuniti .es. 40 Dr. Ted Karolidis Carniage Square Mail (corner of Martin & Main) 905-878-6482

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