MC1O0-The Canadian Champion, Frnday, Apnil 27, 2001 4iU4L 00 L Kfi 9011 ND yI@ Utlton oos Spas quenches ail your pool and spa needs Summertime isjusi aruund tbe corner and tbat means one tbing - pool seasiin. Mike and Ann Accettura of Haltun Pouls and Spas have heen pruvîding qualîty service wîtb pool and spa selection since 1975. Mr. Accettura hegan as a cuntractor and huili tbe business b> relerrals. The store wîll he celebrating lils 25th anniversary in May. Wbatever your pool or spa needs, the lniendly statf ut Haltoo Pools and Spas can belp. The store ollers quali- ty service, selection, service repaîrs. a pants depot. fuît resturaîtun. weekly maintenance, solar heating systemts, and water analysis. The vast inventury also allers quiek tum around tîsr repairs. _We provide a guod, quick, reliable service," Mr. Accettura saîd. The 2000 sq. fi. showroomn ut spas, beating sysiems, auto cleaners, ceeotcats, large parts and inflatable pools utters jusi a taste ut Nul unly can peuple trust the adsice and service otlered, theý have the irusied naines iu hack il up including Iotiniiy, Jacuiii & Hayward pool equipnsent. and the Mursail fine sol chemîicals. -We want people lu 'ave iiincy and exiend tbe lîfe of tbe pruducis. and hase a place il) gos wîîb prutrleîis,' said Mr. Acceqtura The staff tiy iii stress itie imortfance ut understanding prucedures lu iîlku n îîrder ii create a bealiby waîer ens'îronoeîîi lor swiniî- mîng and hatbing. -The Ley is io cuoiniuficaC wîitî the cusirners. suIve tîeir prîohleîîos anîd gei theini going agaîn.- Mr. Acceiiura said. Hallon Pools and Spas is located 845 Main St. E. (across from the GO Station) ()05-878-7087. Pets kept happy and healthy by visiting Hawkins Animal Hospital Corne Pamper Yourself with our Services... " Facial Treatments " Manicure " Pedicure " Reflexology * Ear Candling *Waxing *Spa Packages *Make-up *Relaxing Massage .. and many more 550 O*ntri St. South Milton, (905) 875-0508 Pets may tear veterinanians as cbildreti lear ducturs, but owners can be assured, Hawkins Animal Hospital is notbtng lu worry abouti. The busy bospital is fuît ut caring and animal luving staff members that provide tbe necessary medical treatment tu, keep your pet happy and healtby. Gruwing up with a veterinary surgeon as a father. Dr. Debbie Hawkins was always aruund animais and drearut of sumeday owning ber own practice. Ber dream came true when Dr. Hawkins upened Hawkins Animal Hospital in Octuber of 1998, seven years after graduating from tbe Ontario Veterinary Cullege. The animal hospital, uwned and uperated by Dr. Hawkins uffers dental, medical and surgical care tu ail cumpanion pets. Event rabbits and guinea pigs are welcumed visiturs in the clinic. Dr. Hawkins approaches ber wurk witb pre- ventatîve medicine in mmnd. This means advising utocbecked can lead lu a vaniety oil bealî pîub- lems. Ot- course, Dr. H-awkins is ntuthie ont atnimial enthusiast at the practice. Att aspects ut surgery, anesîbesia and miedical care are assisted wîtb hy veterinary techntcian ut twetve years, Lîsa Loi Veterinary assistants Tiffany and Monique as well as new camer Lisa. also assist in the smootb uperatiun ut the animal huspital. Animal enthu- siasi and practice manager Susie Baker, also pîsys an integral part of the teani. Unique tu Hawkins Anîimal Hlospital is the "Hospital Cat' Bufl>. and DoIt> a year uld Golden Retriever wbu is currently training tur reception duties. Hawkins Animial Hospital il located at 550 Ontario St. S 905-875-688 TbankYon e We will be expanding to a larger location within the plaza, we look forward to serving you! Watch for our grand opening soon. V DELI SPECIALS BLACK FOREST HAM GERMAN SALAMI HAVARTI CHEESE $449 .7Lb or __Lb or ___ W 88/100g I.10/1OOg .99/lOOg Etalian Bakery ad Delicatessen 327 Bronte St. S. (905) 875-0303 White Oaks Plaza Open 7 days a we I oeel ioey Atls Ctatsso Wane asOn Gadsiv n od 8 Cu re* Ron Fuik* Styl Gray* Ciaylofl AdnBr sol e/w W an ssn ld C&tr* Hackenbrook Lamaont Leone fl Had4on- farl M.'.5a are41 Richard (H.#r4'5 22 Ontario St. S * Blue Springs Realty lis ~(Halton) Corp. a *Sales Representative -Assoc. Braiser u *, Gaiomnas- ScotS pror Audrey Nenl LodMooe 05155e Astiben Jack Kevin 4O.dtn* MasSans Mcc suilen 1