-r 4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apri 27, 2001 To help prolong the lit of your tires... ROTATE & ELECTRONIC BALANCE Ask about a front wheel alignment It's That lime 0f Year To Have The Licensed Technicians at Brian's Auto Repairs Service Your Vehicle For CLEAN The Warmer Months Ahead. & epi Fcit *Cooling System Flush e Safety Checks and Inspection e Shocks *Spring Tune-Ups e Springs *Tires e Brakes Auto Rep*1re &,Tire Cent~re ForJ aitur Auto I*eds! TAX NOTICE Rate payera of the Town of Milton are reminded that the 2nd instalîment of the Interim Tax Bill is due on April 30/2001. If you require information about taxes, please contact the Corporate Services Tax Departruent at (905) 878-7252, ext. 2393, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m., Monday 10 Friday. Tax paymenfs must be received in the Corporate Services Office on or before thse due date to avoid penalty. Late payment charge of 1 1/4% will be charged on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month in which thse default contin- ues. If is the respnsibility of the ratepae to ensure that te taxes are padlb tse u date, even in te event that te bil is not receivd as maile Taxes may b. pald: a) By mail fa, the Corporate Services Tax Department, 43 Brown St., Milton ON L9T 5H2. Cheques pest-dated to the due date arc acceptable and eouraed. b) By phone if you bank with Canada Trust, TD Bank, CIBC, Royal Bank or Bank of Montreal. Please caîl them for details. c) By using the mail deposit box to the left of the glass doors af Town Hall. d) Between tise hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. af the Corporate Services Tax Departruent, Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton. (Cheque or money orders preferred rather than cash). Direct Debit now accepted. e) Please contact our office for details regarding tise "New" pre-authorized fax payment progratt. OPEN BOUSE The Town of Milton is prrpaning Park Master Plans for bath Drumqutn Park and the expandîng Lions Sports Park in order 10 provide a framework for future park improvemcats, A key step in the park planning process is to obtain public input about Drumquin Park and Lions Sports Park towards developing a park plan. Wr are a-king you to jota staff and the Town's consultants in esîablishing the design direction for the two Parks. An open bouse wil be held on: lbeaday, May t, 2001 Ifugb Fosler Hall 43 Brown Street 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Varinus panels witb background informastion will be on dispaly aft the open bouse. The consulfants will provide an overview of their lindings ta dafe. Group discussions wilI follow wbich will explore oppontunities and options for the park. 7:00 -7:15 7:15 - 7:45 7:45 -8:00 8:00 -9:00 9:00 -9:30 Drap in, view display panels Overview of planning procrss, prc)imisaey findîngo, opportssities or costraints asd possible directions for parka Break into two groups Grottp discussions Summary Wr value your input and hope tbaf you cao jota us. Wr ask tbat you register ahrad of time, to assist us witb the organizattos. Plrasr catI Karen Kettîr ai 878-7252 ext. 2187 tri registr. DOG OWNER NOTICE By-Iow No. 70-95, as amended. reguiotes the la-esi and contrai aif the keeping af dags and animais ather thon dogs within the Tawn aI Milt<n. TAKE NOTICE THAT: ' Enrry owner af a dog shait, within seven (7) da,ys aI ownenship. cause each dog tai be licensrd and regis- tered wuth the Clrrk's affice. The owner shal keep the tag securely ftsed on the dog ai ail times, - Every cat owner shatl place on the cat a collar on which is prnsanentty nscribed lte namne and address of te owner; * Na persan shalh keep more (han two (2) dogs sn the Urban area; thre (3) dags in tbe Rural sera; - No person shahi keep more tbuu tbrer (3) cals in the Urban ties; five (5) rats in the Rural sea (unles in buens and ailier ugriculturul buildings); - No animal awner sbatl permit bis or ber animal ta lie aI large on any public place; - Ne animial owuer sball permit bis or ber animal ta be at lsrge on any privat, properiy witbout the consent of the pmoperiy owner. Note: An antmal sball bc deemied ro be runniug ai large if round in any place other tban the premises of the owner and sot under the control of any persan; - Thec owners uf dogs anid ta shal bc responsibir for the remnoval and sanitary disposai of any cxciv. ment of the animal fromt any private or public landu; and failing tu du su is guilfy of an offence. Ail residents aie teqsested la attbere ta the requie- ments of By-lsw No. 701-95. DOG TAGS ARE YOUR PET'S PROTECTION. By licensing and essring lIat the tag remains an the dog ai ail limes, inceases tbe cbances of bavîog your pet returned bome. Piease noie thert is a "Lifetime" Liceuse fe for dogs wilb mierochip. Animal Coofrol Service la provideil la the Town of Milton by Uic Oakvihlc Homane Society (905-845- 1551). H. Lîsi, Tows Clerk Churchuill £sfafes Modol borne!ope Sat ilu. -:G n Gir. T ons 1-4:80cm 5 kmN. et 401 en Gupi LUne Saturday, Apr. 28 3 - 4:30 p.m. ea-7 E3Ir-4Ii- Audrey Newvett nr attegidaisce F:tam/Mic EIsje e riu Sunday, Apr. 29 2 -4 p.m. 215 Kingston RdI. Unit #32, Acton $114,900 Susan Recoskie in attendance Rile/Mux Bloje Sprlng Sunday, Apr. 29 2 - 4 p.m. 241 Wc>odwvari Acve. $254,900 Ciayton HackenbrOOk in attendauice Rea/iax B3leuei Sprlflàg Sunday, Apr. 29 465 Gowlwid: 2:00 -2:15 $345,0 562 Hayward: 2.25 - 2:40 $234,«0 582Hayward: 2:50 -30 $192,(X 654 Joyce: 3:20 - 3:35 $189,900 887 Birch: 3:45 - 4:00 $229,900 "The Chris NeweI Sunday Tour of Homes" See ChhsNewell.com for changes REIMAX Blue Seprlg Reafty _r