Youim rjver~-~ te¶ b The Canadian Champion, Fnday, Apnil 27, 2001--MC7 WliJtoi Phi>fr - 'J<1Q people to drive collision-free that littie bit harder Young Doivers of Canada teaches students a collisitîn-frec approach to driving. "It's not a one-time topic in class," said Ttm Danter, the centre director for both the Milton and Oakville locations ot Young Drivers. Thse approach to collision-free, tor defensive driving, is taught to students from the tirai time theý step mbt a clans to the last time they receive lestons in the car. Young Drivers of Canada bas been teaching people how to drive defensively since 1968. It is the only driving program in North America to receive 150 9001 registration. The registration ensures people that Young Drivers will "do what we say and prove it." Mr. Danter said Young Drivers' promise is to help réduce the number of collisions on the road and ii>pake sure people drive pro-actively. Peo'ple who take Young Drivera are being îaught by protessionals who update their skills and knowledge on an annual hasts. And students tearn on vehîcles that are two model years old or newer. Students receive 25 bouts of mn-class the- ory and 13 lessons in-car '"his equals to 10 and a quarter hours behind the wheel," Mr. Danter said. Every student is also taught freeway and high- way driving, emergency maseuvera and more. Young Drivers, which won the Milton's Choice Award for Best Driving School, provides their own leaming materials including booklets and videos for the mn-clans portion of learning. The in-car lestons are a one-to-one ratio because "the last thing people need is an audi- ence." Young Drivers of Canada (Milton division) la located at 243 Main St. E 905-875-0480> Home Hardware can make your ho use a home MiliT than 25,000 items for your home cas be he said. fouand(ral Home Hardware. Home Hardware employs about 40 part- and Owned by Larry Schuyler and Lois Schuyler, fulI-lime employees wbo will do wbalever il Home Hardware bas been helping Millonians takes 10 ensure their customera gel the besi serv- make iheir bouse a home since 1973. ice possible. Winner of the Mîlion's Choice Award for If a staff member doesn'l know something, Favourile Hardware and Favourite Building ihey will tind someone wbo dons. Supply, Home Hardware specializes in customer "Home Hardware bas always been very cus- servicç and qualily producis, said AI Kieman, tomer service orienled." gerecul manager. In the building supply area, people cas find Home Hardware offert everyihing from everyihing ihey need 10 renovate or remodel ibeir and elecînical needs 10 painis and home. And everytbing cas be cul lotfit. 'Ibey alto buildipg materials to ois and housewares and offer delivery to the Milton area. everything in between. The store is alto involved witii the communîiy And if people are looking for an itema Home doing work for local organizalions and groups. Hardware docsn'i carry, the store will go oui of Home Hardware la Iocaied ait ils way to tind il for ihera. 385 Steeles Ave. "We do a lot of special ordera for customera," For detaila cail 878-9222. The latest technology, prompt service and staff ture - ail without a negative. who care is what makes Milton Photo the place -People feel comiortable because the picturt ot choice for many Milton residents. doesn't ceave the store." "It's a family-run business." said Emily 'he pair also tries to keep up with the tatesi Grezoux who runs Milton Photo with ber broth- tcchnology. At this rme, they are trying to pur- er Ron Burgoyne. Their father James started the chase a machine that wiIl do restoration work business in 1968. and machines that download and point photo- "We do tiy to work that littie bit harder, go the graphs off of digital cameras and floppy disls, extra mile. We really do care." . "We do ail we can to try and be on top of stuff" Milton Photo, which won the Milton's Choîce Milton Photo also offers a large selection of Award for Best Photo Store for the last two years,unqefmenofudinmsstrsTy offers photo t'inishing including enlargements ausoqsel film, phot oui abmsmt carers.e and borders. loslfimphtaluscoptcmes "It's the postcard look that was popular in the and more. '60s and '70s," she said. Arriving soon - digital cameras, accessonies The store also does copying. and on-site printing. Customers cas bring in their old photographa Milton Photo la located in the. Milton Mail. and Milton Photo wilI enlarge or reduce the pic- For details cail 878-3361. High quality food and service puts Wendy's at top of list Qualiiy is our recipe ai Wendy's. From day one we've focuseti on delivering qualiiy food, fast and friendly service and real value 10 our cusiomers. We alto offer high qualiiy producis from bain- burgera made witb fresh beef and a choice of toppings, and salads prepared fresh every day 10 premium blend coffee and fresh baked goods ai lim Horion's. tIi every case 'qualily is our recipe.' Customnera expeci a familiar and predictable experience ai Wendy's, one thai meens their need for a filling meal and alto delivera on the promise made by Dave Thomas wben he opened the firait Wendy's Restaurant in 1969. Dave's philosophy frora day one was 10 serve bol, fresb food that tastes great and treat each cusiomer right. That's still our philosophy ioday. lits quite simple actually. Consumers embrace us as their favourite quick service restaurant because we serve better tanting food in clean and friendly surroundings. Wendy's exceeds cus- tomera' expectations by offering consistently fresh quality foods and a broadenbed menu. Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgera is the ihird largesi quick-serve hamburger restaurant chain in the world. Wendy's in Milton is proud to have been voied the number one fast food restau- rant and hamburger in the Milton Choice Awards. We will continue 10 bring you the fresh- est, higb quatity producis you have come to expeet and we look forward 10 serving you in the future. Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgera - come and lasie the différence! Wendy's is located at 80 Market Drive 905-693-0657 Mont driving schooîs exisi because people want 10 pana driving lests. YOUNG DRIVERS'I exisis 10 îeach the secrets and skilîs of lifetime Collisionlee" driving. So we dont stop when you've learned 10 pans a test. In fact, ulîaî' srhere st-e starn. Dealdea collasion avoldan ce, you'il get: e One-on-one in-car traintng. s Heavy traffiC, highway and freeway s-snentlnce. Ha-n crash avoîdance and 8 other emergency maneuvera. Annually re-trained and re- certitied instructora. ,Pick up and drop off ai home or school. Teaching over 650,000 Canadians how 10 predict and preveuîl collisions bas made YD the mosi celebrated course ini North America. (And eared us ISO 9001 registration!) Cal us for a free video brochure. And book a seat ai a free parent co-driving session! Collisionfrelf <b Young Drivers®ot Canada fl That's what parents arefor NESY W 4» Thank You, Milton for voting us Best Driving Sehool for the third year in a row! '905-875480 ( Thank you toi ail our customers who voted us FAVOURITE CONSIGMENT elIr IC rT(DF: Visit our New Location Plus a uge se"ton of We have a great m ealle... selection of new chul- clothing, toys, strollers, dren's clothing. Sizes high chairs, N/B-l10. Ail qualil car seats and much Oshkosh, Poh Clasicmre Val & Mik, Mik & Mac and Ltd. Edition. Mon-Wed 9-5 lhurs-Fr 9-7 Sat 10-4 -363 Main Shtee East, Miton - (905) 876-3311