MCG-The Canadian Champion, Fnidsy Apri 27, 20,01 F indling the perfect gift is easy at A Country Mile Looking fuir a great gift idea, or a unique accessery toi- tise home'! Look ne turiher than tiewntown Miltoîn. Nestieti in a coîsy îwîî iliier shîîp, A Coîuntry Mile carrnes a witic variety oif fumniture anti gifi- ware with as upscaie country flair. "There's candiles anti accesseries, countr-y dec- erating accents, iamps anti prints anti shelves'- owner, Glenn Engiish said. Though the welcoming faces of the Engiish family - Glenn, Kimberly, baby Breeke anti tog Bailey - stay tht saine, the stere's tnventory is constantly changing. "Event if a person cornes in once a week. Mr. English saiti, "there's always someihing new te set.- Tht store cairies many hantimatie items from Canada anti tht Unitedi States. Currently A Countr-y Mile is celebrating the ai-rival of a new fumniture line, Rowe. baseti oui of Virginia. Customer happiness is important te the English family anti ityre wiliing to go tht Having been in tht business for 33 years, ba-iy masovicb knows transmissions. Tht owner of Milton Transmission at 85 Stecies Avenue East (Units 3, 4 anti 5) began ieaming his trade as a teenager when hie lent a hanti ai bis tiat Steve's transmission sbop in Hamilton. Mi-. Manovicb openeti bis own sbop on Main Street in Milton in 1976, iater expantiing te bis curi-ent location. be offera a full range of repaira te power transmissions, automatie transmis- siens, standards, clutches, transfer cases. drive shafts, deferentials, wbcel bearings, gaskets asti axits. "1 t-y te offer a fair price fer a quality job. We Tht communications intiust-y is censtanily growing anti Bell World is prepareti te kecp con- sumers up te date on tht latesi happenings. Owner. Robin Petersen saiti tht store aims te provide "lise latet îechnology, tht latesi pio-e- ucis wilh fiiendly staff." Tht store effera wireless communication, tele- phone services foi-tht home, Sympatice Internt service (botb bigh speeti anti regula-), ExpressVu satellite systems anti paging. The stere alto has a dmop box wbereby customners can make payments on their acceunt. Bell Werld is able te satisfy the neetis of strait businesses, cerpoi-aie accounts anti pei-senal requirements. Tht staff si-e able te assess tacis custeme-s individual neetis anti suit (hem accei-ditigly. "Qualifying tht custome- is tht mosi impor- tant aspect, se you'i-t net overstlling or- untii- seliing tht custome-," Ms Petti-sen saiti. 'Staff tiy te do the besi tisai we cas for tht customer," he says. Having previously woi-ktd in tht sunrountiing ai-ta, namely Hamilton, Brantford, Niagara Faits, Burlingion anti Oakviile, he knows he matie thse rnght decision in reiocating te Milton. He lives in thse community as weil. "Back in 1976, we were the oniy transmission repair shop in town. I definitely love Milton, especially the people," Mr. Manovich saiti. "lits more low key anti frientiiy than anywhere tIse I've ever worktd." Milten Transmission empioys six people including licensedti echnicians anti Mi-. Manovich's wife Cindy, who dots tht books. iisten te tht customer's persenal or business neetis." Cboesing tht correct wireless plan can secmn impossible with se masy options, but tht staff cas suggesi tht ideai plan baseti on tht purpose of tht celi phone, the type of travelling the eus- temer dots anti the estimateti ameunt of usage. Pay as you go plans are available for emiergency Use. Tht spacieus store bas seve-al motitis on dis- play te, assisi custemer's in thtir decision mak- ing proeess. Tht store camtes tep of tht uine mer- chandise including pi-educi lines by Motorola, Samsung anti Qualicom. Ms Petersen saiti she is vei-y grateful for tht support Bell World bas receiveti from tht Milton community. Bell World la loeated ai 377 Main St E. 905-878-1113 A,1most time for Mtilton's annual Farmers' Market is aimesi tîme foir Multon's Farmers' Market. Saturtiay merniîîgs trrom May 191h te Octoher 27th. titn't seera lui h the same \%sithtut a \ isît tsi the Farmers' Market. Accuîrtiing iii a 1997 stutiy reteaseti hy the University et Guelph, Mltun's Farmiers, Market is une ofi the bwsti n Souihern Ontarie. Run hy the Milton Chanîher uit the Coîmmerce, the market runs iront 7 a.m. te neuin aieng Main Street. The stretch of street between Martîn anti James Streets is cioseti te allOw petiestrians te look ai the ventiors whe are seling their wares. Farmers corne front as far away as Niagara te selI their gootis. or produce. "Somte of (the venders) have been with us for the fuli 29 years." saiti Santiy Mai-lin, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. Awarti ter Besi Fairmers' Market. ofiers a nun- ber et itemns niciuting iresh nusanti s eeei. hies. oirganicaiN, grossîti Province. tîsi. C99S. tîteai. breaits. s,.scCts anti other h.iketi eoetis. iresh tlowers. preserses. cheese anti nmore The chamiier aise runs ils Schoiarship ('île, run hy stutients. which fuonts tiser $2155) iii luocal schtiiarships. The café seils hacont oit a hun, coffiee anîu juice. with ineney raiseti Jontiedti Milten High Schoeis and Junior Achievemeit. In addition te a place to gî t i purchase tari-- iresh items, it is aise a place te greet yîîur neigs heurs anti visat wih tiends, lits as much as a social event as a place iii shop,' she saiti. For deuails, cati the Chamber at 878-0581. your vetuicle ne~ rentaI vehicie - ne probiem. Budget Rent-A-Ca- makes getting where you neeti te be easy. The largeat fleet car company in Toi-ente set up shop in Milton five yea-s ago. Since then they have raceti te tht top for rentaI services. "hI bas gi-own ieaps anti bounds," saiti Bai-h Kirtîy, city manager. She estimateti the fleet bas gmown aimesi 200 per cent since ils humble beginnings. Whatever pi-eference tht client bas, Budget Rent-A-Car can accommodat it. Ait makes anti medels ai-e cai-ritd, frem tht Neon te tht Lincoln anti anything in httween. Ms Kirby explaineti even if Milton dots net have a pai-ticular car on the lot, as a tIeci car company. vehicits can be transferreti fromt ont of 35 GTA locations. There's ne surprises at Budget, vehicle condition is always immaculat. AIt vehicles are Zellers has eve need at reason Zellera provides mo-e bang toi- tht buck. Tht Canadian tiepariment store, uîwned by tht Hutison's Bay Company, iselps Miltonians make thei- meney sti-etch fuiber. "We give truc value for the dollar," saiti Scuitt Weir, stor-e manager. Tht stere pi-evides one-stop-shuipping for ail et the custemers' neetis. 'We have a littît mix of evti-ytbing,' he saiti. Peeple cas finti everything they necti ai Zellers uncluding beti anti bath, smail appliances, etec- ti-enics, fasisions, feod anti much more. Tht store cai-ries national hi-antis such as tise Mariha Stewart collection et towels anti bedding as welt as îheii- privat labels inciudîng Cheroket. They alto carry Tmily, a hi-anti that has everything from cleaning supplies te paper proti- extra mile by accuimmodating requesis for spe- cialiet or custemizeti items as weii as eniploy ing frientiiy. heipfui & knowietigable staff' A Coiuntry Mite prevides a great scection et gis ior every hîîlitiay anti season - especiaiiy Christmas. "We have semething tor everybody 1s price range. especiaiiy gifi shoîpping," Mr. Engiish said. Witth Ms Engiish's merchandising background the store is always neat, tidy and sperting beau- tifutiy designeti floor and window dispiays. Mi-. Engiish saiti A Country Mite has become known as a "destination shop" where people can comte anti spenti as bourjusi walking around anti browsing. 'Mt store is open seven days a week anti ail holidays escepi Chiistmas & New Year Day. A Country Mile la ineateti at 265 Main St. (Carniage Square complex) 905-878-1070 )it models anti art repiaceti every six ,juths. Special eccasions Cali f'or speciai cars iti Budget's line et classic cars incluties errari's anti BMW's, te meet your eveiy tiesie. As part of excepiionai customner serv- ;e, Budget Rent-A-Car provities pick up andt elivery services. "We try te give as much convenience 0tht customer as possible," Ms Kirbysaîi. Paperwo-k is kepi very minimali anti an be brought tiirectly to the cusîtîmer. Onicewst îp in tht system. each precetiing visit is féster. The Millen location is i-un h9 fotur ocal Miltonians who are very happy te lie rtcC ignizeti by their home îîîwn. They look ft*warti .0 cuîntinuitig te otier the besi vehicle renting services îhey cao. Budget Rent.A-Car la locateti ai 295 Main St. E. 905-876-1796 rything you able prices ucîs asti cantiy, ait ai a reasonable price. White a variety iii preducis ai reaseiahie prices wîli tiraw peuple iii the store, the tnientiiy staff will keep people coînîng back. "Someone iv always aruîunti. We're nuit perieci by any means, but we are iryîng te gel perieci. Mr Weir saiti the store untierwent several changes in the last tew years înctutiing oening it up se it iv brighter. neater ant it casier iii funti things. he said. Zellers, which woîn the Miltîns Choice Awarti for Besi Depaflment Store. aisît tîfers Ciub/. Every trne people purchase soemcthing ihey cioi- leci Points that can be tumneti n for- merchandîse ai the store. Zellera in oatrd in thse Milton Mail. For details rai 878-8178. Good food, guod times awaits you at The Dickens ' s not haret to tee why the Dickens bas such a loyal follow- "Somte of the (staff) have been with me for over 10 years," Mr. The Dickens, which won the Milton's Choice Award for Mason said. 'They are realiy conscientieus of wbat they do. Favourite Pub. Favounite Nachos anti Favourite Wings, is fuily lie Pub. which bas been inviting Iriends over for the last 20 'lbey take pide in being here. 'Tbey treat it like their owi." licenseti and has 13 beers on îap including both domestic andi ira, has thousands of loyal customers wbo corne in for a drink, Thse Dickens bas a full range of menu items including tradi- imprte beers. xfoodi and a chance to meet frientis and famiiy for an after- tionai pub faire such as fish anti chips anti steak and kidney pie. 'We effer good footi good times and friendiy service." Mr. nof socializiflg, said owneiImatiager Roger Mason. Tl'ey alto have stir fries, roas beef, soups. saiads and more Mason said. "Somte people eall this their second homte." ['ucked away off Main Street, the British pub offera patrons a 'Ibere ia a selecuion of desserts as well. que atnoasphere, perfect Wo any occasion. The pub alto offera a varlety of specials including 'lbursay The Dicken s alocatrd ai -ti -wiv and lcnowledgeable anti take Rib nights. AU the fond is prepareti on tihe premises and is matie 189 Mini St. 905-878-668 Harry knows his transmissions and has experience to prove it Bell World services ail your communication needs in y gl Il g i Smu ai die c to order. pride in theiriobs. Budget Rent-A-Car caters to 2