The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnil 27, 2001-31 DIate/mne t fram DATELIN E on page 29 nient. Everyone is welcome. For more details, cati Keith ait 854-0207. Tuesday May 1 The HeIp for Parents support group meels every Tuesday ai 7:30 p.m. ai Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington. This non-denomination- ai self-support group with trained leaders heip parents of children who aee in trouble ai home, at school or with the law, abusive or taking drugs. Cal! 1-800-488-5666 for more information. Milton Toastmasters meets ait 7:30 p. m. in the upper level of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. For further infor- mation about the group, which helps peo- pie advance their communication skiiis. cal! Ross London at 875-3720. A Cappella Showcase, a women's bar- bershop chorus, presents ils spring concert at E.C. Drury High School from 8 to 10 p.m. Admission is free, aithough good-will offerings are accepted. The Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group meets at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E., ai 2 p.m. For further details, cal JoAnne ait 878-4371t. The PeeflHatton Vaginal Birth Alter Cesarean-Cesarean Awareness Group (VBAC-CA) provides information, sup- port and topical discussions on the tient Tuesday of each month ait 7:30 p.m. For more information, cal! Penny at 873-2779 or Lisa a!t (905) 469-8599. Wednesday May 2 The Milton Leisure Centre hosts a six- week teen fitness course for $40. Cal! Tracy Hasselfeldt at 878-7946 to regîster or for more information. The Milton Leisure Centre offers a seven-week introduction to titness course for $55 a person. Cati Tracy Hasselfeldt at 878-7946 10 register or for more informnation. The Diabetes Information and Support Group meets at Milton District Hospital on Derry Road at 7 p.m. Everyone is weicome. For fuither informa- tion. cati 335-8618. The Pesticides Alternatives for Milton group meets at 7:30 p.m. ai 95 Main St. E. For more information, cati 693-9837. A %e44 hi A.D.P.& D.V.A. APPROVED - a Horne OxytWnleep Apnes, B Hosital Equipment *Sports Medicine M Scootenrs.WilrsWtseoichairs *Compression Stoekinp Modela Breait Pumps & Accessonues CPR Trining24 HP Blood Pressure Monitor *Bathroos Safety p & incontinence Cepasus Medelc* -r listing for non-profit groups only. Body & Sole welcomes... Eleasha, the newest member to oaur team. Eleasha is a certifled esthetician with over 3 years experience. Eleasha specializes in --qartificial nails (acrylic & porcelain) and wel- cornes ail artificial nail clients. Bd\'c- 550 Ontario St. S. Milton , q5Solc'j (905) 875-0508 S2leepTowno Mattress BUY A SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER MATTRESS11 T THE MATCHING BOXSPRUNG FOR le,~ ~ 4f: UPER OPNýl Pillow Cases * I ay-A-Way - Pillow Protector (0)875@0467 3595 MAIN ST. E. :Mattres P ST - Lcal elivery mmhu~~J ~ o w~uS 16 !Set-p - Bed Frame - Disposal of Old Set pi~~,, ~ Â~ Ku.~ iI Thurs. Fni....10-9 _ ________________ ..MOIf IM I E I Sa!. 10-6 .... Sun. 12-5 BETTER LIVING