28--The Canudian Champion, Frîday, Apnîl 27, 2001 ~sn14 r 149 4 Glanerait H-eIp (ieeia tiep uaeïleîai Clti1 adsui 5oi W»% Waed ontld W-ne Opportunity is now one c/ick c/oser/in Peel-Ha/ton Dufferin with.. Trinn cltIr esure to information hbout the rades and apprenticr.hip 1(yo are an employer apprenticeship candidate, vo umay almicinnect on-liner Peeflalan Duffern emplayers are urged te visit aur website le " Regiiter on-tînt " Poîst a job vacascy * Initiaie a lis- sear(h for suitîhle appresti: r- Peel- Haiten Dufferin apprentices are welceme le: *Register on-tîne *Post a per-rosit kilts proflile *Initiaie a tivse araS fon sitable uippurtusitieîý For mare information about apprenticesearch.com, please visit http ://www.appIrenticesearch.com, or contact the Halton tnduslry Education Council at (905) 634-2575 U*U Omalxemmt0afl Carpédla Group Internationail Is a management flrm uniquely focused on pro-.iding significant and measurabie improvernents ln revenue growth, productiMty, and asset utilization. Adýcminiistrativge Assistanit We are iooking for an entris-level indMvduai with a professional and friendly phone maniner, with thre ability and desire to tlandie multiple tasks in a fast paced environmient. Prlmary responsibiiis include reception & generai office duties, corporate travel arrangements, and sales & marketing support. l<nowledge of MS Office 2000 is required. Must possess excellent communication and organizationai skills. Bilingualism (Frenchi English) would Ire an asset. To apply, please forward your resumne and covering letter stating salar expectations ta the: Directar of Resource Developn't Carpedia Graup International, 75 Navy Street Oakville, Ontario 16J 2ZI Fax (905) 337-1529 www.carpedia.co>m Whilx w-, appriaix the inexst f, aii apeSiaeis, onis5ax e casderata io i wdl beaeotacted We arc easaîtted to mpkoxa ex No phase cas ar aqanice pieuse. Siali ftee eraar.miai Editorial Assistant Burtîngion baaed hishing magazine pub- lisher seeke an energetic edîtonial assis- tant for permanent, fulOtime position. The idxxi candidate wili hold a degree in com- munications or joumalism and have 2-5 years of relevant worle espesience. Profi- ciency wîttl MS Office is a given. Pieuse fas: your resume ta the attenti of the Controller ut 905-632-2833 LANOSCAPE Main- tenance & Constnuction company reqaires ener- getic indiaiduals to loin our teami Must be hard worleîng and reliable wittr positiae attitude. Wages nIait at $8 50- $10.00 hr. based on ex- penienCe Caîl (905)875- o640 or fax resume t0 (905>875-3577. oflers Sent wages ai 1esperîence preferre: pools in Brampton, alternate Saturdays. Mtssissasga, and GTA. LPlease fas resume 416-213-0111 or PPL offers certification courses OUR compxny is look- ing for mature, hard- ACCOUNTS wodeing people who atili RECEIVABLE train for leadership posi- CLERK tion in this area. Contact N..dad olla day 416-384-6936 or 519- à W 496-1775, leave mes- $12.00 per heur. sage, - - ApplyIo. STOPPS Orycleaniers Hailon Lift Trucku nc. Sas two part-time posi- 1054 S. Service Rd. E tises available. Ose is Oakuitit, ON L6J 2X7 for csunter help Monday Tel: (905>849-581i5i & Fridays 12-5PM. The Pax: 1905)1111111-3515 other is suitable for Contact: Jase) Dianne stieni counfter helpL eve. other Salxrday 2AM - 5PM. Appfy in Ce mon at 885 Main S., nit 4 TOTAL Servie Land- SKIILLED Help wMantied: scape requirea motivaI- Liceesed automotie ed and esperiencedi tecfreician or 3rd or 4th persons for lattdscaping yr. apprentice for a betty and larencare positions, local enrlrepair $11-$iS/per hr. Subcoe- shop. selet wages jtractittg also. Phil 905- and benefît package. 877-6111 wekigt Cali905-878-7926, aok and weekends horse groom tor fiee show lampers. Easy work, o hîgh pay arts bonuses. Oas transportation u Somne esperience, aii DENTAL Hygîenîst re- train. Cati Ross 519- qsired by busy Milton 856-2210. practîce for maîernîty WANTED: Mature sndi- leave. 8 months fait- arvduals wfro are inter- lime, 4 montho part- ested in worleîng with lime, possibly leadîng to ciidren or adaits airth permanent part-tîme. deaelopmentxt dîsabli- Experience preferrea lies sn the Halton region. but sot essentîil Fax 1Provîde parent relief or resume to Southaiew teach new skills. Parent Dental Clînîc @, 905 directed. Fax or emnait 876-3278 resume: (905)849- RNRN ueîne 6980; HSS @stn.net. or 1bsrNR , xlsrerece _xli fîce. Part-time. ras e WAREHOUSE Laborer same to (905)26-2352 for auto parts recyding LOKN orpro company. Knowledgx 0 f i aOith feadrshperkil auto parts an asset. will w osek nfo 52.50/hour. Cxli 905- of5 s xa k n fro 875-1504 fsmlgrupx. Mut ihave own transporta lion. 1-877-332-242 emnaîl resame: di 'LOOKING for mnotiae peonple towork 5 tot 10 i experience required. Full training provided- Cxl Daae 519-780- 0049 alter 6 P.m. RETAIL Sales Çlerk, 24hrs/wli, Days, perma- nent. Harri Stationery Ltd. 182 Main St. Milton. Apply in person wîlh Re- surie tc Mr. Stese Bo- n-s Tues-Sat. QUALITY daycai avaîlable in my hom Steeles & Marin are Excellent reference receipts provîded. C 905-876-3557, RELIABLE Dayca avalabie. Wilson Woodward area Plea cxl 905-876-4978 in a visanary company that offers centisuai commitiment te, clients and careg vers a e Ho m Care sgnl ekn xîne RNsfoafu-impran BOOKKEEPER The Qnlari Velerinary Medual Associationii seek- îng a ueit directeit teaiti piayeî Io peroim a tange oi tinaicialI Linctiuiis, inu.uditng 720, N.P anîd G!L, piepaing inanciai stalearents, and coordiialiiig iiiibeirshiii uexwlu and custetence iegistiatiufls Apiiicais sPould nave a minimum ot 5 yeais accnunhing/ Ponkheepýigeperience Successlian- didales xili have demunslrated excellet commuiiica- lion skills, attention Io detail anid tie aloitit Io iiiiIti task, Siatay $35K - 45K deperiding on qualificatios Ihîs is a pietrmanet, lu-it ule position intieîesled applicants should send Oheil tesurnes iii cunhIdence by niait (OVMA, 245 Cummercial Street, Mîllun, ON, LOT 2J3), lax (11577-402-5941) or e-mail (diauen@uamna otg), Pa May 4. 2001 Oriiy tP/se apupiiciîts seiected for aur initerviewe wili 0e cuîîtacted. PaOFFICE HELP lat ime Secretary/Receptiosist reqsired immediately for bssy multiple office real estate firm. Responsibilities înclsde: answering telephones, booking appoîntments. pagisg messages, Ipreparing offers and processing listings. iMusi be computer literate. Real estate IMd t Metroland Prîntîng, Publîshing and Dîstrîbufîng in Milton has an immediate opening for an experienced Sales Representative toi join our sales team. As a motivated self- starter you wilI be responsible for the co-ordinatîng and selI- ing of a mont hiy publication, feafures and special sections. Good communications akilis are essenfial. '<ou must be able fo work under deadlines, understand hore f0 juggie numerous tasks. Sales esperience a definîte assef. Previous applicants need not re-apply. We offer: * a base salary * lucrative commission package * stable work environmenf Please forward resume Attention: Wendy McNab, Advertising Manager Utbe Canabîan Cbampion 191 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Fax: 905-876-2364 Deadfine for resumes is May 11, 2001 to: (905) 877-1571 1969 Grande Panisies- ngood for estoration OPEN HOUSE or parts, Westerm cxr Apr. 29, 2-4 PM S 1985 GMC van, 9004 RiP for parts. 3 (VW) mo- Private Hotise Sale RP I ltors one ahole, 2 in 837 ChiIds Drive, Milton required. parts. Besi offer. Cxil i rbe-mela e Wiminiedrgh VERY 519-853-3746 aller Dsrbetmeixae xlmutux sh COMPETITIVE 6om. - 2 starey 3 + 1 brick dxtachxd on oersized 155 e PAY RATE. 1989 Mercury Sable. 4 153') mature tenceit lot. Spacrous bxdrms, 2.5 For Materniiy Relief door, 6 cylînder, au- bath, main beOr tamîly ns andt laandryimadroom. & Permanent FIT tomnatîc, 202,64 Km. prof tun basement wipass 4' bedroorn Upitateit ad/T Fail' lodd 500 as us. kuches wi5)/u applîxeces. Large master & ensuite. adPT Cali 1905(71613, 2 car gai, fp and A/C Vistmercus-sex onlie photos ai Retirement tomf ulily dled"'es. con-. "t//omntesmnc/37hlsr Oavle maintained, cxrtdied, e- $276.900 Tel: 905-87e 0799 v905-847-1413 tested, 14300 m or fax 847-1765 $4200 905-87-3071.m '94 ESCORT LX. 5- EXPEIENED dan- spid 2-door hatch, EXPRIECEDdi a/c, sunroof, CD, îhj cleanittg. Reason- ahrem -2BRat ndowetown SAC US 4 le able rates. References jduplex, sleep stairs, no backsslit on desirable availabix. Cxli Dxbbîe 1 Mýchîidren please. Avai ut octnShw alter 6 .m., 75-2085., able Jane 1st. lke nea with large PATTRSO Clann a $630/month plus utii backyard. Four bxd- sATEmucS reanbl fi tes, insurance and xil oo0mn C/A, Central Sevc s.rasfaonl erence eux 0 Vac. New roof driaeway iprîces. aifato 1991 Noithiander 1 1/2 276-0570, aer 6 m and fl100559 thrssghnut 1guxrxntxxd. Cxli Louis- bedroomo, yxar-round $219.900. 905-275- hette for f rex estumate al living on' reeteit lot ACTON large 3 bed- 1392, 613 Foster Court 905-702-3764 $270/monlh. Separate rsom apariment, $950e aokhpguesthouse. Aino 1 bedrsom Adtos Multso/xpbeli 5600,. Also George- Suit ose/tan aduits ban 1 bedroom $675+. 0s 0 B 519-653-5080 or 519- ASSISTANTS nexdxd (905)278-0473 253-5352 Ads d GARA E per wek. Exprience BUSWMbedroso-. second for with chidres. Resme WeZt brugh. pak0,g $5501 requured. Milton are. 51 9066SE ON 416-818-4288. $$ GOVERNMENT -ONE and two bxdroom A 5ud $ Grants and apartment. Ail inclusive hî <<a ans information 10 un Milton. No pals. Cxii -u' sIsal and expand your 905-275-4929. - 20-5052266 SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 * ' 1 bxdrooms. Freshly I 40 Oerwxiight p(ople - paunted, brught. Corn- A an n e ls wxught -petite rent Budington AN ne x tra os e . hîgh rusa.Wi an s 416-565-9942 txîned. mave is l- ~ 626 eb tcation. 905-333-9646.Sua t MAN and hîs dog nexits Noon - 8 p.mr. lionf t. iapi. or smal house t0 . o - rent un Milon. Cxl 905- TUTORING Aeaîlabix 264-9192l' Acadxmic Adeance- ments Tutoning Semrvi.. Varusus subixcts; al9 ý -,EA NAL tu- g rades. Specializing un PASTURE for rent tral unts for rxnte5 - Math & 1;pEd Please Weil fenoed - toadîng 1600 sq It. Loadunig o> ramp 65 acres Eden docks & dne-in. t-905- re . - 3 Muin area. 519-856- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 4919 6&3 ~ ~ ail CASH for ncrxp bok- ung.FE 5 re A Coffee & OFFICE space for rent & ibe atlbiaPO1 Steeles Aue 905- RECYCLE (ana tan ijam ton 272-0642 fisetuen ru-v t staf ea~~ uasa SMALL industrual uit lut HIo share. 905-876-8777 ~1 omne duty nursing case in the Brampton area. Flexibility and vailabiltiy to work earyîng shits are reqaîred. Atso.we are seeking FN & PSW for a long termn case, t15 min. west of Mîssîssauga. NormaTomlin, Human Resources Tel: (905) 896-0200 ext. 2S4 - Toli free: 1-800-234-8661 Fax: (905) 896-8353 or 1.888-223-8599 We are also currently accepting applications for: .Occupatbonal Heaith Nurses Vsiting Nursing Programfi (Peel Regson) tAs a member of our team you cas expect the bens - attractive compensation for fall and pars-time positions, flexible besefits. guaranteed bours, and edscation opportunities. à h a, R ci. Evenings and i 1