The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apntl 27, 2001-25 Tii i Scîztor crtaîly didu -'tudrhie Weil, aI least oîne 'Senattîr' perlttrmed up le bis capabilities last week. Wbile the Ottawea Senators seere a colotssal tailure in the openîng roîund of the NI IL playtîis%, bîtwing ttut to underdog Toîronto te totur slraight games. Sîîuthvîew Senattîr eertainly didn't îamish bts, burgetîîing reputa- liotn tn the '$46,6001 Youîblul Pacing Series Cbampittnsbip. The lbre year-tîld Malts Scootter cot vas sensa- ltonal in seîtng t tese stakes recoîrd oiIf 12. S i ltst Frmday îught's lecature ai ('amphelîville's Mohlawk Racetrack. The race unlolded as expected, witîl loads et e,îrly spied Lefly Bruce crîîssed tîver tntm the eigbt hîtle and led the field lto tbe quarter in a speedy :26.4. Glen Mark Lucky, a îwo-îime elimînation wieeer, came ouItcîtthe pockel to take command before the haîf le :55. L Soulhview Senalor, meansebîle, setîled away fiftb tbrough the quick tractions before Miltonian Mario Baillargeon asked him to begie a challenge on tbe ouI- side. By the 1:24.1 Ilirce-quarlers, "the Senator" s in striking position, just a eeck off the flank of Gien Mark Lucky and poised tsi clear. That liappeeed by early sîretcb and Batîtargeon îînly bad lobe coecereed about Lefty Bruce, seho was crav- ing to gel out. But by the lime dayligbl opened aloeg Hoof Beat die rail, Southvtew Senator had vtrtually sealed the deal. Ian uts War alse cltîsed wtth a luery te grab third spot. Elwood Lawton, whît bred and owsns Southiview Senator, made the lengîhy trip along with bis wiett Nancy lrom their home in Charlottetown, Prince Edward tsland and were rewarded with an impressive victory. -We were hoping t0 gel away good and were hoping the fractions would bie fast to the hait," said Lawton. "Mario gave him a super drive and of course the Robinson people seere super. Bonnie (Goit), the groom, does a great job looking after hîra. The care- takers are the unsung heroes." Lawton stated that until a month ago, he seaselt con- vinced Southvtcw Senator belonged in Ibis type ot comparly. "Mike MacDonald etînditoned tîtîs horse ttn Mîtetreal asnd Mike always Icît oînce be gel fle caulks oflt (hîsshoes> bced lv. a bletter hotrse,- recalled Lawlen. -And hts last staini ut nittreal be raced big and that's seben sse decided te send bîtît tp lIer. Up until taI point sie se eren't getîîg tît send htttt, Mietk' dtdn't tealt te lcase fils staîl se sse sentt film to Brett Robitnsomn' Aller a secontd place fitnish ît s l elty B1ruce ntli tîpetîîng leg oi the Yeuthlul. Soutîts tes Senîtîr ss ont the test stio legs anîd bad flte ntîîs cotnfiden.e etl the hetter public. who senît httn as,t\ as (lie 7-5 l,îs ut te inî the finaI. He topped a $59 nrater. Junior Royals annihilate Acton Bishop Reding's junior boys soccer squad main- taieed ils undel'eaîed statua by tbeasbing the Acton Redmen 8-0 Tuesday. Persevenng tbrougli a wicked cross-wied, die hosîs dented tbe Iseine early and offent on the way 10 lifting tbeir season record 10 2-0. Phil Foley earned the goose egg - number eigbl in a row for tic defending regional champions, seho baven't been scored againul since game îwo of lait year - sehile leadieg offensively seill îbree goals a piece seere Mike Adcock and Dave Wynne. Single mrskers seere cbipped le by Jason Fererria and Rory Jobeston. Sweeper Robbie Wilson deliv- ered anoîher standout performance - as did f ellose defenders Lance Morin aed Peler Schultz. Tbe Royale seilI be severely tesîed Tuesday aI home wbee they take on thc tradilionally compeli- live St. Thomnas Aquinas Raiders. Game lime is 3:30 p. m. Senior Royals win Orel Martino scored midway tbrougli the open- ing haîf and bis teseimates Uirew up an greal defen- sive blanket thc enlire attemoon. ite combination seas enougb for the Royals' sen- ior boys soccer tearn to trm Acton 1-0 Tuesday in seaaon-openiiig play ai BR. Martino beat Uic opposmng cager with a close- range blast mbt tbe botlom left corner sebile Reding goaikeeper Allen Lourenco - pari of Uic Ballon champion juior squad last season - faced a Calling al junior golfers Local youths an once agate swinîg itb sumîner as pant I lb Wilson Junitor Golft Tour. Opet 1 aeyonc 18 years and under, the I 8îh animual Greater H-amilton/Haitou Tour leatures eîgbt stops, inclîîding the qualily- eng day competitisîn ai Jersyvuille's Oak Gables Golf Club Sunday. June 17. Milîsutus Wylde%%,ood and Trafalgar Golf and Country Clubs witli also be, part of the tour. Pnezes are asearded 10 top tinishers le eaelt age divisiton. The leur bas included suclu local partiei- pants as Jamie Webb, sebo lînislîed top -ise amîng baetam boys last year. To register, or locr more tetonntiton, cal Ken Lancaster ai (90-5) 523-XXK) Highi School Round-up measly one sbot aIl game. Providing exceptional defense in front of binn were Frank Fazio, Malt Stockton and Ryae Taylor. BR's seniors, sebo' re expecled to make a senious rue ait the regional tille this season, were je Oakville yesterday to batfle the T.A. Blakelock Tigers. Results were flot available aI press lime. Mustangs even record Milton District's senior girls soccer squad squared their season record ait 1 - 1 le commaeding fashion Tuesday - whilewashieg Oakville's Appleby College 4-0. Cassandra Wareer's natural hat-teick higblighled a second baîf uprising, during sebicli the hosts snapped a scoreless stalemate to tbump their guests. 'lTe Mustang sharpshooter buried two frorn long range, capitalizing on heavy afteenooe wieds. Lee Carson capped the scoring wbile hetween the pipes for the shulout was Laura Thiatle. .Providing lier witb rock-solid defensive support were nieUs grader Lauren Beatty and Sbaralee Dempster. The shutout wie seas a big turnaround frorn the 7- 1 poundieg MID took at the banda of St. Thomas Aquinas five daya earlier in season-opening play. ,% ma our League is Only as Goc rmow tomesuwMy we're called the Ôvef« 106 ient«e Inet 4enb! Late Registration Now Being Accepted Nighis availlible Sun. Io Thur. No long weekends! New this yeur Ontaio Chompionships FEMALE SOALIES ARE FREE ;:J; 7à T.ý] 905-85-048 VEHICLEA SYSTMS IMulton's Choice For *Traiter Hitches *Ail your Traiter Hitch and Towing Needs aulhorized dealer OOM01ERAIGe vehicetlîckuîg.COfl 348 Bronte St. S. Units 11 & 12 Milton, ON L9T 586 so we partnered with the Canada Safety Council and the Infant and Toddler Safety Association to help address this alarming statistic. Find out more about correct installation and use of car seats at a Good Bears Buckle Up car seat clînîc at: Milton Firehali, Steeles Ave e May 5, 9am - 2pm Cati The Co-operators at (905) 878-8176 for more information or to register Beu A Bete PiaoeFor You sports fans get their news every Tuesday and Friday in The Canadian Champion. Notice of Election of Officers The Royal Canadian Legion Pte. U.J. (Joe) Waters Br. 136 î Branch Election of Officers Sunday, April 29, 2001 1:30 PM Sharp Vottng members must produce 2001 membership carda or receipt of dues paid t0 be eligible to vote. Please note there as no admittance during the taking of the vote. TO REGISTER 905 849;-6989 Li e