Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 24

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r24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprîl 27, 2001 The Milton Springers Gymnastics Club delivered topnotch efforts of the medal-winning variety last weekend at their annual Springer Challenge. Ninciccn local ciinpctiilîrs sccurcd ncarly toîur dîîicn încdals during thc day-liing shîîwcasc which inciudcd 180) gymnasis 1lrim 1l sîîutcrn Ontario clubs. Higblighting Miliiin's colîlectivec perfuonnance wih overaîl gîîld in the Cadetie A division and Cadctte C loop rcspciivcly wcrc 11 -ycar-îîlds Naiasha Nunes and Samaniba English. Nalasha's cfforts încluded giild miedals on beami and vault as wcll as a silver on bars. Samaniha grabbcd gold lin Iloor and ber beamt and vauli routines werc both goiid cnough for thc broînzc. Fcllow Sprîngcrs Chlîcsca Bcnnctt, 8, Talissa Champîiux, Il. Annla Glarcia, il0 and Jcssica Makin, 7. siruvk siIscr iii thc allaround stand- ings. Chclsea was golden on bcaîn and siruk sîlscî un bars in thc Tiny B division whilc Anna grabbed gîîld on the tloor and sivcr lin vauli and beami ai îhc Tiny C cxcil. Talissa iumned back ail challcngcrs on boîh bcam and vauli ai Cadcttc C and also dclivcrcd a bronze-medal effort oin bars wbite Jcssica was the sîlver încdalisi on bars and vauli and bier beam and floor routines wcrc good cnougb foir bronze. Overaîl bronze mcdalisls included Elcanor Pineau-Levnîian and Anne Worrnald. Sp ri ngersLx Notes Anne was a gold-medai winner (in bars, look silver on vauli and bronze on the Iloor white Eleanor delivcred thrcc bronic niedal lînishles on vauli, bars and heain. Meanwhiic, Lîsa Christmas was a gold miedal- ist for bier Iively floir routine white other indi- vidual event niedalisis werc Maddy Baiinock. Emily Goncz, Sievie Koot, Amanda Nellîs, Siclanie Proulx. Aiiianda Sicdd\ and Apri i (Jibcr locai coinpctiors, inceiud Sai iii ('bnsink. Caitlin (3houra. Chbnsirnc Nellis aud Rcbbeca -Volr ail (Il 9,)0 lioni cv (I p- 10I linishes. -hl was greai io sec our pink and hluc colotirs so neil rcprcscnicd ai Iliis >cai 's niccI:- Naîd bcad coach Janet ('amipbc, l. -Thcy ail nvorkcd so hard iii prcpare lor (lus mncl and ibev made up ail scry proud v'ilihei succss tbcy sbowcd on the poidiuiii." Milton will bc sendiiig Alexis Siolîcis toii n cckcnd's senior provincial chamipîînships ii Toîronto and tbrcc Spningcrs iii îcxi monulus 11un1 ior championsuips. I CANADA tdNrno.d lfS #WPERFORMECOMM oEtdo OPEIN SATURDAT ORDERS MUST BE PLACES BY 5 PM THURSDAY Collct ur ITN (95 7642 Air~~ ~ ~ Mile heeBRINT 95)6750 GEREO N (95 87 I05 ,Vo ipe joins Connie Mach 's Astros Michael Valpe wiII pull double duty this spring as e memrber af bath the Milton District High basebali team and the Connie Mach Hamiltan Astraa, wlth whomn he'li be traveling acrasa Ontario and the United States. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE AWESOME DODEEZ In. store specials on our range of athletic clothing. Food Supplements (Proteins & Fat Burners) 3537 Fairview St., #5 Burlingtofl, ON LUN 2R4 (905) 632-4545 Mon-Wed 10-6, Thurs www.awesomel 156 Main St. E Milton, ON L9T 1N6S (905) 876-1081 -Fr! 10-9, Sat 10-5 - rd Lîne iM <IDrivîng 10Range NOW OPEN for the season., corne show us how you drive 6621 3rd Lîne (3rd fine south of Derry) 693-0303 By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Michacl Vuilpe mxiii bc oneî busv bail plis cr ibis spring. in addition iii play ing liir lus local Iiigu scliuol squad, Mviltoin i)isirici's ialciiicd piiciic ill Suitl up nit fîbilc faiiiili'i Asiros -wbii coiipcIc wiihiii tic pi csii gîîîus Coiînic Mach Lcaguc. Thec 17-ycar-old i igthilaiidcd lîîîî Ici hiiokcd up wiili hIc Irascliiig icaiuils e soîn anîd bas alrcady miade an iiiiiiicdiiic imupact. Hc dîd su lasi wcckciid ai a tourna ruent ini Tcîîîîcssc wlcrc lic Iligliigliicdl the evcul by onc-hiiiing Wisuansin's siaic chamîps luxer tout innings anid stikîîîg oîut jivc bailers alîîîg thc way. Thc rcst oil the wcckcîîd lic spenli i ceii ire field, wherc bis dceîsivc prîîwcss aîdcd Hamiliîun's sirîung shîuwing. He aisui dcliv- cred a l'ew kcy his iii roîund oîut bis cîîîîîrî- butions. "Hopelfuily litis is the firsi siep îîîwards getîing a four-ycar scholarsfiip iii thc States," said Volpe, wbii's gol bis l'asibaîl Up lui aboul 86 milcs per bîîur wîitî gouud ciuniri ibese days. -'hai's thc îdcal situa- lion." Volpe's nexi sbîîwing wiib thc Asirîîs coîntes ibis wcckcîîd ai a siiuibcrn OIntario lîlumameni. His Hamiltoîn squad nul cin-i pcic ai a number of îîîumaîîîents acrîîss thec prouvincc and U-JS. ibis spring and siimiiici Meannbîlc ai MD, belIl iry iii bclplich Mustangs mnatcb lasi ycar's imlpressixe 7-2 rcgular scaslu sliiiing anid înakc a sîulîî playîîll nl MD oîpenîs regular scasiin play Muîîidas ai Bnian Besi Park againsi crliss-w ilnl sls Bisbîîp Rcding. Ganie lime is 3:311 p i Milton Community Resource Centre It Uk.s a communltty to raiie a fomy Milton Community Resource Centre Construction Campaign. Pieuse lend your support. For further information cal! (905 876-1244 ext. 16 www.nlcrc.ofl.Ca j

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