Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 21

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job centre opening Monday By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Milu n' Humai Resurc Centre of Canada lior Students IHRCC-S) wilI topen Mornday loir thc sumtner. The HRCC-S, an initiîative oiithe lederal gorvermntn's Yîîuth Emptioytoenu Stralegy, aids studenls ut their search loir suinner etuplityment whîle cticoiuragtng local bousi- nesses lo proîvude cunpboyienl toppoînunu- lics or high schîool aitd uutiversiîy/cootlege students. "Two yoouuh Surrimer Etoymet Ottucers are oui haurd lto hetp thuîse who conte ruuîr the cetîre," said Slîawua Fisher, supervusor oi t he Norrtht Iltoot/tul erru brauîch oI* the 1HRC -S "Studets eau cionte iii 'und look up joohs tro tour job batik oi sit diiwu with the tol-I cers lo gel heilo witt resurnés tir cioser ltl ters. rhe centre us alsti openi lo yîouttîs lîook- ug loir sutîlmrer emplotynieul Sîuderuts cau ejîher cati tir coome ii the centre.' Most tof the joîbs avaîtable in Million are tif' the agriculturat type tir in the service industry, tike wtirking aI McDtonatd's tir a celait store, she said. "Non-profut îorganizations witl also hire summer students. The wages eari be any- where [rom $6.85 an hîtur (minimum wage for students tover age 18) lo $13, but not much higher. The minimum wage for stu- dents under 18 is $6.40." 'Me centre, which bas been operating in Milton for 33 years, onili sec 500 lu 1,000 students a sutuimer, Ms Fisher said. "We close at the end of August. We also offer something called the Odd Job Squad. which is temporary casual labour. l con- sists of jobs like yard work, mov ungtri- ture or cleaning windows. This type tif work usually appeals 10 high schîxol stu- dents." Govemment jobs are also available and the application forets can be obtained at the centre, Ms Fisher added. "Alt students and yîouth tîxokiug loir wîork are welcoi mto coment thb centre. Forttmore informtion, vui the HRCC-S aI 3 11 Muin St. unît 106 or caIl] Sh.uwna lither ai9)878-8418. ex(. 212. Sherratt can decide own fate on JK Sam Sherrutt Schiotl wîlt chixise uts own fate when il cornes lo junior and senior kindergzanen programs. LasI week. the Hallon Distnict Schtotl Bîoard anntîunced the loical school was auo'îng six across the reguon wîth "walk 10) enrolîment" that can choxîse between ait- day/alternative-day tir hatI-day/everyday nîtdels for junior aud senior kinderganlen programs for the 2001-02 schot year. Sehuuots that adopu a half-day/everyday model wull review the decisiion annually. Sam Sherratt us among five Miltoon-area schools that will otier junior kinderganien programs next year. Brookville. J.M. Denyes, Percy W. Merry aud Robert Baldwin are the others. The Canadian Champion. Friday. April 27, 2001-21 Wnte to innet niays ediion of Te Campion. ef - t . Enhance Vour - .- Appearance? Now is the perfect Urne. ___________________________________ e haie the >,tutit)n oîth state-ot-the-art lUser tihlt't Mo CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPIIV à , quiet, coi 'rtaleiandnot' ottg lOe nIl et triat eni for 905-332-7912 Spider Veuns Age & Browne Spots " The Children's Speciallîst ' Dirthmarks *Talon RemuvaI " From Newborn to Aduit *Facial Pigmrentation Warls " Props & Costumnes Provuded ir fo agi n os fofcsViu ln eitnsnhrp "SpecialiLing ini Handpainted #tir a free consultation(lt. -Black & White Photgraphy ~ .Dr, 41a Là,41k oeFR ( N -2201 BRANT STREET,15 ueStE.Sue40Bamti BURLINGTON é -8-3-EN954690 HAILTON REGION GO AHEAD TAKE A SIP YOUR WATER IS TOP QUALITY -Quarterly Water Quality Report - January 1 st to March 31 st, wiII be available April 3Oth, 2001- Halton Region iscommitted to providingour residents with high quality drinking water right from the tap. VHalton'sdrinkingwater has consistently tested safe VHalton has performed better than the required Ontario Drinking Water Standards VHalton's staff are highly qualified, Iicensed and are dedicated to delivering safe drinking water Through the Operation Clean Water Program, the Province of Ontario implements and enforces Drinking Water Standards to protect public health. If you have been looking for specific information about your drinking water, Halton Region's Quarterly Water Quality Report will provide you with the information you need. The report details information about where your water cornes from, what it contains, and how it compares to the Provincial Standards. If your drinking water comes from a private well, you are responsible for your water's safety. Halton's website provides links to the Halton Region Health Department and the Ministry of the Environment regarding the maintenance and safetynf your private well supply. TheWaterQuality Report can beobtained freeofcharge by: " Downloadingit from the Internet at Halton'swebsite, www. region. halIton. onca; " Picking up a copy in person during normal business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30) at the Regional Municipality of Halton (Planning & Public Works Department), Records & Information Management Section, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville; or " Ordering a copy by phone at (905) 825-6030, ext. 6032 or Toîl Free at 1 -866-4HALION (1 -866-442-5866) ext. 6032. Halton Region is committed to delivering quality service toits customers. Our managers in the Environ mental Services Division are highly qualified professionals dedicated to providingyou with safe, clean drinkingwater. So go ahead and have a si p. M Mohammed Karino, M Eng.,Ptng. Manager nf Plant Oiperatins 20 years esperieoce in plant operations kanimm@region.halton entension: 7721 LBob McMurray PEng. Manager of System Operations 20 years expe ience in municipal engneering extension: 7626 Nock Rewa, PEng. Mngrof Technîcal Services 18 years expenience in plant maintenance and engineering rewan@)regîon ballon on ca extension: 7940 Questions or comments regarding the Provincial Regulation and this public notification should be directed to: Mr. Ric Robertshaw, PEng. Director of Environmental Services Regional Municipality of Halton 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 31-1 wwwregion.hallon.on tca Phone: (905) 825-6030 (ext.7602) TolI Free: 1-8664HALTON (1-866-442-5866) tmail: robe re~region M9

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