20-me (3anadîan cnampîon, -rîaay, ~sprîr ~i, 20 TeCnde hmin FiaArl2Î 0 D 4 e e7k KidcM WRICM A CTLY AJLJE? Lfi Lovb KI%!1 Bring your Champion Kids Club Cari to the Mal office from Mon.- Fr1. between 9:30 ans- 5 Pm & PICK-UP YOUR FREE GIFT l (Chir ml m m cc»Mupmm bY - admiit) 011cr vaimd for kide 12 and ender. 55 trio St. S. 878-39%e Champion Kids: Here's an assignment for you. Write 100 worde or fece explaining why your mom je the beet mom in the whole worid, or draw a picture on the came theme. The top three authore/if tue- tratore wiii win a prize and their work will be published in Champon Kida next month. Enînres muet be in by May Il. Send to Champion Kide, C/O Canadien Champion, Box 248, Milon, Ont., L9T 4N9, or drop themi off et our off ice, 191 Main St. E. Be cure to include your name, age, addrece and phone number. ~ QLa111111- ~bawpi>_ VWîth more than a dozen program choîces and camp cites in the Greater Toronto Area, there'e a camp that is rîght for your chîld. N.418-928-5822 op 1-8OO-223-8924 YMCA Caîl now to register. A .. e ________ A cold, hard lite wilhout tond for days. When they do family groups calied packs. A pack ____________fond, no part ofthe animali s includes an alpha maie wofand a Even in April, tire tempereture in the wasted. Arctic woives wiii eat the fur, alpha femnale wolf and their cubs trom Arti uuil ses eiw -22 , and skin, bones and meat on heai is tr a tlwo or re years_ - I ih rudstays t rozen ai year. Arctic they catch. They can eat up to 10 During the fali and winler, Arclîc wovsae n Iifefwanimais pounds of meat at a lime. wolves move around In the spring. that cen handie these conditions. The woives usuaiiy hunit lemmings pregnant femaies find a de n t, have S Because of the weather conditions. and Arctic hare, but their best catch cubs in. Wolf cubs are br ef tond is scarce. are caribou and musk os. bliînd d h epesAlr a onh Ie Somelimes, the woives have 10 go Arclîc woives usuaiiy lac in smaii cubs can val meal. Some i un