Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2001, p. 12

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In his inspirational book, No photos, she boarded the nexi bus to descended tire hotel stairs. Her She did. Wonder Thev Coul Himt the' Savior. Rio de Janeiro. youing face wvas tired. Her brow Will you corne hone today? The beluved Christian author, Max Maria knew Christina had nu wav eyes no longer danced wvit/i Youh God of grace and rniercy is saying ta Lucado, recounts: to earn tnoney. She also knew hier but spoke of pain and feair. Her you: "Whatever voit have, donc, Christina lives in a srnall dusty daughter vvas too stuibborn f0 give lauighter ivas broken. Her dreaui wvhatevse r voit ha ve hecoti c'. if village in Brazil. 1-er heurt was up. When pride meets huinger a had Isecoule a ni . ghtrnarc'. A î/oestc t matte Please coite houa'. etnpfy and she frît like sociefy had humnan will do things that were thouisand tintes ove r, shte liad Christ offers eachi une a second cheated hier oj its joys. Shre longed before unithinkable. Knowing this, louged to trade thes c'ountless beds chance - al new start! He died for f/or the excitement ofth big city of Maria began hier search. Bars, for lier secutre palh't. Yet, the littt'e ail. He gave His life so that we Rio. One morning, hier mot he hotels, nightclubs, auxv place avit/i village W05s, it il inati ic 'Vs. toi> rnight live free! Free - of guilt. ot Maria jound Christina s hed empty. the repuitation fo streetwalkers or jar a ia . sharne, ut self-pitv, of self- loathi ng, Maria knew inniediately where hier prostitulecs. S/ce went fo t/cern ail. As s/ce reac/ced flic bottoin oJý f/ce of hatred, oif bitterness, of' hindcn i/aug/cf<r /cad gone. S/ce also knewv Antd a t 'ach place she left lier stairs, hier e.ves ,îoticed a fauiiar addictions - frec! iuîuîiediafel v haf s/ce ucuisf do, jind pictîcre--fIcpedl oic a /,at/crooui face. S/ce lookeil agaiti, ua! tîcere T er ueu h cc u lier S/ce qîiicklv f/crea't sottie uot/ces ucîrrut; facked to ci lotel bulletin outh /e lobbl, tîirror uic> a ouna/I T lertior ftepcan in a bag, gîcthered ccp aIl /li'r ucotiev, board, faisfeted to a cornier p/cone pîcfurlte of' ticot/c'î C'/c ris tiia., liberty t hati nia bc pu ss s sed anI raci out eves lind n er 'lra throiigh the new i fe thai Christ Onc her wav to t/he bics stop, s/ce it wvasn't tu(> long be/ore bath fhe Ighteîîed as s/ce walked îccross% the offers. vi sit a local cil dtis eîitets'd a dricg-sf(>re f0 gef otie lasf tiioney aîid the picticres ral oral, atid oi and! reioved t/ce snicaîl p/ioto. week!, Conte home! Plcase coil f/cing. Picil rs s/e sict iii the Maria /cad to go hconte. T/ce wearv Writtetc oc t/ce bick i'k t/c s the Religiouis l)îrectory heluw for p/cofog raph/ bofli, closed t/ce tiohr-efa /ebc ea f~ couîpellitig iniiititiOi " W/iateî'er service tunies and locations! cacrmin, andii spetît a/I s/ce coccld on long jocctteY bicck to lie r sucaîl v'oit haie i/otce, îî-/ateî'er voit have Submitted by Revîerend D)an pic fîcre ofl/ccrsîf. Wif/i lie r pccr-e village. becottie, if /oc'St 'fiiaffet: Please Rogge, Senior Pa.çtor uf Newu Iife jicfIl qJ snia ll blac k-avîdwhit e A fcw wec k' lafier vouticg Christoca ct hone c Church, Milton. SBAHAI laMilton Bible Chursh 'Conide th mery o Go an Hisgifsý e 2 0 Man S ree E.VicToRV BIBLE CHURON Cnoine upe meu tt aic od ad profs goa2 0Pli te tE In today'c world, there are maily pressures fihai ful usuarious directicons. VBC us a church though H(e Hmself con wel dispense w th o1 10 0 AM W hrshrp Service Pl si c eoîuras. focused an learning howtIo apply the Bible Ia aI! fromBahai Sriplie Fll hildens initrie runingconcrren-lu aspects of lîfe. loin us for aur servi .ces so yau fra Baa')Scrptu~ I Chldrn'sMînstres unnng oncrre'tI andyourfamiy can have vîcfory in your lufe. REJames, A................. 1eM800h43Pastor victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Rev.I, But.................. www.aha.or be-3 8 ta Cod hich giveh5u7th 10:00 AM. - Sunday Moming Worshlp MILTON MILTON GOSPEL HALL SOM MSIE COMMUNIT CHURCH Milton Leisure Centre SFFNH-AY 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 of The Christian & Missionary Aliance (Board-oom> 10:00 arn. - The Lard's Supper (çomry known asMilon Aliance Church) 6HRH1:30 p.m. - GSui Sece 85oERY D (separate services for children 9 years and ucider) CHURC 11 "l'ekysbbt e "a :45 arn. - Gspela Seceh85OiY D ltugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. MU'lOI Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. -Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30 pm ,St :01Ii - saah s( 'iii prayer and Bible Sîudy Pastor Grcg MeCombs Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom "'i. iii.i Di5i'-ce. svnc FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00A.M SUNDAY MORNINC WORSHIP SERVICE (child cars provided) Iiis, (ic ia iiyili lili-iiwr to hie s' gLve unto my sheep eternal life; Nreycr rvdd Lvtg i-trou crB /c uci ) ;< p-pri'iiî' and the ~'-, r'ns'py1i they shali nover perish, (usr aepoie)"iigAVit ýéB'v1j oe Foi FRFF'cciic LF55i5NS, wfitc '(), Boxi 2SiiiS nete sa nymnplc VENTURELAND (for kids age3g.) Pastor Charles Boyce SI, cniîîcî St, Mil îîîîi, Olit, 'AT 51-.netithala y ma l (i iie INTERiNET, clipn ou of.piîîi ai For mure inf on our regular wcckly (905) 875-2162 ,wiiii.iithmotofm ad ministrics, please cail the church offie.Emc:cbyeitriPfi HOLY ROSARY PARISH Wewloeyut..'The Salvation 878-6535 (T.T.Y 878-9044) UNITED) CHURCH AryCu: HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton li' tM to 139 Martin Sftreet Mass ai S 3 iO l ,i.iauda Sat. Api 28 10 a.m - 4p.m. - Keepsake Exhbion 11:00 arn - Morning Worship 9:00a 11., 0:3 a.n. l noo SudaýTHIS SUNDAY - EASTER 111 9 ((iccs ,Il)3h.i i oiii ~îndîv Worship 10:30 arn. - Nurser & Church School 11:00 arn Sunday Sohool Senior Pastor RogRue ST. PETER CHURCH 11:30 a. - Farewell to Rev.Icshn Ambrose10NisanRdUt Chiiidrets Mrls. Natalla Rogue 9th Line e&Britaunia 1e0. los eha Rx Ih Abos cetnan Sxald n i 3 lr ee worship Mrsi. Esther Koear Re.Jh ehm&Rv onAboePastors: Youth Rov. Gord Clark Msss 5h 9:00 s m.Sandsy s. udy Hunier, Director ut MusicLiueat hlo&CareFer 9 amn - Early Wocshijp Service Church office: (905) 878-8895 For more information about our services, and 9:30 - Sundoy School Rev. Earl Talbot, P.P other programmliflg pisase cati 876-2420 P0:45 r Dn S e WorenhîSice To advertise in the Grace Anglican Church Pagtor\q& Dan R g Kaching317 Main Si. E.. M ilioni The~~~~ ~ ~ Boko 4-lto wîtn ýastýh1ý Religious DirectoryrieCuc oflcHl 6:30 pm - Evening Worshîp Service 900 Nipissing Rd. l'el. C78-2dy atx 878-:3005m.ii/rit \iii Supervis 1a dldu .i à a l lY SDynmc Cfldroti'0 (905) 875-1626 878234 Re. r MrnMDrmt Programns availabla dunn ait a.rvicel8824 si r irkNeemt C APINN 11:00DE FORW psip$ev SUNDAY SERVICES NEW tJM RE E A Tail"ie Test Of FaUIt" e ai Sic s i-li,cr q~jsItjS! i*S eDiaclh t :lirdi St-I uic & Ciiftc iIliiic Foàku*V »Omnt 419) ) 5:30) pic - Yciiidi (;rîîc sa*& 0Kadw" C fr iM THURSDAY Sh.kstfl sho - Mfay 25, 26, 27 r.510:00 aic lIcslv Cosmnionici Rav. Grog Ma«uMy - B.A., MW.DWv 'lu %Nheetchar Acuss %Tirlitigli tParkinig DAc Dmo 12-The Cansdîsn Champion F day Ap 127 200 prg f J', UIT T~ A C'T' f~(VIJIt' IJCh1~iW I JL:j

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