Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 2001, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion. Tueuday, Apsil 24, 2001-9 ear Upa , #6 Afier the integration proce ss is compiete across Canada, ail] our customers wili experience the same integrated services and a unifiti arr.iy ai retail banking producis. And our ABMs wii offer a full range ai banking services under the name Green Machine. Whai wii nul chanîge are aur haurs of aperatian -excepi ta he extended, aur people inside the branches. and aur cammitment ta building a betier banik iar yau. You'll Be Notified About Changes AlTecting You For now il is business as usual. We wilI notify you peruonally. in writing, and welI in advance, of changes to your accounats and branch. We wtill aiso keep you informed about aur integrattan pragress îhrtîagh regular reports mn our branches, an tht Internet, and in updates such as ibis in Canada's newspapers. Travelling Inside Or Outside Canada Soon? If you are travelling oaîside Canada durîng the next few months, it miii be impotrtant ta have yaur mail farwarded sa yas can receive satices from us. aad esore that access ta your accaunts is uninterrupted. And if you are travelling iside Canada from an area thai hasn't been înîegraîed ta ane that bas, resi assured that you can da yoîtr banking ai any TD Camadai Trust branch in that regin. Some Branches Will Be Consolidated Many people have asked if me wîll be cîînsaiidatîng aur branches ar re-iacating îhem. Yes, me wîili 'Mis stili begîn as eariy as the înînth aiter yîîur area consents ii TI) Canîadai Trust. Retaîl isank custîmmers wha are altecied wil be gîsen ai leasi 1201 dayv natificatian. We're warktttg liard iii mînimîce the impact the consolidation bas on imar cusiamers and employees. Far euaînple. when imo bratnches wîtb dîfferent aper.iiing hauts etînsolîdate, the new branch will adopi tIhe longer boucs of operatios. We are cammttted iii ipentng new branchev; Ibis year we plan la, open ai least 10 new individual branches, pion 40 new branches in retail oullets acrasu the country. Our Goal Is Tii Build A Better Bank For You Brtngtng igethier ima af Canada*s largesi financial service argant;attanv is anyîhîng but sinîple. We miii inake inistakses. But we wili i tase ta coirrect any errars quickiy. coîîpleiely -and cheerfuiiy. Our emplayees are recets îng special training in urder tus make the transitioan as st rry-lrc asîpassibie far yau. Tbey miii dot their utmîst ta assîsi yau as aur iniegratmîn progresses ave r the neut lest manths, Il yuîu have any questions, tir il yuîu ledl sve are usît meeting your expectatimins. sitnply cali st TI.) Catnauda Trust Castatiter Intuormuiato Linte ai i1-998-572-8924. Let mmc clave by saing hast much we ipprecite thai TI') Canadasi Tist is ytsur baris, Not matier hsts yoit liauîse tus b,înk stîtth min iipersîn, aanABM, (i h elîphone. araser the Internet -you stîli reccîve bîgh qstality sersice attd the angain!' cosntitetof ul atitetployces ta bul etrba fo ou. That'v sthy we arc warkîng bard ta tiller yau the bevi passible bankîîîg espertence tn (Canada. Ed Claîrk TI) Canaîda Trust ,BANK L»3 Canada Trust -Trade ittark if TI) Bank. "ýTrade-îîîark- of Canada Trustt.a Marigage Ctomipany Building a better bank for youi. An Important Message To Our Customers Titis is the sîsîh tîtue 'sve prssvîded TD Bank, and Cantada Trust cavistters ss it an update abosut tbe itiotant chantges thes cari e\llse: i1 % itegrate the retaîl baukîug tiperitimns il 'FI) Bank and Canada Trust ittt T!) C'anada Tîsi Foraser a Ncii nots. ste se been stsrkinig ssii tsi bussît a beiter bînk fosr ytit. A Successful Integratimîn ln Atlantic Canada Wue chtose Atlaintic Canaidat as tise irst regiosi tusis i0i us tcombine su tr e ti btitr sie r,îiossîî i ti itttii stc titiu tiv iîs ts n ,îîls Matcb 2fîîh, we hecame TI) Canada Trust in Atlantic Canada. sts 63l I'D Bank asid Ctintdit is brainchiescrit he scs 7l) Canadasls Tiîss itame. We are nOw delîverîng on aur promise ta elfer aur Atlantic cusiomers a betier, mate comfortable banlsing expenience. Natiîînwide Integratioît Cîîmplete By August Thic resi tsf titis prssce ss miii cosntinue son the meekend tof May I9tb ii Alberta. Britisîs Ciiltiisbias. Ytukssn. Nssribsscvi Terrsisî ses asid Ntîtsýýit, and osn the weekend tsi June 23rd in Masiturba, Saskaitchewtan and Quebet.. Nssrîbwestern Ontarioi nt.itding 'Thuntder B.iy. o ii aisis be iategraied oîn the weekend toi June 23rd. mîîb the remnaînder ai Ontarioi comutipcid son tht mcekend toi Augusî 4th. lIn tht tacanîtîne, ottcusttsmers hase aisti beeti experîencîng ot pitiduci and service întegratssîa as ste have cssîîbsned the dtscsstttt bîsskeî,sge sîperatîsîns and mutual fund arms tof ID Bank and Canada Trust, and ssnîpliîled otireeqtiing and svsngv accournt packages,, lu M.arc t. tht issiates & Trusts Services tiperatitins (if ossî îms srganteatîssus became truc. and (su May 31 st, tsar Pris uc lusestitiett Cosstvei titi Prîvate Investiact Management businesses stîli aist bc csîîbîned. Ftslismin tlise cttitiosn oftisîî transitîson ta TI) Cttaada Trsust un yssar area. st branches there miii sopen as T!) Canadatlt i iist il a test issu, bsîib stîsde aud siai Our ueo taine stili appeir son ail cheques, st,îtements, and csîrrespsindence In laci. as tif Marci, TI) an Esuctvsîîîieîs bas e aiready encssuntered aur nem name an titeir statemenis and mhîie bankîng sîn thetîeiephsîne mîtb T!) Canadalt Trst Easyltsne" and soi the Intceritet wîîh TI) Cantadas Trust EasyWeb' ai wm w.idca nad atrust.ctîîn Althiiugh yîîu may have noticed a few changes tii these services, such as a new vîtice and a modified menu, mainly it bas heen business as usual. We tbank you for your patience as we make the transition ta the new TD Canada Trust.

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