8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprit 24, 2001 * ~~ampion Brin Sprig Hom uth Flowven 487 Laurier Ave. 878-2881 vKrane, Tanner named Business Persons of Year By FANNIE SUNSHINE The Champion Jamie Krane and Elayne Tanner were ail smiles as they accepted the awards for Business Man and Business Woman of the Year. lIm rcaîîy vcry sbocked. I truîy didn't expecî 10 he here," Ms Tanner said afier rccciving tbe Milton Chamber of Commerce Commnuniiy Award Saiurday nigbi. lits such an honour even to have beý,en nominaied. I don't know how the final choices wcre made." The regisicrcd social worker movcd te, Milton 12 ycars ago trom Toronto and opened her private praclice. Elayne Tanner and Associates. "Milton proved 10 bc A ihai we hoped tor," sbe said. "Our business is outi n the country, il's iii a rcîaxing seiting. Everyhody but my family said 1 couldn't do il (siari own business)." Ms Tannier joined the Chamber of Commerce 10 ineet tbe community mem- bers and proînole her praclice. -Neyer give up on your dreams and nescir Ici anyone define your abililies.' Mr. Krane said he was ai a Ioss for words. i's à rc.il ibrill 10 be Up bere bo accepi Ibis award,' said the Subway Sandwiches and Salads co-owncr. -1 wani 10 thank my wife (Lianne) wbo is also my business partice and soultinale. We make a greai tcaîn." Mr. Krane iook the opportuniiy to rccog- ni/c bis staff. [bhai realîy sels us apart l'rom other busi- ness', be said. EFvMronc is wiîîing 10 go oui ol ibeir way bo make customers bappy. be ave sîîcb greai people in Milton.' Twclvc ycars ago. tbe Krancs opencd the Subway outîci on Main3 Street. Tbcy sold the store ai ibat location more (ban a ycar ago but stiIl operale the Subway on Market Drive and have won Suhway's Franchise of the Ycar award lor Central Ontario. Mr. Krane bclps brganize annual Canada Day celchrations ai Rotary Park and is a regular supporter of flic Milton Distict Hospital Foundation aiid various commu- nity luniciions. Also nominaied for Business Woman of the Ycar were Lianne Kranc of Subway and Hlenîca Donaldson of the Doîîaldson Financial Croup. Eric Wallon of' Comic Express was also nonîinaied l'or Business Man ol tbe Ycar. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE~ Accepting their 2000 Milton Chamber of Commerce Community Awards in business f rom left are Delacourt's co-owners Laurie and Moe Hartley for Business of the Vear (25 employees or less), Ed Cooray of SKD Company for Business of the Vear (26 employees or more), Subway co-owner Jamie Krane for Business Man of the Year and Elayne Tanner of Elayne Tanner and Associates for Business Woman of the Vear. Many attend Business winners award night give back to town Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Long-lime local volunteer Freda Best Strain wss presented the Lifetime Achievement Award. More than 170 communhty mcm- bers, Town officiaIs sud well wishers came oui to Granite Ridge Golf Club Saturday night to recognize the Milton Chamber of Commerce's 2000 Community Award norntinees. Award winners received plaques from the Chamber, the Town of Milton, Region of Halton, Province of Ontario snd Govemment of Canada. Certificaies were presenied to ail nonunees in recognition sud apprecia- lion of their contributions 10 thie coin- munity. Edward Cooray, director of operations fo)r SK.D, saîd tbe company bas greai employces who always put their heart and soul mbt ibeir work. -Wc came 10 Milton in 1988 (Irom tbe United States),- he said. lits a pleasure iii bc in ibis iown. We realîy appreciate ibis award --btank you. We lre planning 10 create anoiber îwîî dozcn josbs by the end of tbe year." The 278-employce company scbools and blood donîîr clics as well as Miltoîn Dîstrict Honspital, the Miltoîn Santa Clause Parade and Halion's Women's Place. Also noininaicd f'or Businîess of lic Ycar (25 enîplîîyees or less) was Milliown Trire Service Lid. Nominces for Business ofl the Year (26 employees and ovcr) were Wallace Buick Poîntiac and Mohawk Raceway/OnIario Josckey Club. COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - April 24th -Apnl -3Oth, 2001 M2__9m__tom______KM________le!__9 ieâ l 1111114 ta11,MuPNM dIl! 911111 itm lia, tKMs pow là! 910q leu% Itm 55. phowp Ie! 901 il&% mmm1 d u £Rems 1M Essae Eue[mm 'iSm 4a Il 7:aO4m Piqd la! Smu 4a. a 1:34a i'us lu! Sps 4a. IL 7.30p PhgM Ie! 411 Mpm &7.3e, nkgs sa! 5p4 4m. £7:34m Pksd lu! Shasu 5:11 C ntheu. f30pn Uue hme W.. i Ifl in a.. 534 m lM di e NORTH HALTON STUDIO Cam& Poilu1111111111 ix CMnnais 21 Main Street NorthW 7h418 Acton. ON L71 159 (519) 853-470 Featureù titIs aieChfis Hadfeidd's Sitottie Mlissin H ts son PI« In!' Tueud & Tltsrsd 5 M6 & 7:30 p