Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 2001, p. 6

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6 - Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprit 24, 2001 THE CA4NADIAN CHAMPION Qiiiar OFTIMi A>AEK£A Box 248, 191 Main St. E. nu, Caudian Champion. publisiied eveey Tuesday and Friilay ai 191 Mitn nL 4 9 maxn Sti E., Milton, Onu, L91 4N9 (Box 248), is ose of The Meiroiarind\ , MilonOniL9T4N9 Printing. Puflisim & Distibuirg Had gnoup of suburban compamies wich ,ncludes: y0aWPckeing Newes Adueisen, Alision HenuldConrien, Barie 905)878-Adoance, Buiny's Bay This Week, Boien Enilerppse, Brampton Guardiifl, (905)8 8 -234 Burlingion Post, Buliîngion Shopping News, City Parnt, Cityof ork Guaidian, ColliiewooiWasaga Connection, East York Mrrnor, tris EditrialFax:878-943 AdascatelCouniry Rouies, Eiobicoke Guardiar, Flambofough Post, Poreoxi Editoial ax: 88-49 3 Yong, Georgetown IsdependensAcon flPee Press, Halion Busiess limes, Huronia Busiess limes, iîngston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Maeiihamn Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Economistil& Sun. Midand/Penetanguishene Minnor, Miion Shopping News, Missîssauga Business limes, Mississate News, Napanee Gurye, Classified: 875-3300 Nassagaweya News, NewmaikeOiAurona Era-Bannen, Northumberlandi Newes, North York Mirron, lakorile Beaoen, Sukvilie Shoppieg News. ldtimers Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey News. lriiiia loîiay OsiiawafWhitby/ClaringtoniPani Penny lhis Week, Peterborogh Tins Week, Pîcln Coonty Guide. Richmond- Neil Oliver A.noî naire Patisher HiiifiiionhiliNaugOae Lîbenal, Scarbarnoug Mimair Siouiiaiiie/Oeiinidge- TriSune Weendy MeNais AaIo'ariinipii Mainagier yAueniiî is uccepedon ashiO condiiOrnon tht n eeeni Of a typoa Karen Smith Iaadliair grapOîcai error, oui porin n a daerlisîra spuce occupîed by the erra- seos irem. rogeisen winO a reasonabie aloace for signatrie. wîii rioi be Steve Crozier Cirai iiio Maniiagen charged loi(, but t0e balance oi the adverlisemen il nie raid foi urnte appli- cable raie Thn publîstien resers the îigii Io caiegorine adaeriîsnronris or Teri Casas Ollîî e Manaugar deciioneA w Tim Cales Proiduionii Moaager Tire Minimen Cannadian Chnampioei aRecanciabia Pre<icn Accomplishments of A I{adfield are inspiring* OUR R FADER S WRITE Thursday's launch of the Space Shuttie Endeavour was an amazing sight. We' ve seen many launches before, but this one was extra special since Astronaut Chris Hadfield was about to make htstory by being the fîrst Canadian toi perform a space walk. î However you feel about the space program, you have to, admit the accomplishments of Col. Hadfield are inspiring. First, he was selected by the Canadian Space Agency as one of tour astronauts out of 5,000 applicants. That's stiff competition. He's gone up in space flot once, but now twice, and this time he walks in space. It's a reminder that achieving your dreams in life may flot be out or reach even if they seem that way. In a story published in our special Space Walk 2001 section Friday, we asked Col. Hadfield's proud father Roger if he thought bis son was a hero. He responded mnodestly, "1 suppose he is." Then he added that Canadians need to recognize their heroes. WeIl, we would like to rec- ogiehini right rtow as a truc hero - a true inspiration. He was a soanclcss person ian downtowaî because isc wasn't hanging around wa Toronto and 1 knew he wuas gcing Ian ask me l'or to say anything else. money because he was lxsking straight at ose and It made me stop. He had just gotta there was nobody else on tise sidewalk. unlike mosl of the panthandlers whoe jvc become accustomed 10, ignoring theana, like l'or you to ignore theen when you wal most of us. 1 normaiiy just shake my head and It was around dinnertime on Easter keep walking. 1 had been feeling sonry for myseif i 1 work liard tor nsy money and have debts, so Io go 10, work wiîhoul an Easter di l'en not an a position 10 give it away tii somebody headed into the Hockey Night in Ct whose job it is to panthandile. where they would lay out ail kindu o As I approached bint he said: "Cani you spare lied water, coffee, or anything else w $150.000 so, 1 can buy a bouse?" Tise streets were deserted as 1 v That was pretty funny. and i couldn't help but shuffle away in bis raggedy ciothes. smnile. Mostly, 1 was trying 10, keep tise parking wich'? Easter Sunday? 1 fingered the nsoney in my pocket irons jingiing so tisai he moonaes in my pocket. Tise parking wouidn't heaa it mehen 1 told bien 1 had none. there are ridiculous. "Sonry." 1 shnagged. "No change." "Wait," 1 cailed oct, puîîing dow ",Weil," ise said. as hie crossed tise sireet. and reaching mbt my pocket. "Someisody bougisi me a steak sandwich last He didn't isear me. He turned a co night and 1 want to, gel flac aiotiser one." appeared out of sigisl. He didn't say it ils a way 10 conviance aine 10 I sîood there for a moment longe change my mind. or even 10 feel sony fnr him. my lhings and went on tny svay. He smiied and bis lace lit up in a way tisaI sug- I'nn as compassiontiae about tise gc'.ted il was tise mnost exciîing prospect that ie .anyune else. niavse e cra mnore so. b ccnuid possably ansagine. And i was betiesable a part ontmy daaty fle. se, nts take ou It's because of dedicated volunteers that the Cancer Society Ieads way in fîghting cancer Dear Editor: In recognition of National Volunteer Week (Apnil 22 10 28), I wanî to îisank tise many wonderfsal volunteers of Milton whio support tise Canadian Cancer Society. This is also tise United Nations' International Year of Volunteers. a special lime 10 celebrale tise wunrk oft volunleers. ls îisanks lo cur many dedicuîled s olunteers tisat tise Cainadiats Caincer Society teads tise svuy min tise 0ur volunteers work as counicil anembers. seil daffodits and go door-to-door during Daffodit Monts in April. Tisey drive patients 10 and fresm cancer trealments. Tishey olfer compassioîn and support ils cancer clinicir and todges. Tisey plan and cîrganice unur special lundraising evenîs and put on paais lic displays aand foirumns. Our vontuisteers are canmmitted to unur goral ot eradacateng cancer aend people living witis cancer. l'ni fortunate to work with sucis commiîted peosple whtn dedicate tiseir tanne and efforts to tise Canadian Cancer Soîciety and thear cusa nitiy. To att valntneers, please accept any sancere gratitude. We caiuldn't due ia witsout yens. Davina Burns, unit manager Burlingtofl unit and Milton brartci ,dwich is the least I can do iting tuE one en personat. nake il easy Ik by. Sunday and peause I had inner I was anada studio f treats, bol- le wanted. ~atcised hien fi, steak sand- loonfies and prices down n my thangs mer and dis- er. picked up isametesi. as ut licy're flot et ont segi onut of mmnd. Like mosi of us, I think (i they ahould do something about it. N steak sauce. 1 wouldn't gise a cent 10 the sque other younger panhandlers an downtco They're con men as fac as l'mn con intimidate a lot of people and give the eye. They can work; they jusa ch because ticy're laany, altisough I se they're flot semart because gettang nothing as a good gag et yonu can gel 1 don't sec the squeegae people wa anyasore. they just wualk around at chance 1rom me. Most ont us gise las cisanly ti sortie enri oar another, wheliscr il's doînatitons aI woîrk. unr surtise. h hing cIsL. We kntnw il s inmportant and we care, FiteBut. ee rarely sec whiere tise mnseny gaies or wisal îhey do meitis il, .so we're able lue keep a certaint b se distance belween onurselves and tise peoiple in loeneed. i :hink we like il tisaI way. Keeping it impner- ltsonal, 50 as not 10 remind ourselves isew fueilu' viale we .are and tisat il's possible tisaI we cînuld lie a as bad and an tise same situation a.s lisem. 0w, pass tise Tise key ais tisaI ticy're people. ls lois easy to forgel. unless yunu cosme face lus lace waish tisem. egie kids or Since Easîer Sunday. l'oc taken 10 parking lur- wn Toronto. tiser away from where I need 10 go, mehere I's cemned, wiso considerably cheaper. cily a black bnsîead aif keeping my eycir on tise sadew'alk, oose noîl 10 Ive been searcising tise creswds, lenoktng lanr tise ooctdn'l say same man, making sure I have moîney in my mone> for pesckel- heyond my parking tees. Il. A steauk sand% ich tia ke one persios tIe al tis squeegees ]fIie more taîterabte.n sîceptegiss in TisaIs tise lcast I u.aan don

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