4-The Canadian Champsion, Tuesday, April 24, 2001 TH COPRTO OF THE TOW OF MILTO F T Y : 8 7 8 1 6 5 8 7 8 - 72a 1 1 i ii d t a e a r n a l n Look for the new Milton Transit brochure in your maibox, detailing the Apnil 3Oth launch of expanded transit services. Changes include our DiAI:-Â-BuS service, witti a new, three-point regular collection schedule - at Carniage 081 l, Mko ê*#.d the Miton seniors' L Aç #y 1 n r . The Go ANo B cnAT lwsrr rbwowprMdsks supplemrental service for Ratepsytr of the Towes of Milton sit rended tisat the 2Md instailment of the lnteeint,'lbs Bill tedue on Apsil 301200l. If you requise information about taxes,- pleut contact the Cotposate Services Ma l3evetopmont ai (905) 878-7252, ext. 2393,8:30 am. to 4:30 p.. Monday ta, Friday. Ts paymettts muast bc received in the Corporate SerIces Office on or before the due date to avoid penalty. Dite Pey- moet charge of I 114% seill be ritnrged os tht fiant day Oif defanît and on tt ffas day of tarit catendar -nntis in whaith the defanît continues. Il is the respotssibility oif the ritepayer tu totur titat the taxes are paid by the dur date, even in the even tb Isast bill is atcit eoed as "taledý Taxes ay lie pad: a) By rnail 10 tie Corporate Services Tax Departeent, b) By phone if you batik witts Canada Trust, TD Batik CIBC, Royal Banik or Banik of Montrent. Pleure cati theas for detait. c) By using the mail deposît box I0 the teSt of the glass domr at Towns Hall. d) BetwSen the heouf 8:30 &.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Colpomne Serices Tas Depnrtmrent, Towns Hall. 43 Brown Street, Milton. (Cheque or moary orders preferred rather titan cash). Direct Debit 00w acrtpted. r) Pleut contact our office for delsils rrgarding tht "New" nSa-authorized tnt tiaymetit progran. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN to ait pesons ia possenion oif For informations of att proet wes the fotoine are desig- lad, ina ccordance seithitie Word Control Art R.O. 1990, tntrd as notiois werds 7inttT.oua oef ,Mitton: Bull Thistte Nodditg Tsste Cltaptrr W.5. Sections 3. 13, 14, 16 and 23 tat, ustets iterd Canada tisite Poison Hemtork tords and attisas tords growing on their lands tittsit tht Town Colts Foot Poison lvy of Milton are destroyed by tht date of lune 15th. 2001 and Cotmmest Biibers Rigwecd theougitot tIse season, the Totwn of Milton mnay enter upo'n aopa Btheor ScoeiMlState sutd lands and bave the weeds destroyed. citarging the rusts Raisoan lisse Soit Ttistle againa tht land ta tises as set ont in Tite Weed Contrit Art. Jobnsot Orata Goat's 5usrd Knapweed Velvetteaf lie co-openstion of anl property owenr is earnesty aolrtted. Tîiberous Vesritg Wild Carot Camplainta and iaqauies nsay be made by telMeplte te, the nain- Milkweed Leafy Speirge ber tisted below. Pleut nome titat dandelietts, burdock and gold- Progo Mille, Btack-teeded Yellosa teoret earod am not considered notions iteeda ittiin te Town of Conspîsinls and inqantiea ihould be directed to0 Milton soder the Word ConItol Art; titerefore, complanta con- Nin Dans Mie Phal ceraittg thtse weeds or any anSymyns roniplaints cannei be Wt p co iccpteti. Dated atdie Town of Milton tii 24dsddey of Apeil 2001. Helen LisiTown Clerk ltea Tutn of milton ta carrently arrepting amassas for die positions Develupisant Adrnustmtss litleti belote. Plaw nte dite tht positioa applying for Refer to our Puliy Plannas websuie for faillis detaili. Dreteopmesrt Revien Planuer ___ Pruperty Informsaton Olticet Cttstuaxer Servire ttstreieatave - Manninget We thank ait a1splicrnts for applytag however otty those seIn-ted tse Casiotm Serie Repesetave - Cuapurata Services De an interviewe wtt be rontarted. Tas Anatyt and Inspection e Spring Tune-Ups e Tires e Shocks e Springs e Brakes GETTING ABOUT TOWN WITH MILTON TRANSIT Milton Transit Introduces Service Expansion Aii sn To hep prouiigthe lt of your tires... ROTATE & ELECTRONIC q i BALANCE Ask about a front whool alignment It's That lime 0f Year To Have 9 The Licensed Technicians at y Brian's Auto Repairs Wý» Service Your Vehicle For CLEAN The Warmer Months Ahead. &cedaire Teslty Cooling System Flush e Safety Checks a - --