145 rieneral l-toip Wanted IC I The Regionai Munîcipatîty of Haton, wîth a populatîoî regîon-wîde services in public ttealfh, social and Ci finance antd administ rative fuictîotrs to suppcrt these Two excitiog oppsftuoîties etisl for otgaoioed Comm supervise, select, trais aod tuatoate staff. Ynu ani ast polîcies and seroices retated Io childreo witb speci assurance of progremn oulcomes. To this end, pou fi Social Worh, teperleoco superuîsing staff and workio ptofessînna/s, and gond c/jo/cal and administrative s Please lorward veut fesmme, qootîog CampelîllonI by May 4, 2001, lu: Humant Ilesources, lTe Munîcîpality oI Haillon, 1151 Branle Road, Ontario, LBM 311. Fax: 905-825-4032. W www.reuîan.haftan.an.ca. Ile lhank ail candidates for tlteir înterest. fowever, seeted for an interview wlI be contocted J Currently seeking Kitchen Staff FullI and part lime positions ave/table. Apply in person 10: 243 Main Street East, Milton.. INSIDE SALESPERSON 551 Nqulpomet, lac., a caufacturer of Pipeline S/raîseîs and Values, /ocu/ed sn Boîtîrgion. Onturio requires a se//-mo/îuuled and experîenced insîde suies support persos. Cocmcatiulon uhd tac sup- port ure (2) bey fuctors at aî// Pt lookisg for Irons upp/îcunts. Compulti skiffs ure a cosl. olterested upplicasîs tshou/d cai/ hole rtsocts lu F0. Box 1831, c/o Burliiglos Post, 2321 Faîroîta SI., Burlînglos, Ontario L7R 2E3 ga Phas satls plane SMILING AT WORK? YOU BET!! Do yoa exjîîy workîxt wiîh chiîdren ad other people'? Are yos ouxîgoîng. enereti an reativeu Are pou seeking a mareer ith gituler fleuîbiliîy and growlb potential? If so. explore Ibis unique oppîîtnsîy wih CPI CORP operatixe the Scars Pirrail Studiois Iîicaled ai: Oakville Place Mail 240 Leighland Avenue Burlington Mapleview 900 Maple Avenue We have PART TIME POSITIONS available to handle a aide range of respussihililies uecludieg phuiography. sales and admxinistra- tive dunies. We offer; F ulIy paid, comprehensive training F un. flexible enniruemieni *Excellent adnoncement potentiel *SIrong commilmieni ix infernaI promotion A cesiomr service/retoil background woeld he helpful, but nul necessaiy. To leare more. APPLY IN PERSON TO THE SEARS PORTRAIT STUDIO AT: BURLINGTON MAPLEVIEW 900 MAPLE AVENUE IIURLINTON Mondoy April 23 & Tuesday April 24 10:00 am -12:Opm/ 2:00 - i00pm Portrait Studio www.cplcorp.con/carOOPa .ww.enoirn.rniareers 24brs/wk, Dope. perma- nent. Harris Slotioxery Lld. 182 Mois St. M/flox. Apply in person a/lb Re- suce lu Mi. Steve Bo- nis Tues-Sot. RPNIS required. VERY COMPETITIVE PAY RATE. For Ma/ero/ly Rolitf & Permanent F/T and P/T Vistamere Retirement Oakville (t905-847-11413 ar fax 847-1765 LOOKING for person w/fb leadership b/Ills wil/iisg le npeok in front of striait groupe. Muet bote own transports- t/ex. 1-877-332-2420 eceail reoume: daL RAINBOW Village Dap Core ix now oecepting registratioxs for May. Ages 18 monîbo lu S years. We boue baux p rou/ding quaIty cote and an eotty ieoming progrore s/nce 1989. 878-7552. RELIABLE Dapoare auoilable. Wilson & Woodward aiea. Pleosa caif 905-876-4978. EXPERIENCED dean- ixg lady availab/e. OuaI- itp cfeanînig. Reoson- oh/e rotes. Reterancas auailable. Cati Dabb/e sar 6 pcm, 875-2085. GARAGE SALE SEASON. Phase Or 876-2364 te book Tht Canadian Champion. Tuesday. April 24. 2001-29 160 160 160 160 If-n r- %of4 tt t-tCt r-iffr-cIOI 145 G r. r rrf "tep Wanted Administrative AssistantlReceptionist Ruevin Technîcal Peuple Ltd. is one of Canada's largeut lechnîcal emplopment agencîx. Pot are lookîng for someone w/lb excellent urganîzation- al, communication and computer ski/lu, tamîliar aîth MS Office, lu aork in our Mississauga head office prouidîng administrative support in a van- ety ut aclîvîties. For lurther information contact. Roevin Technicaî People Ltd. Fax: 905-826-5336 Email: dlamond@rean.sa CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVEIBILINGUAL Tas epporlexities ex/ut for individuels 10 juin tht Indus/eil Chemicals and Sofuents Division et Ashfond Canada Corp. in tht rele nf Customer Service Representativel Bîllngual. We are leekinq for mature, self-motivoîed, enîhusiastic indîviduals te je/n est team. Tht individeals MUST speak French os their t/rot fant- guage. They MUST haue strung computer skiffs jknewfedge ot SAP weald be an asset) and sbould bave a Business degree as wetl as 31 So yerswrk experiexce in e teot-paceil office environcent, preferably in the Choc/cal f odusty. We otter a cncpeitive seleri and a comprehen- s/se benetît prugram. Axpene wishing lu apply shoxld mail or fao a resume and e short cover letter. Pleese respxnd to. Castemer Sopprt Masapo ,M O b Ashland Coneila Carli. A ha d 2M2 Royali Wledsor Or. Wq M F Mînufla, ON 115.1 4E7 Fax: 9U5-823-002 A/il applications vetO Io bt received vo taler than May 3t, 2001 ACCOUNTING CLERK Fuît-t/me, report to Accounting Administrator. Data input, A/1, payroll, reconcitiations. Sp= re eet, AccPac ex perience Fax resume ta: 905-639-7955 EXPERIENCED n; WEEKEND __.._._ HOSTESS/HO0ST MIFor customn new home davel- p e r s o ni - public; New home sales knowtedge would 145 145 145 Help Wanted "-ep Wanted Hlp Wanted LIFEGUARDS PFL chfers Peut aages uit pools nBramptur, MiusissauIga, and GTA. 416-213-01 ut PPL offers certication LOCAL lumber dîstrihu- rof 360,00and growing, is reuponsîhfe for prnvidîng lion centre requîtes smmonifyi services, planning and poblic works, wifP txptriesced tacher loaders aîth extensive progracu lit truck expenience. Fao usicafors abs are ableto1 provîde tac leadership /o resuce lu 905-876- ft ins/ht deve/opcienl and împîtcesîaî on ut prograc 20 at seeds, up Io 12 purts of age, and tosure quaI ity /PIANO Moner requires Lisf posseos a degre sn Fsychofogp, Chî/d Studits or strong, neat, responsi- aîlhcom/eoamI/es sd ulfdîsîp/îarytac 0f b/e individual Tues-Sol. g wlh ompex amilesandmufidicipinay tamslot FF/PTI Start $10/ir Cxii kilts. Profîcîencp in MS Office Suite is an assel. J/c (905)878-6597 MLL'3 Working Harder ro etay #1 Boamm4 71147211 1991 Buîck Regal Cus- 1JE& toc tulfy loadad as. con- A T dition, nu rust, aa/l l A'-Âý caintaixad, ce/lit/ad, a-&lu lestad, 143000 km. SALES &LEASUI $4200 905-878-3071. NW&UE 410 STEELES AVE. Makie ut A FAMILY BUSINESS RIC H RDSON WITH FAMILY VALUES nN LARGEST SELECTO OF0 To leose or purchase 875-2277 pour cor or truck Hep 25 S aI I3erryR 878-2393 GO GREEN TrHI5 WEEK, RECYCLEI -1 ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT If pou have a minimum ut 12 months tînancial serviceslmutual tunds administration euperi- ence, have an excellent protessional style oI communîcatîng wîth clients and a workîng knowledge ot word processîng and spread- sheet applications, we would like to dîscus yoar future wîth us. This position wîIl provîde administrative support tor a Fînancial Planner and provîde receplion duties tor dur bush office. Accountabîlîties wîll include reception dulies, lime/y, accurate pro- cessîng ut clients tînanicial transactions as int- ated by Fînancial Planner: excellent fo110w-up processes and schedulîng of appoînîmentu. Please reply, ivi wrîtîng wîth pour resume t10 Donaîdsan Financial Group 101 - 310 Main St. E. Milton, ON, ILST 1P4 or Fax: 9054875-3574 e thart ail aAWAican advanco for lheireiteret, howeoor offiy tos applieans sulecied for an inviei li ho cuviacieil OFFICE HELP - MILTON Part-time, general office clerical, compluter data entry skiflas required. Flexible hours. Fax 905-693-9475 Attention Brenda bcampbell@peellumber.com requrefor arasd Realm ae a i c ar cisis uit nl hew exptrîuoce WIII la. Kn aaru/hoaîcsE &I Tehîfiew Ceiie amet Mstae knary o teCoMveyn & Miroof WH Io rAd. lserseek fa enertîc Hled& trwartsss tant ) 607prann, u0t2epsiin2 h latt voura Resoue l htatet CoEre Teiechd Hom Hth Counr Setembar.51 Reea oSuior posi 058710',fo ietions)wI eacpe nlMy4h S and o a fP -Iee flelo s h o 2439 ent S ida Rd.oye Cmb.ivIIIebr Ont LeroP 1 a xpeic 54445 1SS-103, Regaonal OakvII le, tub sile: on/y those PRINTING COUNTER SALESPERSON required for sauî prnhng centre locatad in Oakviîle. MuaI have a plesant personaity, knowîedga of prnhng and/or graphicartn ix an lassat. This ix a chatlenging and inter- eating position for an organized person. Fax resume: (905) 842-3864 or email to kkpoak@on.aibn.com $SI Eq.iauas lac, a /eader on tht casufacturing ut ufraîners, pressure uxosels and pîpîng compos- ets , bau iccediate openîngo for: Tht succesoful candidate wîl/ have expetiesce le/iso out omaîl (/ess theu 3ht dia.f pressure vesstîs wîth multiple nozîts ahite îeng profîcîtot iv Plueprint readiog und tht ose ut ctassrisg devîces. TSSA CERTIFIED WELDER'S Vie require TSSA certitied eder's aîth topetience aotkîsg us carbos and staîsîtos stetîs uusg GMAW, FCAW and T/G atldiog processes. Eoperitoce aîth bluepriol readiog and semi-autncaîc rofat/os aeld pusifiosets is rtquired. Sf offers colpetitiot wagts. compost hesetits and a c/tas, sale worbisg eouîronmesf. lntetested candi- dates shuuld suhcîf boitr resumes hy lax to U5-333-23 No phase sais piume JOC.S Tanks & Rapaîrs Cleaners toc. Subeeliaiy ut Trem- Pot Milio foo car xnc. Senrice Manag- posnces plant et licenxad Imaiter nie- *Top Wagaexceet chanic would be a defi- hoehtts must ho able file asset to supervise to 0 r axilortS sapet- 1 our team for a staixless vision. Pull training 1steel tank traiter repair provided. shnp. Knowledge ot tPIYI Pet5ot la at/eding a/so baneticial. Otant Prexh otods ilContact. J.C. Robillard. 2705 Duanote Wày Phone 519-650-1440 Miteo P ao 519-650-1650. MANAGER TRAINEES North Ainria's targest choix of party supply superstores wib user 45/t locations is continx- îxg lu espaad. We are seekîxg a hard workixg & amixhiixs Manager Traîxee whu is toukint for a career uppuriaxity in a grninix coipaxy in ur Barîingion Store. Candidates wîit bc keen lu, advance in a fast paced enuironotexi & hase mass inerehandise or bardtine reiaixg espenience. aoîn the party ai Party Ciy! Fax your resaixe 10 905-829-5827 Attention: Chris or emaîl pur resaxie in lexi fonmat unty lu: cancers @pai yciiy.ca PARTS DISMANTLERS Recluired for local auto recycler. We wiît train. Must speak Eng- tish and be enthusiastic and en- ergetic. Cati 905-877-6226 1 Il