28-The Canadran Champion, Tuenday, Aprit 24. 2001 CLASSIFIED MONDAY TO FRIDAY Classified Ads Classified HOURS BONUS!' 900AM 500PM appear at... VOUa CLAS5IFIED KOTLINE 875-3300 www.nidtonca www.miItoncanadiaflCharflPiOfl~OOm lii I I a BIRTHDAY BIRTH DAY GIANT ANNUAL CRA1"T SAlE Count yourselt vasa teaef member 0f CavadaS feadma sportino OVER 120 TABLES goods refafler me Pofoani Sroup Lfd operafes 0001 300 corporafe ami franchise stores across Canaiia-and aere stili grooms Look what hap ans Fond aird Besceages asailahk Sport Chek n SAiCOILLE TOWN CENTRE iscurrenfîs recruififlg for rnggg u are corJiatI~,i Arts & Craflu frvm acrvss Oniano CEAS CASHER when YOU lUrfl ~I1u. CHILDREN FREE Tire soccensful appuyant shoufd have prevrous cash aira/or netail eoperanct anrt 10 an - 4 pm a strong intemot n sports Tour ainning attitude wrli sAine fhrough artS your Happy Ulrthday Judy etîtO pttenaf an i, Houas. APRIL 28 & 29 excephonvl customef service skiffs avd ail f plan a key ivre as part 0f a renuif s 215 Ontarie StriaI Sosath, Mîlton, Ontarto onented sales team tue. Ail proceeds goto E C. Druty Hîgir School To coont yoursef nos ove of ove veaehf team players, Ocliven yovr asovre or .. .. ~ n~,. nu-h vo an aoiolicatiorr toms ai f50 foilvi5rvt location i ecanoropo ioi~anuiini..'.T~.~ PRINCE, Ryan Sebasiman, 6 lAs 9 oz., arnved sale and sound on ApirI 8, 2001 at the Grand River Hospital, Kitchener Proud parents are Jamie Pnnce (formerfi 0f Milton) and Stacy Rochz 0f Waterf os. Fient grandchîld for Guy Peinoe (wîfe Cathy) anît Deborah Rosai (bus- baird John), aU 0f Mîlton and John and Launna Do Rocha nI Fait River, Masoachusattt. Fimt groatgrandoon for Raymondo Peinco 0f WakefioldOoobOC and fient greolgrandchild for Bilt and SAttoy Atlon of Elobicoke. Also celobrat- ing Ryans birlh are ancIen Simos, Connor aird Androw Fdoco, as well as many, many cousins, aunto and oncles/I JIm awaun 190 Ontarlo St., Mîltoni 8784522 MonumentS MaiItem * Bronze Markers CemeterY Lottenng i I S Il Pav/ROh/029-SO3S fro~i»- 7.30-9:30 AUCTION SALE THURS. APRIL 26th at 5 p.m. 'Fart~j- of for Me. J.D. Caldie of Georjetown To be hetd ah Humes Auction Farm, 8 I '~'~ 9313 4th lino, 3 miles northeast of Mii- CONTENTS SALE ÇBest iJ4/j3/~y ptI~ ton to include, turniture, appîsances. Owners moving overseas glass, china, collectibles. Sun AprIl 29t1r hem noon Sherwood & Cordon Hume, Aucioneers Mon. Apeli 3Oth irom 10 a.m. 905-878-4878 Fax: 905-878-7647 Carefree Mini Storage Emari: humeauctîon@WWdh.org Unit 64191 MoGeacitto De. AUCTION SALE 416-444-5817 Sunday, Aprîl 29, 2001 at 10:30 A.M. - __ St. Claire Masonic Hall MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALES 6321 Hwy 25 S. ai Milton Brookville Estatea A sp.eIml tiianii peu te iiiy wlfe (Bolmeen Derry & Britannia Rd.) APRIL 28r 8 AM - i PM Jmckte, imugiit.r Vuaren .~i Sale conoinling 0f Furnilure, Glans, China, Guelph une, North ai 15 Sideraad. sn-tn-lmuai Bruce fer plmnnuatg Primilivon, Cotieclibten and Houoohold llems. * DOHERTYS AUCTION SERVICE miii mrrmnghtg a 756h Birtliimy. 908-878-9802 9088543577 RUMMAGE SALE Pmrty fer nie. Ais., tiimuk pOU AUCTIONEER: PATRICK A. DOHERTY Calholic Wamena League t. tii. marnai friands miii relu- Saturday April 28,8 arn - 12 noon Uvas for tii5tr gtfts, Cmris Uni Holy Roaaty Chuech Hall, 139 Martin Sîreet pra pers miii tiietr mtt.numhic* Donalînon accepted on Frîday Apvl 27, 8 - 8 611.8 li.lpei mmii. 6h. ul~p s. î COME afld help colo- SCOOTERS for fAo braIe John Lîghetle 0f PhySiCally challevged maunermbla. Acton SOtS Birthday' aI (For Sale/Leane) Some Cmriimn Gmuii.r Ihe Aclon Le g ion used available. Coi * - - - - ;~-/-c~~. - T (Louvge).SondOyAPrU Scooter Jim, 1-800-850 200h. Open Hoose: 1- 3012. - w. weuli m~Zgj~ avarpenii~ &30 p.m. Beof Wioheo ~no~ Repamng EARLY BIRD SPECIAL fer mttanuunl .ur 50611 Synterlsn wîth pro 20 Il Kayak Pcnols w/deck and Icote, AnuiVdsmip. W* Uidunli m150 lihi ~ ~ lîmîîcd quanlîties $4995 1)0 tnstalled, * te tiiunh .v.rpena mii. leulpei BEREAVEMENT sui~- grammîvg $75. Pro 25 year warranly nimiia tus dmp se spaciml, mai PORT. A Bereavemeri ~ ~ (416) 798-7509 1-800-668-7564 * ~ Cen Krmnts fer ceauna ~ Soppori Self Help $100. CatI 416-991- h.. sp.clmI p aantatlen. ~.. Group will bogie the firnt 2761 or 905-867-7277. A spaclml tiimah-peU te .nr more intonvatino or 10 J.mn Yen., Urpmn - regioter PleaSe catI. dmnShter 50ii -877-1211 before Patter mai fmniillas fer mli tiidr .. May DISTRIBUTORS S.~.ainve - -~ anti related tlyers 3 urnes weekly Ir - OUNK Bedo îrom Orale INTERNET Dakville. Ideal partilme opportunht~ Store. Perfect condition ta make extra cash. $500. 0.0 G. 905-876- USERS seniors! home makers! boys anc - CARPET I have noveraI Un)imîtod Acceso girls, il you love outdoors, meetinci 1,000 yrds St new only $1 5.95, groat ~ exorcise anti money, aismaster & 100% ni- Please Caîl Su 905-469-1409 ANNUAL MEETING ~n carpet 00111 do living- local service and The Annual Meeting of the room & hall $349 or 905416-5388 Milton Evergreen Cemetery cloden carnet, pad & 10 support t rom stallatuon (30 yards) INTELVAC - GEORGETOWN Board of DireotorS Steve, 905-639-2902 SURF THE NET. we are currenîîy seeierng wiII be held ai DIRECTV Systems.' 2 TECHNICIANS, 1! Wittr vîrgîn HO Card. 905-873-2602 Capable 0f in houSe asoembty atonç Hugh Foster Hall Caîl Meghav 905- wilh iield service work. Dulies witt n Cludo Electrîcal Mechanîcal As MAPLE Kîtchen set aembly Areas of nleresl are mach ni $40 obo: IKEA war- w Oh PLC a W ndows graph Ca n are invited to attend- drobe wrth matchiftg \t1e'~7 sîrumenlat on and cad Salary rang bed table $50; Mirent ~ $30 000 $35 000 per year ferment Rights HolderS I boolglaoa cotee table aiolomaliOn inClud ng programm n( or more information Cail 46o2'5" $35, NOW Pissa. iubmlt r.sumei te 905-875-1404 counter top stase unit F'LEA5E brlew.@tatelWàC cern $250 obo, Oak canon- RECYCLE 1er/bar, boni ofler, Brasa tire acreen anît tanin THI5 GREENTHI5 WEEK. KECYCLEI 540. Cat 905-854-1412. I'AF'ER r oniy Ihose chosen toron ieigrovp com M 0W - H AW 1< Landscaping. Total yard maintenance Rokîng, Cultîng, Weeding, ete, etc. Ca/I Fred or Lor~r 905-399-6190 - Fr0 905-864-9098- Larry. ASSISTANCE neodod n readîng and math program Four houes per weok. Eoporronco erth chîldeon Reoume requîrod Milton area 416-818-4288 CHEF Domenîc s over bookod Requiro kîtchen hoîF immediolely Bus boys/bus girls 510/hf f0 start Ca/I Domenîc 905- 876-0499 DISTRESSED? Burnod sut? Drscouraged2 Georgetoan tam/y I coun00lOr wants f0 ho/p 3 weeks 10 a more loy- Sos you - or dont payf Lots talir Lyne McKin- non 905-702-4057. DRIVER required to penn/de a dohvory Sots- ce for local flower sAop. inctudes doliserios tour- ban and rural Mîlton. Suitablo for stay aI home parent or senfri- rotîrod itTdiniduOl. Momîngshift or fuît day ovaîlablo For reforma- tins caîl Kîm 905-878- EXPERIENCEO groom- er wanteei for rotaîl pet fond store Fan resuffle o Glosai Pot Fonds, Mîhon 905 878-9808 FREE traînîng Dyne 4 Us. Schocl Bus Drmnefs Wanted Colt 905-877- 4448 Laîdlaw s an equal opporfunity com- pany. FULL lime tond plant sanitation workors noedod Salaty based on eu<~enotTcO. Worts o~ or 416-885-9711. FIJLLTIME poonhon n woodwoelong sirop. Job noM includa delineiy I topbatenGTAkiSOWI- edge an asset. Muai peosedednve~S ab- do- ~ E